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COVID-19 Church Service Videos |
MP-4 Video |
Below are church services on MP4 VIDEO due to the COVID-19 crisis. Lessons, songs,
communion, etc.
Courtesy of the North Bend Church of Christ in North Bend, Oregon USA
The Humble
Heart Of God 1/24/21 |
VIDEO SERVICE: (Bryan Johnston) Proverbs 4:23 Matthew shares Jesus’
Sermon on the Mount which instructs his followers to check their hearts.
Obedience to living the way of Jesus starts in the heart. Our desires,
motivations, and worldview begins with a heart that is humble, pure, and fully
devoted to God. Click yellow link for scripture → (Matthew
(Courtesy of |
Repent: Flesh
and Spirit 1/17/21 |
VIDEO SERVICE: (Bryan Johnston) Matthew (3-4) continues to answer the
question of who is Jesus in chapter 3. At his baptism he receives the Holy
Spirit and God says, “This is my Son, whom I love, with him I and well pleased.”
For Christians and Non-Christians alike, we are called to choose the life of
spirit over the flesh. We are to live as obedient disciples of God and followers
of Jesus. Seek first his kingdom, be a disciple, live in fellowship. Scripture
here →
3-4) |
Fulfilled - 1/10/21 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston -Matthew wrote his account of the life and
teaching of Jesus to convince and encourage both new Jewish Christians and
non-believers to both put their faith in Jesus as Messiah and to set their will
on live in obedience to the life and teachings of Jesus. Matthew starts with a
genealogy and a narrative of Jesus birth and the days that followed showing that
he is in the rightful Davidic King and in the family of God through Abraham. He
is the perfect and complete King and Savior. He is the one of whom the prophets
spoke of. He is the fulfillment. There is no one else. Are you convinced? |
""Seek Ye
First..." 01/03/21 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - (Matthew 6:25-34) We have gone through many
trials and challenges last year but they have also brought us new opportunities
and perspectives. As we enter this new year do not be afraid or worried, put
your trust in God. Let us embrace the challenges and go through the storms.
There are many things you desire but seek God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit first. |
God Is Not
Afraid 12/27/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Norm Russell - A powerful lesson by Norm Russell is
featured in this video church service. A more detailed description coming soon.
Norm is a masterful preacher with a tremendous depth of knowledge, and I am sure
you will enjoy this lesson. Especially good for folks who feel their faith is
growing weak and need help rebuilding it. |
The Gift -
Christ Is Born! 12/20/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - The Gift: Christ Is Born - Lesson
based on the birth of Christ and how it came to be as well as detailed
information surrounding the subject. More complete description coming soon.
Contains lots of singing of traditional Christmas hymns! |
Peace Be With
You 12/13/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - The Holy Spirit is Gods working
presence in the world bringing peace on earth. Mary asked, *How will this be?*
when told that the Savior will come to the world through her virgin life. As
people of faith and hope we may ask how will life get better from where are
today to that life God promises. |
And Joy 12/06/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - The Pastoral Presence of God through
his message to Mary and Joseph is one of comfort and joy. God has found favor
with them and is with them. God is including them in the coming of the Lord,
Savior, and King. God shepherds them in his care and in his plan to reconcile
all of us. |
Give Thanks
Always 11/29/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - *Paul is thankful for the work,
labor, and endurance of the believers in Thessalonica. We are encouraged to grow
in faith, love, and hope in our imitation of Christ giving thanks for all that
have in him. Our thanks is shown in our service and humility giving thanks in
all circumstances.* |
Living 11/22/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Having thankful thinking leads to
thankful living. Our lives become Christ. Our lives are worthy of the gospel
when we are bearing fruit, living at peace, and letting love rule. In a world of
lies, deceit, & ungodliness we are to be compassionate, kind, gentle, patient,
forgiving, and bearing with one another, doing everything in the name of the
Lord giving thanks. |
Thinking 11/15/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston- Paul, thankful for the faith and love of
the saints in Philippi praying that they abound in knowledge and depth of
insight. He is able to maintain great joy because of his single-mindedness on
Christ. His mind is submitted, surrendered, and secure in the Lord. Paul
encourages them to have the same attitude of Christ, to rejoice in the Lord, and
pray to God. Phillipians 1:3-11 |
Wise Worship
11/08/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - *We are continuing our Give Thanks series
Paul is thankful for the faith and love of the saints in Ephesus asking that
they receive a Spirit of wisdom. It is wise to draw near to God in thanksgiving,
falling before him in praise, giving your life as a sacrifice for him. Praise
God for the Spirit that dwells in us. Saying yes to God by giving thanks is a
wise way to live |
Gospel 11/01/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - God has graciously blessed use with
everything we need for life and righteousness so that we can generously give to
others out of the overflow of our gratitude. This sharing of good news will lead
others to express praise and gratitude to God. This is the cycle of the
gratitude gospel. Give thanks! |
With God 10/25/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Our lives are messy and our sin separates us
from God, but God has a way for us to become clean and have fellowship with him
and that is truly special - and sacrificial. Jesus shows up in the mess of our
lives ready to make us clean. Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? |
Stay Close To
God - 10/18/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - God wants to stay close to his people and his
people to stay close to him, God gives us a way to live to keep him close. God
gives his laws as a test and an opportunity for us to choose to love him and
love others. How is your time with God? Still close or has something come
between you and God? If it has, it's time to fix it. |
Ready 10/11/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - God hears the cries of his people and will
rescue and deliver his people from evil. God uses Moses, compels Pharaoh with
his mighty hand, and elicits the obedience and fear of his people Israel through
the plagues. Be ready through God’s redemptive plan which is the same for all
people is available through belief and obedience to Jesus. Are you prepared?* |
A Test Of The
Heart 10/4/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - God continues his redemptive moves in the
world as we follow the faith journey of Abram. Despite their flawed human
effort, Abraham and Sarah give birth to a son named Isaac. God then tests
Abraham’s heart to see if he truly fears him by asking him to offer his son as a
sacrifice and Abraham would have done it, but God spared him. How will you show
God that you truly fear him? What is he calling you to sacrifice? |
Leave And Go -
9/27/20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Leave and Go - A Calling To Repent* By Bryan
Johnston. In a world of trouble it’s time to repent. As the Lord called Abram to
leave and go, he is calling us to repent and obey. As he blessed Abram to bless
all the people of the world, he is wanting to bless the world through you. |
Not Alone
In My Depression 09-13-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Depression is felt as a result of loss. It is
expressed in prolonged sadness and the lack of interest in life. Good thing we
are not alone in our depression. We can love God despite our troubled heart. God
will meet you in your depression leading you to joy. Let’s walk with one
another! |
Depend On God
08-30-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - God is the giver of life offering humanity
the choice of relationship and dependence on him. Temptation and evil enter the
desires of creation. Humanity has to choose the worship of God or the worship of
the created things and self. God is loving, gracious, and patient. Learn of his
love. |
Without Shame
- 08-23-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - God is personally and intimately involved
with the creation of man. The Lord God gives life, offers relationship, and
provides help. The choice is dependency on God or living independent of God. The
choice is life or death. Life with God is a life without Shame. The choice is
yours.* |
Be Kind
08-16-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - *God is the creator of all. God created forms
and places and filled them with all kinds of creation for a purpose. God saw
that it was good. God made us with unique gifts and has placed us in our time
and place for HIS PURPOSE today. Know God.
Know your Identity and Purpose. Be kind! |
Like A Good
Neigbor 08-09-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - "Loving God and loving our neighbors is God’s
plan to change the world. When asked who is my neighbor, Jesus told a
parable about a Samaritan helping a hurt stranger. As followers of Christ we are
called to be the neighbor and show mercy, leaving no needy ones among us as
neighbors." |
Ruined? -
People Of Peace 08-02-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - The Samaritan Woman was a person of peace who
was open to relationship with Jesus, who was interested in spiritual matters,
and was willing to tell others about Jesus. People are ready for answers and way
of hope and salvation. |
Ruined? -
Spirit And Truth 07-26-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Worship is not about where we are or what we
are. Worship is about a who. That who is Jesus and you. What matters is being
the true you before the true and loving God. True worshipers worship in spirit
&truth. |
In Times Of Crisis
07-19-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Norm Russell Based on Isa 2:1-4: A masterful lesson in which
Norm teaches about what is special about the church: How it helps you gain
perspective, and although Evil will always be around - because Satan is alive
and well. We MUST realize that Satan and Hell are real. Its when we want to
think that he is not is when he does his greatest work! |
Ruined? Do You
Know the Gift Of God? 07-12-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Jesus shows up in the ruins bringing life to
the full. Do you have a river of life flowing after you? Has Jesus become
muddled and muted in your life? Is Jesus the king of your life? Keep Jesus in
your heart as you wake up and as you go to sleep. Be obedient. Jesus is enough.
He is Savior and Lord. |
Ruined? Show
Up And Ask! 07-05-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: Bryan Johnston - Jesus shows up in the ruins of life as the
well spring of living water building his kingdom on the foundation of his love
and grace. He sits in the gap between blessings and curses, obedience and
disobedience, life and death reconstructing his promise by asking will you give
me a drink? Is your life ruined? No, it isn't. See why! |
Rejoicing In
the Gospel 06-28-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE:Bryan Johnston: God is a God of peace. Are you at peace
with God? Are you at peace with life? Are you at peace with yourself? Is your
heart and mind right with God? Don’t be anxious. Present your requests to God. |
The Gospel
Above All 06-21-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE - Bryan Johnston All confidence you have in the flesh, the
past, or any human gain consider it rubbish to know the Lord. Leave behind the
selfish motives and credentials that hinder a righteous based on faith alone.
Paul writes as one who came to know Christ, knowing there is still more to know
and learn. Remember the grace Christ has shown you. |
Work of the
Gospel 06-14-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE: by Bryan Johnston is based on Phil. 2:12-30, where Paul
encourages his readers to continuing growing more into the likeness of Jesus as
God uses your life for his good purpose. The work of the gospel is showing
genuine interest in others, meeting needs, and giving your life for others to
know Jesus. |
Worthy of the
Gospel 06-07-20 |
VIDEO SERVICE:(Bryan Johnston)Paul is encouraging the Christians in
Philippi that they have what it takes to carry the life and love of Christ in
their lives. He knows they have what it takes to remain unified in their time of
struggle. Paul is confident because Jesus is worthy which makes them worthy of
the gospel. |
Morning Gospel 05-31-20 |
Video Church Service - Norm Russell - A complete church service by
masterful preacher Norm Russell, who has served the Lord for over 30+ years.
This lesson is about understanding yourself and others; and a more detailed
description is forthcoming.(Norm's HORSE (!) is also featured in this video...
:) |
the Gospel 05-24-20 |
Video Church Service - Bryan Johnston - Paul didn’t see his imprisonment
in Rome as a set back to the spread of the kingdom of God because he always had
his attention on Christ. His situation forced him to adapt his strategy which
actually served to advance the gospel and encouraged more to share the life of
Christ. Paul shows how the exaltation of Christ is what keeps the mission of the
church strong and successful. |
in the Gospel" 05-17-20 |
Video Church Service - Bryan Johnston - Paul is thankful for the
partners in the gospel. He loves them with the love of Christ praying that the
Christians in Philippi will have a confidence in their priority of love,
confident that God will provide the growth. |
"Mother: You Who Are Highly Favored." |
Video Church Service - Bryan Johnston - "Mother: You Who Are Highly
Favored." (Luke 1:28) Happy Mother’s Day to our mothers and like-a-Mother’s in
the faith. Continue to use your gifts to share the Lord and nurture faith in
others. Know like Mary the Lord is with you through the Holy Spirit. |
"A New Heart:
Good News to the Poor." 05-03-20 |
Video Church Service - Bryan Johnston - Jesus brought good news to
everyone he met. He was known for his acts of love meeting the needs of every
person. Jesus rescued the poor and restored their misfortunes. It was this lack
of care for the poor and needy that was identified as the sin of Israel leading
to their exile. Where is the good news in our world today? (Continuing "New Heart" series) |
A New
Heart: A Good Guide 04-26-2020 |
Video Church Service - Bryan Johnston - The Lord holds the leaders of
Israel accountable for not being good guides to the people. They had let the
people go away from the Lord and did not go after them. The Lord is the Good
Shepherd who will rescue, bless, and be at peace with his people. After we have
been following the Lord for a while, he desires that we will become teachers and
guides for others. (Continuing "New Heart" series) |
New Heart - Time for the Lord 04-19-20 |
Video Church Service - Bryan Johnston - One of the loving commands the
Lord gave his people Israel was to take a sabbath - time for the Lord. Their
failure to keep themselves holy to the Lord was what led them into exile. The
Lord wanted to give them a new heart if they would repent by taking time for him
to know that he is the Lord. |
EASTER 2020 SERVICE: The Way of Jesus |
Video EASTER Service 4-12-20. Bryan Johnston In John 20 the story is
told of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. The tomb was found empty and his
followers responded with surprise and celebration as well as tears of doubt. The
impossible became possible. The Lord loves, cares, and forgives. He returned
giving peace and leading all to believe. |
The Way of Jesus - Letting Go 04-05-2020 (MP4) |
Video Church Service 4-5-20. Bryan Johnston In John 18 Jesus loses
himself through his arrest and trial. When he world is about gaining the way of
Jesus is about losing self to find true life. In John 19 Jesus puts his life on
pause to put the world on reset. Reset only happens if we let go and get back to
our true identify, foundation, and purpose. Stop holding on and let go. Let
Jesus do your "reset." |
The Way of Jesus - Losing Self (MP4) 03-29-2020 |
Video Church Service 3-29-20 - Jesus is a major game changer. His
strategy for directing all people to God is his choice to lose his life. What
seems like a loss in the eyes of the world is the way of victory for all who
believe. Are missing on what we have lost or are we willing to lose what we have
been missing out on in Christ? (Pastor Bryan Johnston) |
Restore God's Glory 03-22-2020 (MP4) |
Video Church Service 3-22-20. This is a complete church service in
video format; lesson, songs, communion etc. Lesson by Bryan Johnston who says, "Life
happens, life changes, and things can become difficult. When we don’t know,
don’t understand, or don’t know what to do God does, God is in control, and God
can. Lazarus has died but Jesus says this will not end in death. What
matters is do you believe that Jesus is the Christ?" In Jesus all will be
better. Give God the Glory. |
Our original MP3 (Sound) Files Below |
↓↓↓ |
Listings from here down are our original
MP3 sound-only files. ↓↓↓ |
Restoring Love 03-15-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : This is the story of Jesus restoring sight to
the man born blind. As told in lesson it goes into the details of God's love for
us and how we react to it in our lives. It was a really great sermon.The first
half wasnt recorded (machine error) but still a good lesson |
Feeding the 5,000 – Restoring our Mission 03-08-2020 |
Bryan Johnston :The needs all around us are
greater than what we have. The people came to Jesus and the Lord fed 5000 with
five loaves of bread and two fish. After everyone had enough there were left
overs! What we have in the hands of Jesus does more than we could imagine.
