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Inspirational Gems for Each Day -- VOLUME 7.

                 Written by Marilee Miller

Copyright (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller.


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See the complete archive of 365 thoughtful Christian devotionals -- Gems -- at:

Scripture texts are from the King James Version.


There is a Savior:
He is my victory,
Completion of life-story,
Holy One, Mystery,
Coming in Majesty.
He is my Lord.

There is a Savior:
If I would be whole,
I dare not miss his goal;
He is my Lord.

There is a Savior:
His name is wonderful;
His blessings are bountiful;
Hope is in him, ever full;
He is beautiful,
His love is overfull.
Jesus, My Lord.

            "...Blessed be the King that   
       cometh in the name of the Lord:
       peace in heaven, and glory in the
       highest."   (Luke 19:38)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


     "Now unto him who is able to do
exceeding abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to the power that
worketh in us,
     "Unto him be glory in the church by
Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world
without end.  Amen."   (Eph. 3:20-21 KJV)

     I have fallen much short of understanding
how our great and mighty our God is.  Truly,
 he is a God of strength and power!  (In fact,
I didn't realize just how limited my scope of
him had become, until I looked up the key
words in the fullness of their original meanings.)
An expanded paraphrase of the Scripture from
Ephesians helps me glimpse more of the
incredible Lord I should be believing in, and

     "Out of his full might, God works on and
on (in and for and around me).  His continual
indwelling presence and his own ability infuse
and permeate me in ways I don't even know
how to grasp: indeed, he exceeds all my highest

     "He is my heavenly completion!  Every-
thing I have, observe, love, or will ever
accomplish, comes into being by his incredible
motive power.  I am overwhelmed by his
excellence, and all the glory of his promises,
that he pours over me over and over again.

     "I can never understand enough to ask,
or even beg outright, for anything more that I
might possibly need.  For is he not already the
satisfier of all my godly cravings and desires:
of everything I require?

     "I can't comprehend, or even know about,
the wonder-working power he exercises on my
behalf.  How can a mere human understand?
He causes supernatural miracles to happen in
my life, mighty wonderful works that come
from his might and strength alone.  About all I
can say is: he is effectual, fervent, and powerful
in everything he does to help me.  His good
work never stops!

     "He has such a high reputation, surely I
must give him all respect, my praise, my life,
and my worship.  Ah, to think he allows me to
be a part of his great 'calling out' in the Christian
community!  (It's all because of his gift to me
of Christ Jesus, not that I'm anything special in
my own self.)  I'm a part of his ongoing work
throughout history.  May God's Creation Power
that formed the world, and his Resurrection
Power that raised Christ from the dead, go
right on working in me -- and in all of his
world -- for ever and ever and ever.

     "Now what I've said is the real truth about
my miraculous God!  Amen."       
   (Eph. 3:20-21  MM amplified paraphrase)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


"I am the bread of life," says Jesus.

Bread: Life-giving nourishment.
Something we need to feed us.
Something we can't live without.
Lord, give us yourself to fill us up:
We don't want to be empty inside
                      any longer;
We don't want to feel unsatisfied.
Give us your own bread to eat,
        that satisfies forever.

            "Give us this day our daily    
       bread."   (Matt. 6:11)

            "And Jesus said unto them, I   
       am the bread of life: he that
       cometh to me shall never hunger;
       and he that believeth on me shall
       never thirst."   (John 6:35)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


I will make a way for my people,
           says the Lord;
I will make a way for those who dedicate   
       their lives to me.
For those who want to be serious about
following the Lord and worshipping me,
I will make a way through the wilderness,
I will make a way in deserts' hot,
           parched lands;
I will make a way along stormy paths,
And help you pass clear high mountain
streams too wide to cross.

But you must follow me, and dedicate
      your hearts to me.
And then I will go forth for you,
And lead you, holding your hand.
I will make a way.

            "Thus saith the Lord, thy      
       Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; 
       I am the Lord thy God which         
       teachest thee to profit, which
       leadeth thee by the way that thou
       shouldst go."   (Isa. 48:17)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


Afraid.  Afraid?
Yes, afraid -- because I hurt too much.
            because I've lost too much.
But though God's pattern I fail to
He goes on keeping me, just the way he

Weary.  Weary?
Yes, too weary  -- how can I go on?
            will I ever have "won"?
Yet thankful that he still enables me
to stand.
And that he leads me, ever, by his
righteous hand.

            " ...The God in whose hand thy
       breath is, and whose are all thy
       ways..."   (Dan. 5:23c)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


     Much is happening in America.  Many
things are hurting our people.  There has
been a turning away from Christian thought
and values.  Everywhere, one sees
heartache, trouble, or lawlessness.

     Has God forgotten his people?  Or
have his people forgotten him?  God will
never forget those who turn to him, who
run to him and ask to be helped.  But he
will hold accountable those who refuse to
hear his voice.

     Let us pray for America.  Let us
rejoice that while there is one prayer
left to go up, there is hope going up. 
Hope for change.  Help in time of need.

