Extended Description: "Famous Last Words" by Tom Torpy

2017-08-06 - Tom Torpy - "Famous Last Words" - Detailed Description

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Thanks for coming to this page. There was just not enough space in the file listing to do this very special lesson justice. 

In the lesson, Tom mentions the "Famous Last Words" of some well-known people. Included were some actors & performers in our lives. The lesson focuses on Jesus' parting words, as well as seven important statements of Jesus; which are:

1 - "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." because we're not sure those crucifying him truly knew what they were doing. Tom explores this in some detail.

2 - The fact that there were two others on the crosses beside him. Tom tells about what crucifixion was reserved for... and Jesus forgiving the one man who had never been baptized etc which as a result resulted in a great debate as time went by. The point is, though, Jesus can do -anything- He wanted to, for He was God. The forgiven one watched the manner in which Jesus faced his death... and asked to be remembered when Jesus came in his kingdom. And Jesus said to him, "Today you will be with me in Paradise."

Sidebar: A man who was on Death Row in prison was asked what it was like to be on "Death Row" - the man said that in a manner of speaking we are ALL on Death Row. None of us know

3 - Jesus saw John and Mary, and said "Woman, behold your son" and to John 'behold your mother' so to establish that both would be taken care of. Tom goes into an exploration of the relationship between Mary and Jesus, and appointed John to take care of his mother... no doubt sensing what pain she

4 - "I am thirsty..." - perhaps the one and only time that Jesus actually asked for anything FOR HIMSELF. Tom suspects this was due the dehydration of sweat and blood loss that Jesus underwent during his torment.

5 - "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me..." (Psalm 22) At first, this seems to be a negative statement, but on further investigation and discussion, it's really a positive thing. Listen to this part carefully, as Tom explores "God being separated from God." Its quite interesting.

6 - When all was done, the power of Satan was destroyed. Jesus speaks a word that sounds like "tell-ess-tie" (not sure how to spell that) that means "all is finished" such as when someone has a contract of things to fulfill to complete an agreement - He had done so when he spoke that word. (If anyone knows what that word is, please let me know).

7 - "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." The one thing that all Christians would like to be their own last words when they die.

I've only listed some of the main points of the lesson here. I am convinced that if you listen to it your life will be blessed by it, as this lesson is truly special.