Wherever Jesus is needed to bring restoration and life that is our mission. |
Healing the Lame Man by the Pool 03-01-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus does the work of God by healing
a lame man and all the Jews are concerned with is that the work was
done on a Sabbath. The Jews were concerned with the law. John is concerned with
his readers knowing the Jesus is the Lord, the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus is
concerned with bring life. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath and Lord of all. |
Healing the Royal Official’s Son Restoring Trust
02-23-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : Because of his prior
experience with Jesus, the royal officials trusts Jesus to heal his son. When
Jesus tells him what to do he takes Jesus at his word and leaves to go home. He
obeys and finds his son healed leading to his belief in Jesus as the Messiah the
Son of God. John tells this miracle to restore trust in Jesus. Many today
question what is true and where is true meaning. |
Cleansing the Temple – Restoring the Heart of our Gathering
02-16-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus is zealous about all people
having access to God for healing, worship, and receiving instructions for life.
Jesus cleanses the temple. He becomes the temple. He calls the church his
temple. We are to be places and people of connection with God, healing, and
life. Let’s be zealous about keeping it that way and remove anything that might
hinder us or others from enjoying that fellowship. |
Relationships Matter 02-09-2020 |
Jerry Jones: Recorded on the first day of a three day seminar by Dr.
Jerry Jones. He and his wife Lynn have been teaching people how to improve their
personal, marital, and spiritual relationships for many years. Regardless of
your need, you should find this helpful. |
to Wine: Restoring the Vision of God 02-02-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus performed signs that pointing to
him, that all would believe that he is the Messiah, the Son of God. God’s vision
is for all cultures to know and believe in Jesus. Restoration is needed in all
cultures, we all have strengths and weaknesses, and we are all in need of God.
Restoration will impact the community and influence change. We are all
missionaries in a worldly culture... |
In Recovery - Thrive! 01-19-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : Scripture: Psalm 1:1-3 - Reserve a
daily time with God, for self-evaluation, meditating on God’s word, praying, and
learning to Sabbath in order to know God and His will for your life and to gain
the power to follow His will. Through the acts of eating and drinking, listening
and talking, and resting and worshiping you will be alive, alert, awake, and
enthusiastic in the life of following Jesus and being transformed daily into his
likeness. |
In Recovery - Fixing Relationships 01-12-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : Scripture: Matthew 5:7,
5:9 - Evaluate all of your relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have
hurt you and make amends for harm you’ve done to others. Be merciful and be
peacemakers. Be set free. |
Living In Recovery - Making Changes
01-05-2020 |
Bryan Johnston : As we start the new year
2020, this fitting 5th Choice in the Living in Recovery – Life’s Healing Choices
sermon series, encourages us to voluntarily submit to every change God wants to
make in our life and humbly ask Him to remove our character defects and putting
our focus on God, his word, things and people who are helpful. |
Norm Russell: Sunday Morning Sermon by a masterful preacher of over 30
years experience. Description coming later, but they are all GREAT! |
the Baptist: Preaching Life Change 12-22-19 |
Bryan Johnston :Luke 3:1-18 - In fulfillment of the
prophet Isaiah John prepared the way for Jesus. His first sermon focused on
repentance, bearing fruit, and lifting up Jesus. Judgement hangs in the balance
of the result of repenting and bearing fruit. The greatest gift is being
prepared for His coming. |
the Baptist Surprised by Mercy 12-08-19 |
Bryan Johnston : John the Baptist: Surprised by Mercy - Luke
1:57-80 Mercy is the surprising, and compassionate presence of showing up to
others when they least expect it. The Lord comes to those who are humble.
Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary were amazed by the Lord’s presence and his mercy.
Be present to others by extended mercy. |
John the Baptist - Bring Back Many
12-01-19 |
Bryan Johnston :Jesus says, “there is no one greater
than John.” There is no one greater than the one who prepares the way for the
Lord. John came to prepare for world for the coming of the Lord. We have the joy
of sharing in the Lord’s work today of bringing back many in preparation for his
return. |
In Recovery - Coming Clean 11-24-2019
Bryan Johnston Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure
in heart for they will see God.” Are you free from guilt? Make the housecleaning
choice to come clean. Confess your guilt to yourself, God, and another. In this
hard choice you will find healing. |
Living In Recovery - Letting
Go 11-10-19 |
Bryan Johnston : A main healing choice is to
let go of your life by making a commitment to the Lord. After admitting your
need and choosing to get help from God, one must choose Jesus. This is the
movement choice, this is the action step. Overcome all pride, shame, fear,
worry, and doubts and cross the line to Jesus. |
YOU READY? 10-20-19 |
Bryan Johnston :Kingdom Parables: Are You Ready? Matthew
25:1-13 What are you living in anticipation of? What are you preparing for? What
is keeping you from being ready? Jesus is coming. What would it mean to live
with this end in mind? His return is the restoration of all things. Until he
comes we live on ready mission. |
Bryan Johnston : Everyone is invited to the best feast
in the world. Jesus is the meal and the life. Many are invited but few will
come. The choice to come to Jesus has eternal consequences. Invite others to
come. If they refuse to come then let’s take Jesus to go to them. (37 minutes) |
Bryan Johnston :"The kingdom of Heaven is like a master
forgiving and unpayable debt and expecting his debtor to response by fully
receiving the forgiveness and reflecting it to all others. Sin is great by Jesus
is greater. Jesus takes sin and forgiveness seriously. Imagine a world of
forgiveness. |
Bryan Johnston : The kingdom of God is a treasure of
such great value and joy it is worth the cost of giving up everything to
possess. Jesus is the treasure. Have joy in having found him. Count the cost of
being his disciple. |
Bryan Johnston : The kingdom of God grows in an evil
world. We are not lled to judge, Jesus is the judge. It takes the righteousness
of the skilled harvesters to sort out the wheat and the weeds. Judging risks the
life of the sons and daughters of the kingdom. Let God be the judge. Reference:
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 (37 Mins) |
MUSTARD SEED - 09-08-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus tells his followers to imagine a
world where small things become big things which provide a place of rest for all
who will come. Jesus uses the common mustard seed which grows unnoticed into a
tall tree where all kinds of birds find their rest. Jesus is the kingdom, which
grows, and is a place of rest. His one small life gives hope, confidence, and
encouragement. |
GROWING SEED - 09-01-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Being a Christian is a life of
following Jesus. Jesus tells stories of ordinary life to reveal to his followers
what the kingdom of heaven is like. The parable of the Growing Seed that the
kingdom grows because of the presence of Jesus. Human effort is not needed,
which actually hinders a follower from having the contentment, confidence, and
comfort in life which true life in Jesus produces. Life is all about following
Jesus |
SERMON 08-25-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Description will be added. Sunday
Sermon for this date. |
SERMON 08-18-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Description will be added. Sunday
Sermon for this date. |
SERMON 08-11-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Description will be added. Sunday
Sermon for this date. |
SERMON 08-04-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Description will be added. Sunday
Sermon for this date. |
SERMON 07-28-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Description will be added. Sunday
Sermon for this date. |
Bryan Johnston : APPRECIATING GOD'S GIFTS (46 min) The
lesson asks about the greatest gifts we have received in our lives as human
beings. What are the greatest gift(s) that God has given us? The lesson focuses
on the gifts of God and how we should appreciate them. In John 16:5 and 17:20-25
Bryan goes into detail about understanding the gift of UNITY that God has given
us. |
SERMON 06-30-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Description will be added. Sunday
Sermon for this date. |
Humble Before the Lord - 06-23-19 |
Bryan Johnston : 1 Pet 5:5-7 - Choose to be humble or
you will be humbled. If you want to know Christ, choose suffering. Choosing joy
is to be present to Jesus and being found content in the moments of life. Good
news we can change and we can choose. |
Strength Is In the Lord 06-16-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Our Strength Is In The Lord - 2
Corinthians 12:9-10 - Praise God for Mighty Men of Faith. Strength, pride, and
power keep us from admitting our weaknesses and pointing others to God. Let us
boast in our weaknesses and confess our sins so that all will know that our
strength comes from the Lord. We will look at the examples of Paul and the
Mighty Men of David from 2 Samuel 23. |
Near To God 06-09-19 |
Bryan Johnston :God is in covenant with us like a
marriage. God uses marriage to display his love through us to the world. Our
relationship with him is the most important even over our marriages. Our
problems are really God problems so let us focus on drawing near to God being
faithful and selfless. (Hebrews 10:19-24) |
Graduation & Remaining Steadfast 06-02-19 |
Bryan Johnston : This sermon is very encouraging
with comments towards the graduating senior high school (final year in USA) as
well as the church body. Life after school's rigors can be hectic and
distracting, but it is important to keep you "eyes on the goal" and not lose
your focus on what's important. |
Church? Everyone Belongs! 05-26-19 |
Bryan Johnston : Acts 10:34-38 - Starting with Peter and
Cornelius, a Jew and a Gentile, God revealed that his plan for the church was
more than anyone could imagine. In Christ we are identified by him and no other
distinction that is why followers of Christ are called Christians |
Church? God Wins! 05-19-19 |
Bryan Johnston : We are the church because God Wins. The
church gathered and grew sharing in Jesus name. Jail, death, and flogging could
stop the apostles from proclaiming the name of Jesus. They suffered and rejoiced
because their hope was in the resurrection. Let’s sit at tables, share life, and
give blessings. Have no fear God Wins. |
Church? Because We Love Jesus! 05-04-19 |
Bryan Johnston : We are the church because we are in
Christ and his Spirit pulls us together as one. We love Jesus, his name, our
body, and for everyone to know Jesus. We gather and scatter in his name. There
is limitless power in His name. |
Church? - Unity" 04-28-19 |
Bryan Johnston :New Series (above) answering these
questions: Church is boring? Church isn’t for me? Why Church? The Church is the
body of Christ given as a gift for us to be in relationship with God and to show
the world who he is by our unity. Jesus was excited for the spirit to come so
that we could be in relationship with him, forming a diverse community with God
and others.(Acts 2:42-47) |
SERMON - 2019 04-21-19 |
Bryan Johnston : BRYAN'S EASTER SERMON 2019 : This
sermon was a very encouraging one about our Christian life and what Jesus did
for us. How much He sacrificed, why he did it, and more. It is a great sermon
for those who have not learned about Easter also. (The lesson resulted in
two baptisms today!) |
VALUE - 04-14-19 |
Bryan Johnston :
Uriah’s wife is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 so that we will
discover God’s love for the objectified, dehumanized, and victimized in our
world. God honors all and know them each by name. God honors the faith of all
his followers. God forgives all who change their view and confess."
(Notice he said
"ALL" not "SOME." (Scriptures: 2 Samuel 7:11-16) |
06-03-18 |
Bryan Johnston: In
Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12 Jesus teaches about praying with confidence to a God
who loves to give good gifts to his children. As God has given to us, so we
should give to others who ask from us. God is out for our good and we also are
to be out for the good of others. Our God is a Yes God, we should be Yes
followers.* |
Norm Russell: A
very important lesson about how much people whose job it is to lead others to
Christ need to guard against a feeling of self-importance. Not that it is not an
important job - Nothing is much more important than this job, but... we need to
watch out for Satan's use of this GOOD thing in a NEGATIVE way towards us. A
very important lesson! |
JONAH 05-20-18 |
Ronnie Kinnaird: Jonah;
the man, his mission, and personal details about his ministry. This lesson is
not to be missed. For those of you in our international audience that have not
listened to Ronnie before, he is a masterful preacher of some 30-40 years
experience and depth of knowledge... soft-spoken and true in every respect.
Please take time out to hear this incredible lesson. Scripture Reference: Entire
book of Jonah. |
Bryan Johnston: Exodus
1:15-21 *Two midwives Shiprah and Puah, the mother of Moses, and the daughter of
Pharoah out of compassion and courage
started a revolt that led to the exodus of Israel. When the evil Pharaoh issued
a command for all Hebrews baby boys to be killed, in fear of the nation of
Israel rising up against Egypt in power and revolt, two "powerless God-fearing
women" refused, resisted, and revolted against his command. |
Bryan Johnston: Drawn from
scriptures Matthew 6:25-34 and others: It is human nature to dwell in the past
and worry about the future. Disciples can lose the joy of the present life with
God when they focus on the regrets of the past and become fearful of the future.
Jesus knows that when we have possessions and are blessed with worldly treasures
we will become less grateful, less hopeful, and less dependent on God.