            "This poor man cried, and the  
      Lord heard him, and saved him out    
      of all his troubles.
            "The angel of the Lord         
       encampeth round about them that
       fear him, and deliver them.
            "O fear the Lord, ye his       
       saints: for there is no want to
       them that fear him.
            "The young lions do lack, and  
       suffer hunger: but they that seek
       the Lord shall not want for any
       good thing.
            "Come, ye children, hearken    
       unto me: I will teach you the fear
       of the Lord.
            "Depart from evil, and do      
       good; seek peace and pursue it.
            "The Lord redeemeth the soul   
       of his servants: and none that
       trust in him shall be desolate."
          (Ps. 34:6-7,9-11,14,22)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


Who is the Lord?
He is strong!
He has implanted his image
     on the minds and hearts of humans.
He has called them to serve him.
Many have turned away.
But the few, the few who have come,
            he will use.
And he will choose
To do right.
"Many are the afflictions of the
righteous, but the Lord delivers out of
all."  (Ps. 34:19)

            "But the Lord is the true God,
       he is the living God, and an ever-
       lasting king... "   (Jer. 10:10a)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


Living stones, made without hands,
A people dedicated to serve the Lord.
That is what we are called by him to be;
May we in all humility
Become his living stones
As we drink the living water
And feed on living bread,
Forward to meet with our
Holy, Mighty Lord.

            "...If so be ye have tasted 
       that the Lord is gracious.
            "To whom coming, as unto a     
       living stone, disavowed indeed of
       men, but chosen of God, and
            "Ye also, as lively stones,    
       are built up a spiritual house,...  
       to offer up spiritual sacrifices,   
       acceptable to God by Jesus Christ."
          (I Pet. 2:3-5)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


When walls surround me and troubles loom
So I fear I cannot see the face or reason
of God,
Oh give me grace, my precious Word, my
precious Lord,
And make me to see the shining of your
face for me.

            "The Lord bless thee and keep  
            "The Lord make his face shine
       upon thee, and be gracious unto
            "The Lord lift up his
       countenance upon thee, and give
       thee peace."   (Nu. 6:24-26)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


When troubles strike and my head bows low
to grief,
My strength is gone and I know not who I
am to be,
When I feel inadequate, almost beyond
merest belief
In you, oh God, then may I come to lean on
Trusting to your faithfulness as my
As I cast my cares upon the One who cares
for me.

            "Know therefore that the Lord
       thy God, he is God, the faithful
       God, which keepeth covenant with
       them that love him..."  (Deut.7:9)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


Lord, now come forth with glory,
With a thousand alleluias,
For all the angels in the heavens
Are yours to command.
Now bring forth peace out of
         tension and upset;
Cause the living Word to go forth.

            "For behold, the Lord cometh   
       forth out of his place, and will come
       down, and tread upon the high
       places of the earth."  (Mic. 1:3)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   

12.  A PART

God's army is on the move.
Oh, let me be part of it.
Though my body seems broken,
            and my mind in toil,
And I cannot find the strength
         to go on: such turmoil!,
Yet you, Lord, are here; we do praise;
On our knees, our voices we raise.
That your word may go forth,
And your army may march,
And stand upright on guided feet:
No more bloodied and bowed
Or cowed,
But delivered,
Hinrances severed,
Your people restored and recovered:
And holiness proclaimed to the Lord.

            "...Ye shall be sorrowful, but
       your sorrow shall be turned into 
       joy."   (John 16:20b)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


Roar, lion of Judah;
      come forth, oh King of Glory!
Deliver the captives in bondage,
Those who are made to serve
             in hard servitude.
There are many who cannot
           help themselves:
They do not know which way to go.
Roar for them, and set them free,
And teach them that there is deliverance,
And help for them, and
               there is a way to go.
That there is a love that never fails
Even though their hearts seems wounded
And their way seems pained and slow.

            "And Jesus said, Go thy way:   
       thy faith has made thee whole.
       And immediately he...followed
       Jesus..."   (Mk. 10:52)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


A great blue heron (not so very blue, but
    a muddy sort of gray -- no pride!)
  perches on a log in flowing river wide.
But, wait!  The log is moving!
Why, how clever --
That heron has hitched a ride
       on moving log on river wide.
But, wait!  The story goes on further.
For the log, I now see,
            is hitched to a raft;
A tug is pulling that raft
            down flowing river wide.

Oh, heron, do you not heed
                   that noisy tug?
Do you not mind hitching a ride
    on man's-industry "boat",
                    a raft so wide?
You stand there erect
           and let the river "take you",
And you lift not stilted leg
                   to walk, nor bow
   to catch a fish, or hide.
But like a little lord surveying
                all a kingdom,
You simply stand, and let
           the log raft do the work,
   and along you go, upon
                the flowing river wide.

Lord, I place my life in your river flow;
Carry me as securely as
                      heron's river ride;
May I not mind the currents or noise,
But rest within your arms:
                       your love is wide.

            "And it shall come to pass in  
       that day, that the mountains shall
       drop down new wine, and the hills
       shall flow with milk, and all the
       rivers of Judah shall flow with
       waters, and a fountain shall come
       forth of the house of the Lord,
       and shall water the valley of
       Shittim."   (Joel 3:18)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   


     My thoughts turn at this time to the
human suffering in the world, to the cries
for mercy and help and protection.  So
many needs! So  many helpless persons.  I
am completely overwhelmed!

     Lord, help me to understand, and
trust you further, and seek your way. 
Lord, please hear your children's cries. 
Thank you that there is so much hope for
me, for all of us, because you are exactly
who you say you are.  Your help is fine
and good and true.  Oh, how I depend on

            "And God is able to make all   
       grace abound towards you:  that
       ye, always having all sufficiency
       in all things, may abound to every
       good work..."   (II Cor. 9:8)
 (c) 1995 & 2009 by Marilee Miller   
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