This lesson will he |
LIFE : TREASURED 04-22-18 |
Bryan Johnston:
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24 It is natural to desire treasure. Treasures are
things that we hold on to because of the value we put on them. Jesus teaches on
treasuring the things that God treasures. He instructs his disciples to desire
heavenly things that will last eternally. |
BY CHRIST 04-15-18 |
Norm Russell: This lesson
also tells about how important it is to totally rely on Christ and not trying to
control our endtire life and its outcome by ourselves. How important it is to
remember those people who are significant in our lives as well. What to do when
you run into a situation that threatens your FAITH as a Christian. Please do not
miss this lesson! |
04-08-18 |
Bryan Johnston: *THE GOOD
LIFE: TALK TO GOD* - Jesus invites his disciple to talk to God. Jesus leads them
in the most famous and popular prayer of all time, the Lords Prayer. God wants
to hear from us. God wants us to want to talk to him. We are invited to join
with Jesus when he teaches how and what to pray, starting with *Our Father.* |
Be With You" (Easter Sermon) 04-01-18 |
Bryan Johnston: Jesus
returns to his disciples waiting in fear of what would be next for them and
their Lord after Jesus' death. Jesus returns saying, Peace be with you. His
grace covers them and he invites them to come together with him as their Prince
of Peace. His peace turns their fear into rejoicing through the power of
surrender. His peace leads to the indwelling of his Spirit and the power of
forgiveness.This is a VERY inspiring lesson. |
LIFE - GOD IS THE PRIZE! 03-25-18 |
Bryan Johnston: THE GOOD
LIFE: GOD IS THE PRIZE by Bryan Johnston *Jesus gave himself to God for us to be
with God. He denied himself to be with God and for us to have fellowship with
God. God is the prize. Life with God is greatest reward! |
The Good
Life: Above and Beyond Pt. 2 03-18-18 |
Bryan Johnston: Jesus
instructs his disciples to live above and beyond the ethics of their world and
their traditions. Jesus already said do not be angry, do not lust, and keep your
covenants of marriage. In these next three teachings Jesus says be honest and
tell the truth in a world full of lies and oath taking, do not take retribution
and retaliation into your own hands against evil, rather go above and beyond and
show mercy, and finally love your enemies. (There is a lot of depth and detail
included as well in this lesson.) |
The Good
Life: Above and Beyond Pt. 1 03-11-18 |
Bryan Johnston: (PART 1 OF
2) In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said that he has come to fulfill the law. In
Matthew 5:21-32 he gives his correct interpretation on three commands given to
the people. Jesus speaks of a way of living that is from God above and speaks of
a way of living that is beyond, looking forward to life in the kingdom of God
that is to come as a reality of how Gods people are to start living now. |
LIFE: THE WAY OF GOD 03-04-18 |
Bryan Johnston: THE GOOD
LIFE: THE WAY OF GOD - The latest sermon in this wonderful series. Here is his
description of the lesson, with download/sharing links below: Scripture: Matthew
5:17-20 *God has graciously called all people to follow him. God provides a law,
meaning his way for disciples to live in obedience with him. Living in love
makes communion with God perfect. |
Bryan Johnston: Matthew
5:13-16 - As disciples of Christ, you are the salt of the earth to preserve,
enhance, and connect the world to the good life, and you are the light of the
world to be a window through which the light of the Jesus can be seen leading
the praise of God. The world is dying and decaying and is in need of you to
bring restoration. |
Bryan Johnston: From
Matthew 5:1-12 God is good. Partnership with him is the good life. We share in
his love with God and others. His love is manifested in the life of Jesus and we
can become his disciples. Jesus began his state of the universe address
concerning the Good Life when he lead his disciples up a mountain, sat down, and
began to teach. Jesus favors those who are poor, those who seek justice, and
those who create peace. |
02-11-18 |
Bryan Johnston:We come
together each first day of the week to share in the life and death of Jesus. We
gather together around the table to share in his body and blood. The Lord�s
Supper was instituted in the context of the celebration of the Passover and the
Feast of Unleavened Bread. As we come together to celebrate our salvation we
also participate together with others in their salvation and our unity together
as the body of Christ. |
Bryan Johnston: A common
meal is what brought the church together in the first century. Believers
gathered in fellowship to share in God�s love. They gathered to share life,
faith, needs, and the love of Christ. Jesus was criticized by the Jews for his
inclusive table fellowship. The holiness of God was meant to be set a part but
not separate from the world. The holiness of God was meant to come near and draw
all people into the kingdom of God. |
Bryan Johnston: The
practice of singing is a gift that opens our hearts of praise to God and binds
the body of believers together in unity, hope, and love. Singing is a wonderful
practice which helps us learn and experience the truth of God, which guides our
worship to God, and which blesses the body of Christ. Worship is to God and for
us. Come let us sing! |
Bryan Johnston: Talking to
God in prayer is practice that forms us, informs us, and transforms us into the
image of God. Jesus modeled prayer and expects us to be people of prayer. We
practice prayer both in our corporate gatherings and in our private lives. Be
challenged to have places of prayer, time for prayer, and become people of
prayer. |
THE KINGDOM 1-14-18 |
Bryan Johnston: We are building the Kingdom of God here one stone at a time. As disciples we are being built as the church on the foundation of Christ which will never be overcome. As the temple of God we are occupied by the Holy Spirit. Our response to the presence of God in our lives is service to God in others, starting in the context of the church and extending to all the earth. |
YOUR BAPTISM 01-07-18 |
Bryan Johnston - We are called to be disciples serving in love. Jesus calls us to follow him and become disciple-making disciples. Our baptism roots us back to who we are in Christ and reminds us of what we received when we obeyed the gospel. This lesson will lead us to reflect on our baptism, the baptism of Jesus, the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch, and the baptism of
Philippian jailer and much more |
Norm Russell - This is a
great lesson about how truly different that God is than we are, and how He cares so
deeply for us. There is no reason for us to ever have to defend God (or the Bible) nor is it important for us to understand what He is doing or going to do. His thoughts are well beyond our ability to comprehend or reason. Sometimes we wonder why God did this or that thing: the truth is that the three words, "I don't know..." are pivotal in understanding God's actions. |
HIM ROOM 12-24-17 |
Bryan Johnston - Have you ever thought about what God wanted at Christmas? God reveals his desire when the angels appeared to the virgin Mary. God wanted to make
his home in Mary, and God made the impossible -- possible. This Christmas will we be like Mary and prepare a room in our hearts for Jesus to make his home in us?
As Mary said, "I am the Lords servant. May it be to me as you have
said." Can we say that? |
TO REJOICE 12-17-17 |
Bryan Johnston: Are you ready for the coming of the Lord? Have you repented of your way of life, forsaking all others to live in faithfulness to the Lord? The Lord has invited all to his wedding feast will you be prepared? As much as we would like to repent and leave our way of life for the Lord, we find it difficult to get out of our situations. We get hindered in our sins and need help out. The Lord offers his hand of redemption. Will you take his hand and accept complete redemption? |
HE IS COMING 12-10-17 |
Bryan Johnston: How are we to be prepared for the coming of the Lord? John prepared the way for the Lord by proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Preparation for the Lord's coming involved confessing sin, forsaking sin, and having sins forgiveness through baptism. Our relationship with the Lord is like a marriage, he is the groom and we are the bride. As the groom, Jesus sees us a holy and blameless, without stain, wrinkle, or blemish. |
HIS RETURN 12-03-17 |
Bryan Johnston: In anticipation of celebrating the
Lord's birth, let us live in anticipation of his return. May we cast away the works of darkness and put on the armor of light now in the time of this life in which Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility. Will the Lord find us ready at his return? Be found blameless and in fellowship with Jesus. Beware, keep alert, and keep awake. The Lord is near. |
IS THE WORD 11-26-17 |
Bryan Johnston: Jesus is the Word of God. He was with and he is God. He is creator and author of the world. Jesus came as the light and the world did not recognize him. Those who did accept him he gave the right to become children of God. The Bible is all about accepting Jesus as the Son of God and Lord of all creation. The process of belief involves rebirth, transformation, and living a new life. Knowing Jesus is more than knowledge it's about living the truth as a witness to the reality of God love revealed through Christ. |
In Respect 11-19-17 |
JOHNSTON - This lesson has two parts. First, explaining why we have the tradition of standing during our Scripture Reading, Second: Standing while we just read the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7. Standing (when able) is an respectful posture for coming before God. Standing shows respect and honor to God. Standing helps us to be responsive to the word of God. When we come before God through our acts of worship: prayer, singing, reading scripture, giving, and Lord's Supper we should work hard to keep our hearts right. This lesson may help
you. |
of Truth - 11-12-17 |
Bryan Johnston: "Word of Truth" Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:8-15. The Bible is true. The Word of God is true. The Gospel is true. Jesus is true. In pursuit of the truth of God how are we to study
God's word. We ought to study humbly, prayerfully, confidently, and correctly. All in an effort to know the truth, obey the truth, and share the truth with others."
EXALTED GOD! 11-05-17 |
Norm Russell : Our God is a majestic god, which is from
everlasting to everlasting. He is the creator of all that exists, and He is holy
and independent. This lesson examine both these aspects as well as the mystery,
mercy, and majesty of God. It's hard to do justice to a lesson by description
but this is a TRULY GREAT one by a masterful teacher with decades of experience.
Please listen to it. It's very special. |
OF LOVE 10-29-17 |
Bryan Johnston : The Bible is a Story of Love. God has a rugged commitment to be present with us, to be for us as our advocate, with the goal of transforming us through redemption into "Christ-like-ness." God sees our relationship as a marriage. God is the husband, we are the wife. God is the groom, we are bride. God is faithful, even when we are not. God's love was perfected in Christ through his dead bringing the world life. Our response and approach to him and his word should be one of love. |
HOLY BIBLE 10-22-17 |
Bryan Johnston : The Bible are the sacred book of
writings of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the writings of the apostles and
first followers of Jesus known as the New Testament. The Bible tells about a
Holy God who has called a people to be Holy. God is made known and comes into
relationship with humanity. God rescues them from the fall, to redeem them
through Christ, and fully restore them. |
Bryan Johnston : God's mission is for all the world to know Jesus as Lord. "For God so loved the world that he sent his son." (Jn. 3:16) He commands for his disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations." (Mt. 28:19) The Lord left his Holy Spirit for his disciple to be his witnesses to all, "the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) God has called his disciples to go, to give, and to bring good news. Everyone has a part, no one can sit this out.
(2) |
COMMUNITY 10-08-17 |
Bryan Johnston : The picture of the church is a group of disciples doing its
part to edify the body and advance the kingdom. It looks like hands and feet
bringing love, unity, and hope to the world. When each part is doing its work it
is a healthy, beautiful representation of Christ to the world. The church has
always thrived in threatening times, so let us not be afraid - let us be
compelled by the love of Christ to carry out God's plan. |
COMMUNITY 10-01-17 |
Bryan Johnston: The church is the context for being disciples and making disciples. Each one has a part to work together to grow, mature, and attain to the full measure of Christ. One cannot be a Christian and not be a part of Christ's body. The church is the body of Christ. Alone we are just a dismembered body part -
we must avoid that, and learn how the church is actually a community that "does life" together. |
BY LOVE 09-24-17 |
Bryan Johnston : Followers of Jesus are called to make
disciples. He commands his fishers of men to, go and make disciples, baptize
these new believers into the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to teach them
everything they know about following Jesus. Jesus so loved his followers deeply.
Love is the only pure motivation for making and teaching other disciples. Learn
more about that in this heartfelt lesson. |
Bryan Johnston : Answering the call to follow Jesus is choice to obey the command to "Go and make disciples." The Lord calls followers to align their lives with his kingdom. The Lord's kingdom is one that will always stand and will never be overcome. The power of the gospel is what makes a disciples salvation secure. |
FOLLOW ME 09-10-17 |
Bryan Johnston : The Rabbi Jesus goes to his prospective followers and calls his disciples. Jesus comes saying, "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" It was uncommon for a teacher to call his students, so when Jesus calls out to people he is in a sense saying, "I believe in you, that you can do what I am doing." In the gospels, a teacher's recommendation was highly regarded and honored. Learn more here. |
OF JESUS 09-03-17 |
Bryan Johnston : We are friends of Jesus who have been
invited to become children of God. Jesus chooses us to be like him and to join
him in his mission of bearing fruit to the world. The fruit is produce that will
last forever. The results of living like Jesus produces fruit that will lead
others to become followers of Christ. |
OTHER 08-27-17 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus was perfect in love, perfect in
obedience, and was perfect in joy. He was confident is confident in who he is,
what is purpose is, and how he lived. Jesus is also confident in who we are, how
we can live, and what our purpose is. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.
Our abiding in him will lead to love, obedience, and a life of joy. |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus is the true vine and the
believers are the branches. The Lord is abiding in us and if we are truly
abiding in him we will bear fruit. Fruit is a natural result of abiding in the
Lord. It is an adult choice to abide in the Lord. Our covenants with God must
come from the heart. It is a spiritual union with the Lord. |
IN ME 08-13-17 |
Bryan Johnston : God the Father, God the Son, and God
the Holy Spirit have made their home with us, so we must abide in them. Being at
home with them in abiding love will bring us peace. The Lord is the True Vine
and he calls us to bear fruit. We can not bear fruit unless we abide in him. |
LAST WORDS 08-06-17 |
Tom Torpy: This lesson goes in-depth to discuss Jesus' last days on earth
and the day of His death.
HERE to open a page with an detailed description of this master
lesson and what it covers (not enough room here) & you'll be greatly
blessed by hearing it. |
ALL OTHERS 07-30-17 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus is the Good Shepherd because when the wolf attacks and the sheep scatters he lays down his life. He gathers his sheep back into his fold. The sheep are those both those who love God and
those who don't love God. He gathers his own and the others. Jesus rejoices in finding lost sheep & when the lost return to the fold.
* |
FOLLY 07-23-17 |
Norm Russell: Some people simply cannot understand the message of God.
They're looking for something complex where it does not exist. God has a message
that is simple, universal, humbling, and personal. The cross is our only hope. That
is because it represents Jesus, who paid the ultimate price for us, and that's
what matters the most. |
BAD WOLF! 07-16-17 |
Bryan Johnston : Who is there for you when the day of
evil comes? In this passage Jesus says I am the Good Shepherd and I lay down my
life for the sheep. In comparison to the unfaithful and unrighteous religious
leaders, Jesus is faithful. All others will flee... |
& ROBBERS 07-09-17 |
Bryan Johnston : The Pharisees were blind to see and
accept that Jesus is Lord, the Son of God. They were hedged in by their own
strict adherence to the law. In their efforts to uphold and honor the law of
God, they were kept from experiencing God the life and love of God. They also
stole the hearts of men away from the Lord through their ignorance of the true
intent of the law, which was to draw people to a relationship with him |
VOICE 07-02-17 |
Bryan Johnston: Who are the voices that you listen to everyday? Do you
know the voice of Jesus? When he speaks do you listen? When he leads do you
follow? The Lord is the Good Shepherd. Jesus confronts the religious leaders who
are negligent of listening and obeying his voice. Is the voice of Jesus strange
or known by you? |
- STAY 06-25-17 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus is the bread of life. He has made
God known to us through his words and deeds. Jesus has come to give us eternal
life if we will eat of his body and drink of his blood. The Lord came down from
heaven to make us his own. He is faithful and will not lose us. Jesus makes
himself available to us by offering his very life. |
Bryan Johnston : Our Heavenly Father has become know to us
through the life of his son Jesus. Like Father, like son; Jesus reveals his
Father to his disciples through his words, actions, and praise of God. Because
Jesus honored God, we can also know God as our Father. Hear this lesson to help
you know the Father. |
- EAT MY FLESH 06-11-17 |
Bryan Johnston : This is a hard teaching of Jesus. Who
can accept it? Jesus says I am the living bread and that followers are to eat
this bread if they are to live eternally. Jesus goes on to explain that his
flesh is the bread. In the context of the Passover Jesus says that he will give
his flesh for the life of the world. Unless believers eat of his flesh and drink
his blood they have no life in them. |
FOR HOME 06-04-17 |
Bryan Johnston : Jesus challenges his followers with an invitation to
believe in him. This belief involves more than just seeing him. For he says,
*You have seen me and still you do not believe (Jn. 6:36). The multitude had
followed him because he filled their stomachs with food, but he wanted to
satisfy them to eternal life. Jesus calls them to do the work of believing in
him. |
LOOKING FOR MORE? 05-28-17 |
Bryan Johnston : John 6:1-34 Everyone was thinking about the upcoming Passover celebration
and were gathering around Jesus because of his miraculous signs and wonders. Already knowing what he was going to do, Jesus asks Philip to get the people something to eat. [He was no doubt worried, as it would cost many months wages just to give those were gathered even a SINGLE BITE!] In this famous miracle, Jesus fed 5,000 men (PLUS women and children) on just a few loaves of bread and 5 fish. An excellent retelling of the well-known story with additional background info you may not know.
* |
Bryan Johnston
: John 4:43-5:15 Jesus is on an eternal mission. His purpose on this
earth was lead everyone to believe that he is the Christ and that only through
him does one find eternal life. Jesus comes as a humble servant in order that
mankind will submit to him as Lord. In this world we face trials of many kinds.
The Lord does not promise a life free of pain and suffering. The question is: do
we want to get well? What kind of well? Temporal or Eternal? If the answer is
eternal then believe that Jesus is Lord and stop sinning. Live in obedience to
him. |
Bryan Johnston : Happy Mother's Day! The church and the kingdom of God has been blessed and
served by faithful, spirit-filled women of faith. The Lord calls women to be
disciples and fellow-workers in service to God and his people. Paul commends a
fellow sister, servant, and saint who has faithfully served the church in
Cenchrea (seaport near Corinth) and who has helped the advance of the kingdom in his life and the lives
of others. Submit to the Lordship of Jesus. Be filled with the Spirit. Strengthen
the church. |
Bryan Johnston
::John 4:27-42 - The woman at the well comes to belief in the Jesus the Messiah and responds by testifying to her Samaritan people to come and see the man who told her everything she ever did. Her return home becomes the back stage activity, while at the front stage the disciples enter the scene. They are wowed by the oddity of Jesus talking with a woman. They don't understand the big picture mission that the Lord is leading them into the mission of telling the whole world of his presence and salvation. |
Bryan Johnston
:John 4:16-26: Jesus said to the woman at the well, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water" (John 4:10). She responds saying, "Give me this water." Jesus exposes her heart knowing that she doesn't really know who he is. Jesus is wanting to lead her to realize that he is the Son of God and to worship. Once Jesus is Lord of your life, the only proper response is
to worship Him. * |
Bryan Johnston: Luke 24:50-53 - Jesus has just commissioned his disciples
to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations beginning in
Jerusalem. He promised to send power from on high before they begin proclaiming
the name of Jesus the Christ. The disciples are left full of worship, joy, and
praise. Let us Worship the King! A powerful lesson about
discipleship. |
04-02-17 |
Bryan Johnston
:Have no fear the Lord is with you. The Lord calls his disciples to preach repentance for the forgiveness of sins to all the nations. The call of the Lord can be overwhelming. The fear of speaking publicly, being rejected, and even facing persecution can cause believers to fail to be obedient to the Lord's call. Who will be a witness for my Lord? Have no fear the Holy Spirit is with you! |
ABRAHAM AND LOT 03-26-17 |
Ronnie Kinnaird: A great lesson from Genesis about the travels and lives of
Abram and Lot, and also how Abram saved Lot. The lesson also tells some
historical information about Abram's wife Sarai (Sarah) and also explains the
name changes to Abraham and Sarah, and much more. Also discussed is the
importance of studying Old Testament books. |
BE WITH YOU 03-19-17 |
Bryan Johnston
: Jesus is our Prince of Peace who has the power to restore all creation. Jesus
has the power to heal all physical ailments, he can calm every storm, and defeat
every enemy. Our Lord paid the price & fought the battle against sin & death
with his own life. Good news! He conquered the grave & defeated sin in order to
bring us peace. Good news! His peace is a continuous river of life & this lesson
will teach you about it & the Holy Spirit. |
Bryan Johnston
: From Luke 24:33-35 - Once the disciples recognized and realized that Jesus the
Messiah was risen, they urgently returned to Jerusalem. They left immediately to
bring this good news of hope to the others disciples of Jesus. They could not
allow their friends and fellow disciples live another minute without the
knowledge and truth of their risen Lord. Here is what they did about it.
ROAD - GIVE THANKS 03-05-17 |
Bryan Johnston
: Jesus is invited to stay with the disciples in their home in Emmaus.
They show him hospitality by making him feel comfortable and inviting him to
share in a meal with them at their table. Once at the table, Jesus takes over
the role of host. He takes the bread, giving thanks, breaks it and begins to
give it to them, revealing his identity to them.. Good lesson from Exodus. Very
thought-provoking. |
ROAD - THERE IS MORE 02-26-17 |
Bryan Johnston
: The disciples are walking down the road to Emmaus, still not
recognizing Jesus, when they stop at their destination. Jesus appears to be
going farther down the road. The men urge Jesus to stay with them and he does.
There is always more going on with Jesus than what we can see and know. It is
amazing how Jesus can be in control over all the world and be available to every
need and every person all at the same time. (+much more) |
AND HEARTS 02-19-17 |
Bryan Johnston
: Jesus patiently and tenderly reminds the disciples about the truth of
God as revealed through the Scriptures. Jesus interprets the law of Moses and
the words of the Prophets as being fulfilled through the life and sacrifice of
the Messiah. These disciples had heard the teachings but were slow to believe
them. Their hearts were still being formed and transformed to receive the
gospel. Jesus taught them as they walked for them to come to faith in him. He
gets their heart pumping and prepared for their “AHA Moment!” |
"SOUL CARE" 02-05-17 |
Bryan Johnston
: As Jesus joins the two disciples on their walk to Emmaus, they are kept
from recognizing him. Jesus picks up on their conversation, including their sad
tone and downward body language. The disciples are filled with great grief and
sorrow over the loss of their hoped for Messiah. Jesus shows great care for them
by how he asks questions and walks with them through their pain. Jesus models
how we might enter into the hearts and lives of others in our life today through
showing compassion and shows us how to do the |
"WALKING & TALKING" 01-29-17 |
Bryan Johnston
- Luke’s (24:13-16) account picks up in 24:13 with two disciples walking to
Emmaus talking about all that had just happened in Jerusalem. Jesus had been
crucified, buried in a tomb, and now the tomb was found empty. Jesus comes up
and walks along with them, but they are kept from recognizing him.What keeps
US from recognizing Jesus daily? |
Bryan Johnston
: After the awesome wonder of the empty tomb, the women became the first
evangelists who told the good news to the apostles. As a group they went to the
community of disciples and told them the gospel. Ten thought it was nonsense,
but Peter was awe struck and took off running. While the other doubted, he ran
towards the glorious possibility. The resurrection is an awesome wonder. Stand
in awe! Consider the empty tomb. Walk the road of
life and hope. Tell the world this hope, truth, and life. |
"In The Hands of Sinners" - 01-15-17 |
Bryan Johnston
Jesus has been crucified... The angels appeared to the concerned
women at the tomb. They provided encouragement and teaching by standing beside
them and challenging them to pursue understanding into this new reality. They
began by asking “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” Then they reminded
them of something the Lord had said, to help make sense of the mystery of the
missing body of Jesus. |
BESIDE 01-08-17 |
Great! |
Bryan Johnston
When the women went to the tomb after the Lord’s death they left to wonder about
what had happened to the Lord’s body. In their wonderment, two angels stand
beside them. They came to console, teach, and reveal the risen Lord to them. The
women are frightened but the angels comfort them by saying, “He is risen!” The
reality of Jesus’ resurrection and life turns the world upside down.
"EMPTY" - 01-01-17 |
Bryan Johnston
: The call of Christ to follow him is a call to empty oneself. Disciples are
expected to leave everything and follow the Lord. Jesus modeled a life of
humility. He emptied himself by leaving heaven and becoming a man. Jesus was
obedient unto death even death on a cross. As followers today we are called to
deny ourselves and follow him in the same humble, with Heaven as our reward..
:-) |
Prelude to Jesus the Messiah - Receive 12-25-16 |
Bryan Johnston
: The Savior Christ Jesus has been born. Immanuel has come to us. Jesus is
the light that has come to shine in the darkness. For all those living in doubt,
fear, shame, or separation from the Lord are living in darkness. For those who
are outside of the kingdom of God are walking in darkness. Praise the Lord a
light has dawned, the Savior has been born and has come to shine light and life
into the darkness. |
to Jesus the Messiah: This Is My Son - 12-18-16 |
Bryan Johnston
: Jesus the Christ has been born. The Magi have found the Lord and worshiped
him. John has proclaimed that kingdom of heaven has come near. Now a voice from
heaven announces, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
This is the first time in Matthew’s gospel that Jesus is identified as the Son
of God. |
to Jesus the Messiah: Repent 12-11-16 |
Bryan Johnston
Jesus the Messiah has been born. The prde in the gospel of Matthew began with
the Magi asking, “Where is the king of the Jews? We have come to worship him.”
The second verse of the opening remarks about Jesus the King come from John the
Baptist saying, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.” As the king, Jesus
has come to bring both judgement and salvation. |
A New Beginning
Russell - Ever wish you could go back and do something over again? This great
sermon is all about starting over. Drawn from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. This is not
to be missed - please listen to this one,
especially if you think it is too late for you. |
Baptism |
Super Popular
Ronnie Kinnaird - Speaks very sensitively but directly about
baptism - One of the most important, and common-sense sermons you're likely to
hear that "lays it on the line" and pulls no punches. Be sure to hear and share
this one!. He is a truly gifted speaker. (Note: This is our
single most-downloaded lesson - it is THAT important!) |
Prelude to Jesus the Messiah: Where is the King? 12-04-16 |
Bryan Johnston -
A star led the Magi, a group of pagan astrologers, to respond to the birth of
Jesus the Messiah. God choose to reveal himself to them to show the world that
he has come to be king over all people and all nations. Herod and his chief
priests were not seeking or watching for the new king. They were threatened by
the idea of a new ruler. Upon finding the house where the child was, the Magi
became overjoyed. When they saw the child they responded with worship and the
offering of gifts. Where is the king today? Great lesson! |
AM: I am with you always - 11-27-16" |
Bryan Johnston -
I AM: I am with you always" Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20 -Jesus
the Christ came to this world to establish his kingdom. He begins by calling
people to be his disciples saying, “Come Follow Me.” A disciple believes and
obeys when he or she begins to follow. Jesus shows and tells his disciples how
to live this new radical way of life. Jesus shows a life of mercy, love, and
forgiveness that he commands his disciples to obey. |
- God With Us - 11-20-16" |
Bryan Johnston -
- "I AM - Immanuel - God With Us - The Lord God is
Yahweh, supreme actor throughout the complete narrative of the Bible. The
scriptures include the involvement and response of the humans in God's grand
story. Yahweh is King from Adam until Samuel, when the people asked
Samuel to appoint them a king. They get their king, but end up in captivity and
in need of a savior, deliverer, and new king. This is their story of how it
went. |
9 of the series "I AM" - 11-13-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 9 - The Calling of Samuel" - From 1Samuel 3:1-10,
this lesson is about hearing, understanding, and responding. to God's voice,
telling the story of Samuel's calling to serve God. Also included: How to
discern God's voice, how to place yourself in God's service, and several
related stories and topics on this subject. |
8 of the series "I AM" - 11-06-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 8 - Moses' Identify Crisis" Moses is not able to
see who he is until he sees and accepts who God is. He is not able to do and
become what God wants him to do and become until he puts his fear and trust in
the Lord. The Lord calls and he will accomplish his work in us and through us
towards the redemption of all people.. |
7 of the series "I AM" - 10-30-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 7 - I am with you always - This is a far-reaching
lesson about how much God stays with us, no matter what happens, whether we
acknowledge His presence or not. The lessons starts out with Genesis 25:23
discussing how He is with us at birth - and expands to tell the story of Esau
and his twin brother Jacob and the story of how the birthright changed hands
over nothing more than a bowl of soup! Also includes the story of Laban in
Genesis chapters 29-30 and related topics. Very interesting lesson.
6 of the series "I AM" - 10-23-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 6 - Trusting God and being faithful - This lesson is
drawn from Genesis 12:1-8 and goes into how God expects a response from us.
Bryan gives 4 examples of Moses saying -Here I am- to God. Another example was
when Abraham was called to go to a place he did not know about and went anyway
by his own blind faith in God. |
5 of the series "I AM" - 10-16-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 5 - No False Gods - Emphasis in this lesson is for
the people to throw away the false gods they had been worshiping, and not to
intermarry. The lesson also goes into the story of Ruth and Naomi. It asks the
question of what Naomi did that led Ruth to choose God? Ruth was totally
devoted to her mother in law, even though she did not HAVE to be so. Her
dedication was absolute as ours must be to God. |
4 of the series "I AM" - 10-09-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 4 - Time to Choose - In this lesson, Joshua is
demonstrating his sound leadership and reminding the people of all the things
God has done for them. Joshua wants to be sure the people keep their eye on
the ONE TRUE GOD, and not the many other "gods" being worshiped at
the time. Joshua tells them that they MUST CHOOSE who they will serve, as our
God will not be second to anyone else. |
3 of the series "I AM" - 10-02-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 3 - Joshua given leadership role." In this
lesson, Bryan continues his series of "I AM" lessons. Drawn from
Joshua 1:1-18, Moses has died and leadership is being given to Joshua. The
lesson goes into how difficult and upsetting change can be but how we can
depend on God to see us through the tough times. |
2 of the series "I AM" - 09-25-16
Bryan Johnston -
"I AM - Part 2 - Self-Doubt and Starting Over" In this lesson, Bryan speaks of the challenges
of his early ministry, his own fears and self-doubts, and how they affected
him. He relates this to how we ourselves struggle with challenges in our daily
life. But no matter what has happened GOD IS STILL THERE to help you out of
whatever you (or others) have gotten yourself info. |
1 of the series "I AM" - 09-18-16
Bryan Johnston
- "I AM - Part 1" in a series of lessons. After
introducing himself to those who may not know him and telling about his
background and biographical information, Bryan went on to a wonderful lesson
about faith, and how strong and true faith in God can not only protect us, but
can enhance our lives. |
God in Tragedy 09-11-16"
Update |
Glenn Williams -
"Trusting God in Tragedy" - revisits the tragedy of the 9-11-01.
Tragedy such as this drives us to seek God and his guidance. For example, the
Bible is the best selling book of all time... but after 9-11, it saw a
tremendous upsurge in sales as God sought to understand. Glenn's soft and
comforting voice deals how we need to trust God and not doubt Him for
even a moment, even in the face of massive tragedies such as this. |
Importance of the Church to God 09-04-16"
Update |
Norm Russell - "The
Importance of the Church" First of all, "the church" means
US, not a building. In Isaiah Chapter 2: it is referred to as the House of the
mountain of the Lord saying that -all nations shall flow unto it. Even so many
years ahead of time, God is telling how important it is for us to be together.
So many people think it is the personal relationship ALONE to God that is
important and that the church really doesn't matter that much - but that line
of thought could not be more wrong, as God says otherwise.... |
Detailed Story of the Prodigal Son 08-28-16"
Update |
Norm Russell - "The
Detailed Story of the Prodigal Son." Many of us know the parable of
the Prodigal Son - which Norm suggests could actually be called the Parable of
the Loving Father. The parables of the Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and the Lost
Son parables all have things in common, which are detailed here. Norm
goes into the "back story" of what brought the son to do this -
something not often taught, as well as other relevant references to practices
of the day. |
To Act Towards God and Many More Topics 08-28-16"
Update |
Norm Russell - How
To Act Towards God and Many More Topics -
ATTENTION - PLEASE: This sermon by Norm Russell has to be one of the most
amazing ones I have ever heard - and I'm at a loss to properly describe it as
it is SO GOOD. It is the third-from-last he will deliver before retiring. Here
is my attempt, but please - LISTEN TO THE SERMON - It's amazing! "In this
lesson, Norm teaches many things about how we think about, and act, towards
God. He gives the purpose as to what we are to have in our lives -- and tells
who the first person Jesus ever revealed Himself as the Messiah was... a prostitute.
Initially, the lesson is drawn from Luke 15, but contains SO MUCH MORE GOOD
TEACHING. If you don't listen to any other lesson here, please hear this
Russell's Sermon 08-21-16
Norm's sermon from that
date. Description coming as we restore the website. |
Russell's Sermon 07-31-16
Norm's sermon from that
date. Description coming as we restore the website. |
Important We All Are 07-17-16"
Bryan Johnston - "How
Important We All Are." A truly exceptional lesson by our past
youth minister Bryan Johnston (who will take over the role of pulpit
minister later this year as Norm Russell retires.). This lesson centers on
the importance of the family, our family bonds within the church and how
important each and every one of us are. It's a great lesson. Included is a
unique retelling of the parable of the lost sheep, as only Bryan can tell it.
Russell 05-22-16
Norm's sermon from that date.
Description coming as we rebuild the website. |
the Church Strong" 05-15-16
Glenn Williams -A wonderful
sermon about what the body of Christ must do to remain strong - that is, we as
Christians that make up the church. We are not speaking of a physical fitness
program, but a SPIRITUAL FITNESS program. |
The Decline of Our Morals And New Ways To Sin 4-24-16
Russell - "The Decline of Our Morals And New Ways To Sin." We live in a
time where it's hard to keep up with discoveries. With new devices to
communicate and so on. Although not really a bad thing; but just as humanity has
been doing so, we also have looked for creative ways to commit sin. This lesson
looks at human morals in general, and from a Biblical perspective in particular.
It's a serious lesson that all of us need to consider. |
Russell 04-03-16
Norm's sermon from that
date. Description coming as we rebuild the website. |
Russell 03-27-16
Norm's sermon from that
date. Description coming as we rebuild the website. |
Russell 03-20-16
Norm's sermon from that
date. Description coming as we rebuild the website. |
Russell 02-21-16
Norm's sermon from that
date. Description coming as we rebuild the website. |
Is Always Watching Over You" (02-14-16)
Glenn Williams
"God Is
Always Watching Over You" Aheartwarming lesson by Glenn Williams
about how God watches over us always. Sometimes, we wonder how so many bad
days happen and it seems like none are good any more This lesson from many
verses of scripture shows in great detail how we CAN HAVE good days. The Bible
promises it- . |
"The Blessings of Jesus and Family"
Norm Russell - "The
Blessings of Jesus and Family" - Even as greatly blessed as Mary
(the mother of Jesus) was to have brought Him into the world, Jesus said that the blessings on those who hear the Word and obey it will receive an even greater blessing. The point of this lesson is Jesus offers an exceptional blessing for those who follow Him.
Powerful!! |
"Keeping A Clean House"
Norm Russell -
"Keeping A Clean House"
Based on Luke 11:24-26 Norm teaches on how to maintain a clean house in a
spiritual sense. Jesus provided a cleansing so many years ago, and it still
happens today. It is a work of God and made possible by of Jesus, and the
cleansing is complete in every way. Satan, on the other hand, would like us to
always remember what God has forgiven, so that we won't feel worthy of His
enormous gift. |
Is Beyond Hope (01-24-16)
Glenn Williams - "Nobody
Is Beyond Hope" - Lesson from Jeremiah chapter 6, talking about the Children of Israel and whether or not they were ashamed when they were committing the sins and such that they were doing. This important lesson drives home on very important point: God can forgive sins. ALL sins, not just the little ones!
A very positive lessons with all the scriptural proofs and references to prove
what he is saying. |
Is A Real Person (01-17-2016)
Norm Russell - "Satan
Is A Real Person" - Far too many people try to live out their
lives without fully realizing this. The lesson here will help you with this,
and help you live your life more successfully. It is a lesson that can make
your life better, and one everyone should hear. Please listen to it and share
it with others, it is an extremely important lesson.
& What Is God? (01-10-2016)
Norm Russell - . "Who
and What Is God?" Examining our own personal ideas of who and what God is. The greatest question before all of mankind is who and what God is. And how do you perceive God. It is very important to examine your own perception of God and make sure that it is a correct one. This very helpful lesson will give you tools you can use in your own life to examine your perception of God and make sure it is on the right track.
Us To Pray - Part 2 (01-03-16)
Norm Russell - "Teach
To Pray - Part 2" - Continues about importance of prayer. The point
is to drive home why we teach so much about prayer - it's because it is SO
VERY IMPORTANT in our walk with God that we spend time in prayer. That's
because it keeps us in touch with God. These lessons are vital to our
Christian living, please hear them. |
Us To Pray - Part 1 (12-27-15)
Norm Russell - "Teach
To Pray - Part 1" - Part 1: This lesson covers the first three elements of what Jesus set forth as important for prayer. Understand though, there is -no such thing- as a "Lord's Prayer" (such as what we
read in Matthew
6:9-15) in real life; instead, it's an outline Jesus gave the disciples so they could understand what to do. This lesson teaches US the basics of what to do, and is continued in next week's lesson as well.
God's Own Timing 12-20-15
Norm Russell - "In God's Own
Timing" - The core of this lesson is about God doing things in HIS own time
line, not ours. This lesson also goes into the detail of Jesus birth, and
although the date of Jesus actual birth is not really known, what is most
important that He was born, and that it occurred
in God's timing.
This lesson will help you realize just who and what our Savior is and help you
get the feeling of the HUMAN side of Him as well as the SPIRIT side of Him. A
very good lesson! |
Me How To Pray 12-13-15
Norm Russell - "Teach
Me How To
Pray" -
A lesson on how important prayer is, and how important it is that we teach
our children how to pray and what it means to pray. It is also very important
that we teach others that God does answer prayer, and that it is not something
you do just because you were told to, not really believing that anything would
really happen. This is a wonderful lesson on how to rebuild your prayer life
and how to get it "out of the closet" and back into a meaningful
part of your life. |
Jesus 12-06-15
Norm Russell - "Seeking Jesus" -
How to seek and find Jesus. Seek him in your private moments, while
reading scripture, in worship, and in our private worship. Seek Him through
His teachings. Seek Him when we can free ourselves from our distractions and,
embrace His righteousness, and press on and not give up. |
Will All Live Forever, Won't We? 11-29-15
Norm Russell
- "We
Will All Live Forever, Won't We?"
This lesson asks "What
must I do to inherit Eternal Life?" When we die, we will in deed live
forever, but the Bible teaches that the real question is not "Will
I live forever?" but "Where will I live
forever?" - there are only two possibilities. Heaven or Hell, like it or
not... Learn more here. |
God Reigns 11-22-15
Glenn Williams - "Our God
Reigns" - Drawn from Isaiah 42:8-9 and other sources, this is God
speaking up and affirming that HE is in control, and we are not. God is God.
We are not. We need to be reminded of that now and then. This detailed lesson
goes on to remind that we're in no place to demand anything from God but can
live in His service in a happy and encouraging way. This is an
lesson - please listen! |
Are Called To Go Part 2 - 11-15-15
Norm Russell
- "We Are
Called To Go" -
(Part 2) Continuing the information about the account of the 72 being sent out to do God's work, so that the people could see the effects of God's grace. How its more important that God's word is being proclaimed and preached than it is the circumstances
or "rewards" of those who were doing it. |
Are Called To Go Part 1 - 11-08-15
Norm Russell
- "We Are
Called To Go" -
(Part 1) Drawn
from Luke 10, this lesson tells about the sending of the 72 out to the various
cities, traveling light (don't take money, food, etc) and living on the
generous nature of those they meet. Those who were kind to the travelers were
blessed. Those who treated them unkindly were not...this is a very detailed
story, and is part 1 of 2 lessons that speak of the 72. |
Cost of Discipleship 11-01-15
Norm Russell
- "The Cost
of Discipleship" - What about if churches lowered their standards
ONLY to fill their buildings? Filling their buildings with MEMBERS, and not
DISCIPLES. What if God lowered HIS standards only to fill up Heaven? This
lesson goes into detail about how dangerous it would be if we lower God's
standards only to draw people in... His standards must NOT be changed, -we-
are what must change.
Turning Point 10-25-15
Norm Russell
- "The
Turning Point" - Jesus is about to go be going to Jerusalem. He's
been training disciples for his departure. He foretold his disciples that he
was to be turned over to those who would kill Him. At this point, will be the
turning of the tide in Jerusalem, and Jesus has set the stage. He will once
and for all defeat Satan. Jesus is on a "secret mission" here, this
lesson tells all about what is to happen.
Dangers of Pride 10-18-15
Norm Russell
- "The
Dangers of Pride" - This is a lesson about pride, drawn from
Proverbs 6:16-17: "There are 6 things that God hates, 7 are an
abomination." The first is haughty eyes (pride). This lesson is about
pride, and its dangers. Many of us think that pride is a good thing to have,
but it can haunt God's people. Hear this lesson to learn the good from the bad. This
is a powerful lesson we can all learn a lot from.
Russell 10-11-15
Norm Russell
- "Lessons
From Luke" - Norm continues his series of lessons from the book of
Luke after returning from a month-long vacation.
Glenn Williams "Being
Militant" (in a good way)- Glenn has an excellent lesson from the book of Daniel and 2
Samuel 24 about how the church needs to be more "militant" in
fighting against the forces of the evils that will seek to weaken the
church. |
Russell 08-23-15
Lessons From Luke - Norm
continues his series of lessons from the book of Luke. |
Russell 08-16-15
Lessons From Luke - Norm
continues his series of lessons from the book of Luke. |
Baptism: History & Importance
Ronnie Kinnaird - "Baptism: History & Importance"
lesson about some of the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples, about going into all the world and preaching the Word. This lesson is also about the history and importance of baptism. It is a fantastic lesson, not to be missed!
It's very likely you'll learn things you didn't know before. |
Our Lives 07-12-15
Norm Russell
"Living Our
Lives" provides a simple lesson here on how we need to continue to
live our lives. It is an exceptional sermon which continues series of lessons
from Luke. |
the Right Choice 07-05-15
HOT  |
Norm Russell
- "Making
the Right Choice" This is a great lesson drawn from Luke 8:26-39 about the man who lived naked and alone in the tombs due to being possessed by demons.
Norm brings out several things to be learned from it: about the demons themselves, about hell (called The Abyss) and about the power of God.
This is truly a story of good and evil, showing the confrontation in plain words. It is a lesson about knowing your enemy, about knowing the truth, and also about knowing your own limitations. As well, it is a lesson about cleansing and faith in God's work.
You Listening? 06-21-15
Norm Russell
- "Are You
Listening?" - Luke 8:16-21 is the basis of this excellent lesson
about why it is important to pay attention to God and others. We pay attention
to God because God's truth matures us. In our maturity, we show the fruits of
the Spirit and that we have an unwavering faith in God and an unsatisfied
HUNGER for God.
and Dedication 06-14-15
Norm Russell
- "God and
Dedication" - This is a sermon about dedication. Norm begins this
sermon speaking of the parable of the sower, and briefly went over the
meanings of the different parts. Then, as we join this sermon (in progress,
see below) he compares it to the dedication of modern-day farmers. (Sound
level is high due to tech issues, so turn down at first then adjust up)
Faithfully 06-07-15
Norm Russell
- "Serving
Faithfully" - This is an excellent sermon based on the first verses
of Luke chapter 8, where it tells of the women who served with Christ and how
and why they did so. It was not for any -glory- or anything, but out of
humility. This is a great story!
The News 05-31-15
HOT  |
Ronnie Kinnaird - "What's
the News, What's the News..." This is a lesson about the Good News of
Jesus Christ - not just the type of warm and fuzzy lesson you probably expect
when you hear a title like this - this is how God and Man mix together well
and the wonder of how God created us. |
Knocks - 05-17-15
Norm Russell
- "Opportunity
Knocks." Based on Luke 7 chapter 36-50, this is the story of the
sinful woman who came to Jesus when she had heard he would be there, and cried
on his feet, washing them with her hair and putting an expensive bottle of
Alabaster on them. Many sins, she was considered and outcast - a woman of
shame - and Simon was puzzled as to why Jesus would even have anything to do
with her.
Day (and others!) 05-10-15
Norm Russell
- "Mother's
Day" - A special sermon about the awesome responsibility placed upon
not only mothers, but fathers, grandparents, and even those who have never had
a child who are the "surrogate" influence on a child. Aunts, uncles,
all - listen, please - this one is for you.
Source of Doubt 05-03-15
Norm Russell
- "The Source
of Doubt" - Ever wonder where self-doubt comes from? This lesson will answer that question. It tells of a man who experienced personal defeat, who had fell victim to cultural influences and suffered from misguided expectations. The RESPONSE to doubt is to look to Jesus. To develop close relationships, and refuse to surrender. Victory comes through faith: faith in God, faith in God's Promises, and faith in God's work
Ashamed of the Gospel - 04-05-15
Norm Russell
(Easter Sermon) "Not
Ashamed of the Gospel" The lesson is based on the Apostle Paul's
teachings about how perfect the Cross of Christ is for everyday people like
you and me - the cross being the very power of God Himself. "Not ashamed
of the Gospel" is the main idea.
True Church
Mike Armor 3-29-15 - "The
True Church" - Exceptional sermon by Mike Armor, examining the church
(in Ephesians) in detail and telling what the church should TRULY be like in
its finest form. A great lesson! |
Glenn Williams 03-22-15
Yourself As You Really Are" 03-15-15
Norm Russell
Yourself As You Really Are" - Do you really see yourself as you truly
are? This lesson asks if we truly do - and if we are actually magnifying the faults
of others compared to our own. This is also a lesson about forgiveness,
which is a
requirement in Christianity, not an option,
when it comes to
dealing with others. |
- 03-01-15
Norm Russell
- "Challenges"
- What it is like to move from a lifestyle that has no spiritual influence to
one that does - how difficult it is to do so. This can help help us understand
what it will be like for those first entering the faith - a good reminder to
help us help others.
Norm Russell
02-27-15 -
Norm Russell
02-15-15 -
Norm Russell
- 02-01-15 - Please
listen and comment.
Truth About Leprosy 01-18-15
Norm Russell
- "The Truth
About Leprosy" - In this revealing lesson, Norm goes into the details (from Luke 5) about what it was like to suffer in Bible days of Leprosy - a disease that even to this date has no cure. Note that a disease is not the only thing that can set us apart - listen and hear all about
it. God's Promises, and faith in God's work. |
Our Ancestors 11-09-14
Norm Russell
: "Remembering
Our Ancestors" - This lesson from
Luke deals with the differences between the gospel accounts and how important
it is for us to remember those in our genealogy that have gone on before us.
It is a very good, detailed, lesson. |
in Numbers" 11-02-14
Norm Russell
: "Strength
in Numbers"
This is a sermon
teaching how important it is for us all to get together, stick together, and
meet together to share our strengths with each other. It's a very important
lesson, hard to do it justice with this explanation. Please hear it.
and Festivals 10-19-14"
Silas Shotwell speaks
about celebrations and festivals. References to the Jewish festival in ancient
days around harvest time (what we know as October) the Feast of Tabernacles
and other celebrations, and how important it was, and how the idea of holding
various celebrations affects us, and MUCH MORE. A truly amazing lesson
about many things! |
New sermon posting by Norm
Russell. Description to come. They're all good... :-) |
Relationship with God - 10-12-14"
Norm Russell
- This is a great
sermon that tells about how our relationship with God is formed and nurtured,
and how we can grow as Christians. It's hard to describe details lessons like
this in 2-3 lines, but please hear it - you won't be disappointed.
Personal Worship - 09-21-14"
Glenn Williams - "Our
Personal Worship" - How important our personal worship is to God, not
just the time we spend in "corporate" (group) worship, but alone
with Him. |
New sermon posting by Norm
Russell. Description to come. They're all good... :-) |
New sermon posting by Gabe Shorb.
Description to come. They're all good... :-) |
New sermon posting by Norm
Russell. Description to come. They're all good... :-) |
- Being Countercultural "
Norm Russell
- "Being
Countercultural" - Based on Romans 12:14-21 this lessons speaks of how
Christians need to be counter-culteral in some ways - forgiving those who
offend us, blessing those who despise us, and watching out for those who are
in need. What to do, and what NOT to do as Christian
- A Sacrificial Life"
Norm Russell
- Based on Romans 12:3-13, this excellent lesson discusses how Christians live life of humility, sharing our gifts of service with others.
Called to Serve"
Norm Russell
- "Called to
Serve." Very good sermon about how we are to be servants first to the Lord, with
our life directed towards God. Our mission in life is God-given, our service is why we were saved. The lesson details what Christian life should be like.
Norm Russell
- "Doing Church" - So often times we hear people who have not seen each other for a while say "-Hey - we should get together and do lunch..." Well... this no-nonsense lesson DOING CHURCH and doing it right lays it on the line.
Value of the Family"
Norm Russell
- This lesson was about the value of friend and family. That is a bit of an understatement, to say the least. Be sure to listen to this one
- Call me Father"
Glenn Williams - A wonderful lesson for all of us about what it is like to be children of God, and being able to call him Father
- Relationships with God"
Norm Russell
- This was a great lesson, and although it was given on Easter Sunday the lesson is more far-reaching and deals with the individual and personal relationships we have with God. This in-depth lesson on our relationship is great for those who are new to the thought and presence of God, and will surely refresh and reaffirm the commitments of those who are already members of God's kingdom.
Qualifications of Elders and deacons"
Norm Russell
- This sermon was given on a day when we were adding additional elders and deacons to our leadership, and was the final lesson about their value and purpose. It is a really good lesson about what they do and why we need them. There had been several lessons leading up to this point as we chose additional men from our group to help with the leadership, and this was sort of a summary of all of them. If your congregation is ready to select elders or deacons, or if you just wondered what they are all about and the scriptural basis (and requirements) for them, this is a great lesson for those questions.
Being an Ambassador"
Norm Russell
speaks on the subject of the attack on our embassy in Libya 9-11-2012 and being an ambassador. How is it that our embassy could be attacked and nobody seems to know the details? We still ask questions about the breakdown in communications, just as we did about the attack on 9/11/01. The broader scope of this lesson is about what it is like to be an ambassador in a foreign land, just as Paul was in the Bible days, and how we need to be properly armored against what seeks to destroy us.
The Source of the Word"
Norm Russell
- This lesson examines the very source of the Word of God, reminding us that all scripture is God given and God breathed, even though recorded by mortal men at
direction. It goes on to describe the power of God in our lives.
3-9-14 - Norm Russell
- lesson on
Christianity and family life by a master preacher of over 30 years
experience. A detail of the lesson will be provided soon. |
3-2-14 - Norm Russell
- lesson on
Christianity and family life by a master preacher of over 30 years
experience. A detail of the lesson will be provided soon. |
Ronnie Kinnaird - A great lesson
on Christianity and family life by a masterful preacher of over 40
years experience. A detail of the lesson will be provided soon. |
and Obey (01-19-14)
Norm Russell
- "Understand
and Obey" - This lesson is about how families are supposed to be,
with a reminder of what is TRULY important. Lots of historical and Biblical
examples on how to raise children and enhance family life
God to people with no concept of God (01-12-14)
This wonderful lesson goes into
how Mike Armor and his team went to teach people with no Bible
background at all. No idea what a bible is - what chapters are,
verses are, etc. This is a truly great sermon, and should be considered
"required hearing" for all who reach out to others. |
Sermon by Norm Russell
Christian life. Description to come. |
Sermon by Norm Russell
Christian life. Description to come. |
the world, but not of the world" (10/27/13)
Norm Russell
-An excellent sermon about what it means to be in, but not of, the
world around us. Even though we are living among many of the ungodly, and are intended to do so, we're not to be like them and adopt their ways. This lesson will help you learn how to do this.
Sermon by Norm Russell
Christian life. Description to come. |
A Lid On It!" 07-14-2013
Norm Russell
- "Keep
A Lid On It!" - This EXCEPTIONAL sermon is a must for everyone.
It's all about anger, how to control it, and how to deal with our
"natural" inclinations toward anger. Please share this lesson
"Always Telling
the Truth!" 07-07-2013
Norm Russell
- "Always Telling
the Truth" - This lesson has some
amazing facts and statistics about how much LYING is a part of our daily life - you'll be amazed when you hear this. However, lying and telling the absolute truth also has some scriptural implications... and Christian or not I think you will find this lesson extremely interesting.
Reserved space, sermon coming
later. |
it Right" 06-23-2013
Norm Russell
- Getting it
Right Sometimes we can lose our perspective when we look at what is happening to the churches. We become guilty of trying to get things the way WE want them with the least possible "cost" to ourselves or our current habits and way of life. This lesson gets back on the right course. God's
rules have -not- changed.
in Control" 06-16-2013
2013-06-16 - "God in
Control" - A guest speaker applying for our youth minister position speaks about fear, and being afraid. How he learned to control his fear, and realizing that God is ALWAYS in control, no matter what.
Way of Escape"
Norm Russell
- "A Way
of Escape" - The importance of keeping our lives focused on God, and not trying to see how close we can get our spiritual toes to the line between what is good and what is not good. How easy it is to succumb to sin, and desperate our situation becomes when it does.
Lesson recommended for teenagers and above. |
the Church 05-26-2013
Norm Russell
- Recognizing Our
Blessings - This interesting lesson will cause you to take a moment and
reflect on the things that we enjoy, as a result of the hard work and expense
of those who have gone before. It also asks the probing question, "If
Paul were looking for the church in your town today, could he find it? Hear
and consider...
Norm Russell
- "Losing God's Reverence" -
Understanding the consequences of what we do. How much our daily lives have changed to the point where we have "lost" the reverence towards God that is His due. What to do in this dangerous situation.
Reserved space for a misplaced
sermon... |
Lord's Supper" 05-05-2013
Ronnie Kinnaird - The Lord's Supper - What it is, what it means, and why it is so very important to us. An excellent lesson by a masterful teacher, based on 1 Peter 2:9 and other scriptures. If you want to know what the Lord's
Supper ( sometimes called a Communion or Communion Service ) is all about, this is the lesson for you.
Godly Success" 04-21-13
Norm Russell
- This is a great lesson on what it means to be truly successful, not as the world sees it, but as God sees
it. The lesson goes on to tell just what we may have to risk in order to be
successful. Paul accepted his ministry as a trust between him and Jesus - and as his privilege to share the Gospel. So can we!
for Christ" 04-14-13
Norm Russell
Conflicts between nations have been around as long as there have been nations. Nations depend on ambassadors to resolve problems. Problems also happen when people treat others they don't even know as potential opponents, instead of possible -friends-.
It's our job to win people to Christ, not judge them.
New Start on Life - 03-31-13
Norm Russell
- "A New
Start on Life" - This one was great. It tells about the entire plan
that God has for us, and why the risen Savior is so important to us. I think
that this lesson would be especially useful for someone who was wondering
about how valuable God thinks they are, and how much God actually cares for
them. It's a good lesson for someone looking for how to get a new start on
life. Please share it with others.
Worth" - 03-13-13
Mike Armor - "Self
Worth" - by Mike Armor as he concluded a 3-day workshop. This lesson
will help anyone who is really feeling down to feel better about themselves
and their own self-worth. This is an essential lesson - please hear it
Norm Russell
- Description to
come. Sunday morning sermon.
Norm Russell
- Description to
come. Sunday morning sermon.
Norm Russell
- Description to
come. Sunday morning sermon.
for a Safe Journey" - 01-06-13
Norm Russell
for a Safe Journey" - The lesson is drawn from Hebrews 10 verses
19-25. Christians at that time were becoming weary of their struggles. They
needed to realize that Jesus had opened the way to God, and made Him
approachable instead of just the priest's yearly sacrifice. This lesson goes
on to tell how we can ALL approach God and the throne of His grace. |
11-11-12 - "A Different Kingdom"
Norm Russell
- "A
Different Kingdom" - The purpose of this lesson is to contrast the
Kingdom of God with the "Kingdoms" of this world. It tells what
makes Jesus stand out above all world leaders, and how the Kingdom of Christ
stands out from the rest of the world. This is also a lesson about family
values and how we govern our lives.
11-04-12 -Dying to Self
Norm Russell
- "Dying to Self"
- Continuing the subject about "Radical Love" that Jesus teaches us to have. We were called to love each other deeply - and sometimes it's not at all easy - but it can be done. The lesson will teach you how to avoid self-centeredness and look to the welfare of others..
10-28-12 - Radical Love
Norm Russell
- "Radical Love" - the kind unreachable in this life, the kind that Jesus has called us to in our love for each other. We may not be able to -reach- it, but this lesson will at least help you understand it and come as close as you can to actually practicing it.
Ronnie Kinnaird - A lesson from Acts
8:3-4: A lesson on Phillip when he was teaching and touching many lives. This is the story of the conversion of the Ethiopian
eunuch, telling of his baptism and how important baptism is and how we must reach out and teach others.
Norm Russell
- "Obedience" - If we were never taught as children to obey instruction in the first place, we will never understand why its necessary. Importance of teaching children obedience in the home. This lesson centers around obedience to Christ, and the
responsibilities we all have to each other.
Is Fun! 09-09-12
Norm Russell
- "Life is
Fun!" - In this heartfelt sermon, Norm offers a very personal lesson about how our Christian life is not supposed to be all drudgery and worry. Life can be fun, and still stick to the Bible. Also, he goes on to teach how we can dare to dream and "reach for the stars" no matter what our current circumstance may be. He also shares some very personal aspects of his childhood and upbringing... the kind of things that tell you he's speaking directly from his heart.
Norm Russell
- Lesson about "polarizing individuals" and their ability to be divisive. This is not always bad. Jesus was divisive, too, in that He set the standard as to what we were expected to give up in order to properly serve and follow Him. This is NOT a negative lesson, just the opposite. Hear it and
see - you'll like it!
Our Storms 08-26-12
Norm Russell
- In this lesson, Jesus returns to His home town of Nazareth and goes into the synagogue to teach. But they didn't really KNOW Him. Jesus came to bring peace to us all and calm our storms. It is an impassioned and educational lesson, and
will help you to understand the
person of Christ. From calming the storms on the Sea of Galilee to the storms of your own life, Jesus can help if you'll only give Him a chance. Good for people feeling lost and alone.
argh! |
Sorry, but due to equipment
failure, no sermon was recorded on 8/19/12. |
Water - 08-12-12
Ben Cook - This lesson was given
during "Beach Fest" where teens from all over gathered with us for a
devotional weekend. The lesson centers on how some people are not gaining
anything in their Christian walk, not drowning yet, but not getting any
better, either. This excellent lesson "lays it on the line" about
the subjects of Heaven and Hell. |
To the Feast - 08-05-12
Norm Russell
- A truly exceptional retelling of the story of the king whose son was about to be married and he sent out invitations to special people, all of which declined him, and what happened next. Maybe you've heard this one before, but Norm's way is special in the way that he tells all of the details BEHIND the
story and applies it to today.
Positive Changes 07-29-12
Tom Pruett -
How we must have the
courage to try new things that benefit the church, but
only if
they meet the requirements laid out in Scripture as beneficial, and how to
know it if they do, as Jesus did in His day, and we can do it in OUR day. This
is a great lesson with many historical anecdotes and I am sure you will enjoy
it. |
of the Sabbath
Norm Russell
- "Story of
the Sabbath" - The story of Jesus when He healed the man with the withered hand while in public at the synagogue on the Sabbath. The pharasees who were present were trying to entrap Him, because they felt it unlawful if He violated the traditions of the Sabbath day. In reality, it was them who were "between a rock and a hard spot" so to speak. This lesson is rich with the 'story behind the story' details and the lessons and customs of the day, be sure to hear it.
Lord's Supper - 07-15-12
Norm Russell
- This
masterful lesson centers and focuses on the significance and importance of the Lord's Supper, and why Jesus started it. Further, it goes on to explain the very personal aspects of what it should be to each of us which words here just can't adequately describe.
This is a must-have for all Christians, please hear it right away. |
You Willing to Pay the price? - 07-01-12
Norm Russell
- "Are You Willing to Pay the Price?"
This stirring sermon encourages us to realize that if we truly want to make things better in our lives, then its sure to come with a cost. The most important part of the cost is already paid, if we'll accept it. Sometimes, our own fear of the cost of achieving what we want prevents us from even attempting it. This will help you make the right choice!
the Morning Star - 07-08-12
Norm Russell
- "Morning
Star" - Some people get depressed and think that Satan is in control of our world and we have no way to defeat him. It's true he exists, but he is not all-powerful, God is. This is an excellent lesson about how we often have to deal with the consequences of our own mistakes, and how we -must- make a
commitment to Jesus, and KEEP that commitment. More details coming soon. Recorded July 8, 2012.
and the Church - 06-24-12
Norm Russell
- "Jesus and
the Church" - This lesson tells how Jesus is the revelation of God, and the image of God as well. Jesus is the firstborn and the creator, and that which holds everything together. Likewise, Jesus is the head of the church, since the church is His body and the church is sustained by Him. Additionally, as with Carter's lesson below, it also explores the true "humanity" of Christ when He walked among us. I'm sure you'll like this lesson as much as I did. Suitable for all audiences.
Like the Jesus Christ as He was when human - 06-17-12
Carter Davis: The Bible teaches that we are to be like Jesus. It also teaches that Jesus lived as we do on the earth. In this exceptional lesson, Carter points out that since we are supposed to be like Jesus and cannot be like Him as He was like God, we can at least be like Him as he was like US when He was among us. He was a caring, feeling, compassionate person; even justifiably angry in some
situations when He saw a wrong being done. This is a very encouraging lesson, and suitable for all ages. |
Top Experiences 6-10-12
Norm Russell
- A great sermon about what a mountain-top experience really is, and how dangerous they could be.
Norm Russell
- "Keeping in Touch" - How our methods of communicating have changed over
time, even just over his own lifetime. One thing never changes, though: How easy, personal, and effective it is to communicate with God.
This lesson also explores how rich we are in
spiritual blessings even
though we often don't even realize it. |
Eastern European
Ministries 05-20-12
Ben Mereness, (a guest speaker
from Eastern European Ministries) talks about Go and Tell, Send and Tell, and
Show and tell. How EEM has grown from a small group from the USA going to
Austria to spread the word to sending Bibles and other materials to whole
school districts in the Ukraine and other former Soviet Union countries.
Teachers are using Bibles to teach their children about Christ and Christian
values. |
the Dedicated Mother of Jesus 05-13-12
Norm Russell
- "Mary, the
Dedicated Mother." Thoughts about how it must have been for Mary and Joseph when they learn she is pregnant and how it came to be, and the tough situation Joseph was in during this time, not to mention Mary! This is a very thought-provoking lesson about a mother's
responsibility and dedication to their child.
Does Faith Come? 04-29-12
Todd Tripp: From Hebrews 11: How
Does Faith come? The importance of believing the whole Bible, and how important it is to have faith that God will do what He says He will do. Todd gives several examples of men of faith from the scriptures. A good historical lesson, which still applies today. |
Spiritual Clothing - 04-22-12
Dave Dowlen, guest speaker, teaches from
Galatians 3, how we are all sons and daughter of Jesus, and all one in Christ Jesus, clothed in His righteousness. There is a common saying that "clothes make the man" - Dave's lesson teaches us how to examine and evaluate our spiritual
clothing and see what we are inside. |
Cowboy Churches 04-11-12
Steve Russell -
"Cowboy Church" -
speaks on the subject of Cowboy Churches which are becoming popular across our
nation, and how they reach out to a segment of the population which has not been
directly addressed before. |
and the Children - 03-18-12
Norm Russell
- "Jesus
and the Children." Norm speaks of the simple truth of the song "Jesus Loves Me" that most of us were taught from childhood, and asks just when and why it was that we stopped singing the song. Do we doubt God? Do we think it's "just for kids?" Or do we realize the meaning behind it, and how much Jesus cares about HIS children? It's time to get back to the basics, and what is truly important.
With Our Limitations 03-11-12
Norm Russell
- Dealing with
our limitations, and lack of competence in some areas. How we need to make sure we don't get "big-headed" and remember that we still need God to help us. This is not to say that we should go around with a
"defeatist" attitude, only that we need to know where our limits are. This
sermon will help you define that.
or Disciple
Norm Russell
- An engaging
sermon about the differences between being just a "Christian" and
being a "Disciple" of Christ. Which are you? This will help you find
Birth of Jesus
Norm Russell
- "The birth of
Christ" This lesson speaks about the past holidays, people that visited Bethlehem, and how the birth of Christ is told in the Bible. Norm goes into some excellent detail about how things were handled in Jesus' day, gives details about Joseph and Mary, and clears up some of the common misunderstandings about the time of His birth, and the "life and times" during which Jesus is born.
The New Year
- 01-01-12
Guest speaker "Gabe"
speaks about starting the new year properly, setting goals, and appreciating
what we have.
Mystery Revealed 12-04-11
Norm Russell
- All about
creation and our lives, from our very first formulation to the Revelation.
Four Kinds
of Love 11-27-11
Clint Cole - "Four Kinds of
Love" - Clint discusses the four different uses of the word
"love" in scripture, gives us good examples of each. Amazing how
they differ. |
by Faith 11-20-11
Norm Russell
-"Living by
Faith". Thanking God, reach out and keep trusting!
of the church 11-13-11
Norm Russell
- "Relevance of
the Church" - the church must remain relevant to the people it works to help. We can't change our mission or purpose, but we do need to make sure we're meeting the needs of those we teach. The Bible is
THE standard by which the church must operate. This
will help you be sure you're doing so. |
- 11-06-11
Norm Russell
- "Freedom"
- In spite of the world we live in we can still be free. There is freedom waiting for those in the world, freedom for those who are in Christ and freedom within the Church.
is Man
Norm Russell
- What is man, that
God should be mindful of him? This thought-provoking lesson will make you feel
better about yourself.
Our Changing World
Norm Russell
- Our Changing
World - How no matter how much the world changes around us, some things MUST
remain the same. A very touching lesson that will enhance your life, especially
if you've been feeling "down" lately.
Isaac, Jacob
10-09-2011 |
Ronnie Kinnaird - An excellent
historical sermon by a gifted speaker about Abraham and his wife, and the
challenges they faced. Also about how God promised to reward them (and did) even
though they could not see how it was possible. |
A New Beginning
Russell - Ever wish you could go back and do something over again? This great
sermon is all about starting over. Drawn from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. This is not
to be missed - please listen to this one,
especially if you think it is too late for you. |
A Strong
Finish -
09-25-2011 |
Norm Russell
- This is an
excellent lesson that takes place as Paul writes his final letter to Timothy as
Paul is in prison awaiting execution. Paul's concern was not for himself, but
for the future of the church. Will Timothy follow through with his promises?
Will the church survive? He goes on to give personal encouragements to Timothy,
as he will replace Paul and he wants him to be strong and continue in his place.
Stepping Out of the Boat 09-18-11
Russell - "Stepping Out Of the Boat" - Having the faith to focus
directly on God and believe in what He promises. Full description coming soon. |
Importance of the Lord's Supper - 09-11-11
Russell - "Importance of the Lord's Supper." (often called "Communion")The value of memorials and remembering what has gone on before. How it's
valuable to keep on reminding future generations what was important, and why.
The disciples with Jesus in the upper room did not understand what was going on
either, and how important of a memorial this last supper with Jesus was to
become. A great lesson on its importance & meaning. |
How Can We Ever Win? 09-04-11
Looking at the odds against us, sometimes we wonder how we could ever possibly
"win" the battle. God has given us as workers to the people of the world. We
live in the one state in the US with the least churches. There are more churches
around the city of Nashville, TN than in all of Oregon. But God has called us to
take the Gospel to the community, even if it is like "trying to move the Pacific
Ocean with a spoon." God =will= make it possible. It has already happened
before: 11 people taught "all of the creation under Heaven" (Col 1:23). This is
a very encouraging lesson! |
Honesty & Core Values of the church 08-28-11
Russell - 'Honesty and Core Values'- From Ecclesiastes 7, Norm is continuing his
multi-part series on the examining the insides of the church and what it should
be like. This lesson deals with being compassionate towards others, and goes on
to define the values the church should have. It is the core values of a church
(and persons) that defines what we are and what we do. Exhalation of Jesus
Christ is a Core Value. Are we a church BECAUSE of Jesus, or a church in spite
(regardless) of Jesus? This lesson goes on to carefully examine what we SAY to
make sure it is concert with what we actually DO
every day. |
Where is God When Bad Things Happen 8-21-11
is God when bad things happen? In this past week, one of our members named Tina
out of the blue was diagnosed with a serious illness. Additionally, two local
teenagers which many members knew lost their lives in an auto accident. We have
to wonder sometimes, Where is God when this kind of thing happens? Norm's sermon
is intended to help us make sense of things like this, and to answer that
question. |
Introspection - A Look At Ourselves 8-14-11
Russell - "Introspection - A Look At Ourselves"
In this sermon much different (as he said) from any he's ever done before, Norm
takes an introspective look at the church as it exists today. He examines what
he sees as bot the good points, and the "other points" of the church. This is a
very rewarding lesson, a little longer than most, but a treasure in our
collection here. |
Real Christian Families 08-07-2011
Fitzsimmons - "Real Christian Families" - Many picture the "ideal Christian
family" as one who looks like those in TV shows, never having a problem, never
undergoing any stress, all smiles all the way. Silas presents an intriguing
lesson here on what Christian families are -really- like, and you'll probably
find they are a lot like you - ordinary people doing the best they can with
God's help. |
Sneaky Satan
Fitzsimmons - "Sneaky Satan" - Silas deals with some of Satan's tricks - such as
bringing bad things on us gradually to the point that we don't notice until it's
too late. This is a great sermon about how we must always be vigilant and gives
some great ideas how to do that. (Silas was guest speaker at our youth rally
held this weekend) |
Life's Setbacks
Norm Russell
- Sometimes Life just doesn't go the way you planned it would.
This thought-provoking lesson will teach you how to deal with that, and give
some suggestions on making unplanned "unhappy things" easier to deal with. Will
this lesson solve all of your problems? Probably not. Will it help? Definitely. |
Behind Closed Doors
07-17-11 |
Norm Russell
-Continuing the lesson series
about David, speaks of his relationship with his father. The lesson is about the
importance of fatherhood, as well as the serious mistakes David made. About the
terrible things that can go on behind closed doors we would not expect.
How are things with YOUR family? Listen to this and then check. |
Merchants of Misery 04-03-11 |
Norm Russell
- "Merchants of Misery" - Sometimes it seems that some people and
situations come into our lives to do nothing but make us miserable. This lesson
can help you deal with it, and can teach you a lot about these situations.
Please hear it. |
Chasing the Wind 03-13-11 |
Russell - "Chasing the Wind" - in this lesson, Norm teaches about jealousy, and
goes back to the days of King Saul. David and the king were the best of friends.
Yet, there was one small "innocent" statement made during a celebration parade..
"Saul has killed his thousands and David his tens-of-thousands.. "made in praise
of the king that drove the king and David apart - and it lasted until the king's
death. Avoid this! |
Discounted People?
Russell -"When You Are Discounted." A lesson on how people sometimes treat us as
less than they should. How God never treats a person any differently due to
their status, strengths, failures, or anything else. God is only
interested in your heart. Includes the story of David and his faithfulness to
wait on God's promises. |
David & Goliath 02-27-11 |
Russell - "David and Goliath" - a re-telling of a familiar story but in a new
and different way. This is a story of inspiration. Discusses why this story is
valuable and that it is, indeed - a true story. This lesson gives a lot of
historic detail about what battles were like in those days. |
Godly Role Models
Russell - "Godly Role Models" - This inspiring sermon teaches about the value of
selecting role models to help guide our lives. It also teaches on the value of
creativity in solving problems, and the changes in the church that have happened
in recent years. We're responsible for much of our own circumstances. Drawn
from Philippians Chapter 4, where Paul was in prison (again) and still managed
to remain positive. |
Where is MINE?
01-16-11 |
Russell - "Where is Mine?" Although the first minutes of this lesson are
missing, this story about some of the trials we all go through is easy to
understand and identify with. It addresses the common struggle we all have of
"If life is supposed to be so good and blessings abundant, where did
go?" (Note: The sound quality is a
little lower than usual on this one, as it had to be recorded on tape that week
instead of CD) |
01-09-11 - "The Polar Star Part 2" |
The Polar Star - Conclusion. These
are two of the most impressive and encouraging sermons I have heard in a long
time. I'm sure you'll like them. |
01-02-11 - "The Polar Star Part 1" |
Russell - "The Polar Star" - This impressive sermon tells about how we can use
our "guide star" to guide our lives and stay on a proper Christian course. When
we have a point of reference that never changes, we can
change to make a proper course. I really liked this lesson and its
application, and think you will to. |
Russell - A lesson on how we celebrate Christmas and what the true meaning of it
should be to us. About the necessity to keep a proper focus in our lives. |
Runaway Parents
Norm Russell
- The
problems we currently face with "runaway parents." There are currently
18 MILLION single parents, raising 21
MILLION children. America alone has 127,000 children waiting to be
adopted, and the world has 143,000,000 orphans. This lesson speaks to the value
of marriage, stable parental and family relationships. Speaks also of what our
congregation is doing to help, and the obligations of Christians to help. |
Being Vulnerable 12-05-10 |
Norm Russell
- Speaks of our "vulnerability" to
attacks by others, such as one who tried to set a bomb off at a recent Christmas
Tree lighting. But there is one type of destruction that is even more damaging:
the ability of a threat to go unrecognized in our Christian walk. This is an
-excellent- lesson about why we have to be vigilant. |
Ezekiel's Dead Bones Sermon
Norm Russell
- "Dem
Bones" - A great story from Ezekiel about how his faith was tested a bit when he
was directed to preach to a valley full of dead and drying BONES! Could
do that? It took amazing dedication and faith, but it turned out great. Also, at
the beginning a few minutes about this
ministry from Mark Magill at Norm's request. |
Let All Praise Him
Norm Russell
- "Let
All Praise Him." - God's Word says that He is all knowing. Not even a sparrow
falls from a tree that He does not know it. If you don't think God cares about
you any more, you need this lesson. It's a great lesson on how important we are
to God, about how we worship Him, and much more.
(Thanksgiving week, 2010) |
Greatness of God
Norm Russell
- The
greatness of our God and Savior, and how much we are blessed both as a nation
and a church. How our simple humility as we go about our daily lives can have an
impact not only on those near us, but on our nation as a whole. Expands on the
lesson God taught Solomon in II Chronicles. |
Baptism |
Ronnie Kinnaird - Speaks very sensitively but directly about
baptism - One of the most important, and common-sense sermons you're likely to
hear that "lays it on the line" and pulls no punches. Be sure to hear and share
this one!. He is a truly gifted speaker. (Note: This is one of our
most-downloaded lessons) |
Pray for those in charge over us
11-07-10 |
Norm Russell
- "Pray
for Those In Charge Over Us" - A lesson about how we are to pray for and obey
our elected officials and those in charge over us. No, this is not a "standard
sermon" you've heard a hundred times. This one is really special and is about
our duty and obligation to those in authority over us. |
Our Multiple Personalities 10-31-10 |
Carter Davis - About the
inward struggle that we have in ourselves, almost to the point of "multiple
personalities" as we argue with ourselves about how important it is to make the
right choices. |
Ever Doubted God?
Norm Russell
The power of God to do anything. Or can He? We are taught such as children, but
then as adults we start to wonder just what God CAN do, and who He really is.
Ever doubted God? This is a good lesson for you to hear. It's a story about
Gideon and the trials he faced, and how through the power of God, followed
without variance, he was successful. Yes, He can do anything, if you let him... |
Spiritual Hypothermia 10-03-10 |
Norm Russell
Discusses the symptoms of "Spiritual Hypothermia" as it applies to Christians
and the Church. You'll really want to listen to this -- it's a silent killer
that sneaks into our lives and the lives of those around us. |
The Danger of Perfectionism 9-25-10 |
Hot!  |
Norm Russell
- "Perfectionism" - The dangers of trying to be perfect. Of not
realizing the true gift God has given us. Thinking that if you were to sin and
not ask forgiveness before you died, you'd go to hell. The danger of those who
think God keeps a "tally sheet" of good and bad deeds - only letting into heaven
those who have more good deeds than bad. This is a very encouraging sermon for
those who think they're just not "good enough" for God. Please, listen to this
one first. It's important. This is part 2, & part 1 was never recorded due
equipment failure, but this lesson reviews it well. This is one of
our most-downloaded sermons. |
Poor Self Image
Norm Russell
- "Poor
Self Image" - A lesson on how to overcome it. The need for change if you want
things to change. You can't just keep going on the way you are and expect
something to magically happen that makes everything OK. If you're happy being
miserable and don't want to change, you will NOT change. But if you WANT to
change, you CAN change. Here's a lesson on how to do it. |
07-18-10 |
Norm Russell
- "Never
Assume" - How people sometimes feel when becoming a Christian, especially when
they first come to Christ. So many feel that Christianity is the do-all end-all
to all of their problems; setting themselves up for a terrible disappointment
when they realize that although we do have an eternal hope of salvation, we're
not going to live an idyllic life just because we follow Christ.
See also
09-25-10 "Perfectionism" above. |
07-25-10 |
Norm Russell
"Perceptions" - A story of a church who dismissed a preacher for being "too
holy." A lesson on how we deal with others who seem to have no hardships in
their lives. Is that what's really going on inside their lives? Maybe not. But
we become jealous of what we perceive as their "perfect life" and don't
understand why ours can't be the same way. |
06-20-10 |
Norm Russell
Celebrates the job that fathers have towards their families and children, not
just "biological" fathers but those who have had fatherly influences in the
lives of children. How this also relates to our relationship also to our
heavenly father. |
06-13-10 |
Norm Russell
- "Life Groups" - As our Life Groups take a summer break, Norm
speaks of how valuable they are and what we've learned from them. Also, teaches
about how people are now starting to value things they used to take for
granted. |
The Truth About Evolution |
Hot! |
Ronnie Kinnaird - "Evolution" - Speaks sensitively but
about evolution -This important and Bible-referenced common-sense sermon "lays
it on the line" and pulls no punches. Please be sure to hear this one!. He is a
truly gifted speaker. (April 2010) |
Easter 2010 |
Norm Russell
Patmos Island Experience" - speaks on the subject of Christ's late life, His
death, burial, and resurrection, and how those around Him reacted to His
presence. From the calling of the apostles as "fishers of men" to John's exile
on Patmos, a caring and sensitive sermon deals with how we can also deal with
our own "Patmos Island" situations. |
04-11-10 |
Steve Russell - "Cowboy Church" -
speaks on the subject of Cowboy Churches which are becoming popular across our
nation, and how they reach out to a segment of the population which has not been
directly addressed before. Steve tells a personal story about how he overcame a
near-death and paralyzing illness by his faith in God. |
03-28-10 |
Norm Russell
- (90
second silence at start) Teaches more on the Colossian church about how we're
taught to pray for guidance in the works that we do, and how we often try to
solve human crisis without involving God. We're overconfident in some cases! |
03-21-10 |
Norm Russell
Continues the study of Colossians, speaking to the all-sufficiency of God to
provide all we need, both spiritual and physical. Also history lesson of the
day. |
Jonah and the Whale - the untold story!
Carter Davis - "Jonah and the Whale - The Untold Story." - This is a very
enlightening lesson on the true significance of Jonah and his experience with
running from God and his experience being swallowed up by a fish. If you think
you know the whole story, please listen to this lesson! There is more to it than
meets the eye. |
03-07-10 |
Norm Russell
Continues the study of Colossians, speaking how of it is the will of God that we
enjoy life, not just suffer through it. Based on Col 3:12-17. |
02-28-10 |
Norm Russell
Continues the study of Colossians, speaking of Paul's prison letter to the
church to help them get themselves in order, theologically and practically. |
02-21-10 |
Norm Russell
- shortly
after recovering from a heart surgery. Norm continues the study of Colossians,
speaks on how when we recognize problems it is up to us not just to recognize
them, but to
do something about them. Paul encourages the
Colossian church to take action against what they know is wrong. |
02-14-10 |
Carter Davis - Speaks of
the daily battles we face every day and how they compare to the "battle stories"
in the Old Testament - how giants of "small people" saved others. |
01-31-10 |
Norm Russell
- "False Advertising" - How "religious" people can use familiar
words and phrases on TV and other places out of context and mislead people, with
what could be spiritually disastrous results. Continues on Colossian letter,
about false teaching. |
01-24-10 |
Norm Russell
- How our
progress towards Christ is measured in a practical sense. How we can tell if we
are growing in the right direction. Discipleship = growth + change. |
01-17-10 |
Norm Russell
- "Christ
is Everything" - (Colossians 2:1-5) Paul, writing to the Colossian church about
the heresy they were being faced with. Paul was very concerned the church would
even survive. Lesson tells how Paul strengthened the church, and helped them
through this difficult time. |
01-10-10 |
Norm Russell
- "Who
Are You?" A lesson on evaluating how YOU perceive YOURSELF. This can make a hug
difference in the way your lead your life and how happy you are with yourself
and your call to ministry, or whatever ELSE God had called you to do. |
01-03-10 |
Carter Davis -
"Resolutions" - A lesson about we tend to make resolutions and not keeping them.
Often, they fail because nobody expects you to keep them - but God has different
ideas about that. Carter also shares some remembrances of his childhood and
comparing things he remember then to how things are today.
12-27-09 |
Norm Russell
- "2010"
- A lesson about goal-setting, resolutions, and how we look ahead to the future
for the church. Paul writes to the Ephesians (Ch 4:1-13) about how the church
should influence the community and remain united together. |
12-20-09 |
Norm Russell
- "He
Came." - How is it that Jesus "came" to the Earth when he has always been here?
A translation error? This sensitive and caring sermon deals with Christ, His
birth, and His "arrival" on earth to save us. A good "Christmas" sermon to share
with your family. It is also an encouraging lessons for those who are
struggling. |
12-13-09 |
Norm Russell
- "How
Soon We Forget" - The story of Israel, and how quickly they forgot about what
things were like in Egypt before they left. How we are also guilty of forgetting
what we had in the past as we complain about the present. Paul, writing to the
Colossian church, reminds them of what -they- once were, and what they are now. |
12-06-09 |
Norm Russell
- "He is
Everything" - Continuing in Colossians, new teachers have come to Colossi, and
the people almost blindly accepted them, without being sure of what they were
teaching - that Jesus was not enough by Himself, you need MORE! |
11-22-09 |
Russell - "Wherever we are, God is." Psalm 145: David's song of praise. A lesson
on how we can depend on God's presence in our lives. A thoughtful and moving
sermon, suggests we each sit down and write a song of praise. Could you do it?
Think.. |
11-15-09 |
Norm Russell
- "New
Beginnings" - Every day, God gives us a new beginning. Thanking God for the
strength and feeling of family that we have when the church comes together. This
is a lesson about controlling emotions, and being wary of whom to trust. |
11-08-09 |
Norm Russell
- "The
Great Communicator" From
Colossians 1: Beginning a new study of Paul's
lessons. Jesus, a 'man of the people' and how He lived among us and cared about
us, then taught the church to do the same. Importance of encouragement. |
11-01-09 |
Norm Russell
Beginning a series on the letter to the Colossians , this lesson speaks out on
our responsibility to trust God to take care of us. Also, how important it is to
GET BACK TO THE BIBLE when you want to know what God's answers are. |
10-25-09 |
Norm Russell
- Use of
the word or title "Christian" and its origin. Did you know it is only in
scripture 3 times? It was originally a very "uncomplimentary" word. Now
"Disciple" is used 264 times. This lesson teaches the difference between what
"Christians" are, compared to "disciples." Does it -really-
matter? Listen and decide.... |
10-18-09 |
Russell - "Sun Shiny Day." Do you think that everything in your life depends on
you? This lesson starts out with Norm Russell learning a lesson about God's
power. It is one we all can learn from. Good lesson to start with if you're not
sure what to get first. |
10-11-09 |
"Jacob and Esau" - How God finds a day to "break in"
to our lives when we're not really expecting it, and helps us to live our lives.
Have you perhaps been a follower for years, but have stopped growing? The story
of twin brothers Esau and Jacob, and how different they were, their family,
their history, and their life - and how God "broke in" to the story. |
10-04-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Only
Hypocrites Go to Church." This has been said by many, and many believe it to be
true. This lesson looks at why someone might think this way, and what we can do
about it to help change their perceptions of us. |
09-27-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Pursue
Peace" - Briefly put, this is a lesson on forgiveness. Not just that of Christ,
but what WE need to do to put old personal injuries and grudges aside, before
they ruin us. Hurt by someone? Carrying a grudge? You'd better listen to this... |
09-20-09 |
Carter Davis -
Luke 15:11 "The Parable of the Lost Son.+ A good lesson to humble those of
us who may be getting a little too self-important... How do you know if it is
you or not? Listen to the story. There is something for everyone in this story,
and Carter gives wonderful insights into life in those days and why this lesson
is so important. |
09-13-09 |
Norm Russell
: "The
Road to Freedom" - How to deal with things that interfere with our relationship
between us and God, and us and each other. A lesson on how to make the
transition between repeatedly making mistakes and living in a new way of life. |
09-06-09 |
Hot! |
Russell - "Come Clean" - This truly exceptional lesson is about "coming
clean" about the things you are hiding, from yourselves and from God. The heart
is what controls our attitudes, motives, and will. This lesson is how to get
your heart right before God, and before others.
If you're burdened with GUILT over things you have done or are hiding,
need this lesson. If you think God could not use or love you
because of what you've done in the past,
you need
lesson. Please listen - and share it.. |
08-30-09 |
Norm Russell
"Humility" - Developing a humble spirit, and admitting our need for Jesus
Christ. Learning how to turn towards God and trusting Him enough to make Him
lord of our life. Not everyone is GOING to follow and trust Christ... there are
even members of the church that aren't doing this yet. How much of your life,
your self, your marriage, your very BODY does Christ control? This lesson will
help you find out. |
08-23-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Stop
Arranging the Deck Chairs" - The boat is sinking. You're in big trouble. And
you're wasting time arranging the deck chairs on the boat. You want to play
"God" and take care of things yourself. This moving sermon will let you know
just how dangerous this can be. God will help you - if you let Him
help you. Download this! |
08-02-09 |
Carter Davis - The story
of Sampson, and the important value of the Old Testament stories in our daily
life now. This sermons is focused in the book of Judges. |
07-19-09 |
Norm Russell
"Resolving Conflict" - Even back to ancient days, the church itself has not
always been at peace. This inspiring lesson teaches us how to deal with disputes
and work towards peace, both in the church and our personal life. |
07-12-09 |
Norm Russell
- "In
Love With Ourselves" - Some have become "in love" with themselves. Focusing
too much on their own self-love and self-worth. As Jesus teaches, "If you're
pursuing a life focused on you, then you're not following me." |
06-28-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Who Do
You Say That I Am?" - Jesus, speaking privately to the 12, teaches them both a
lesson about His passing that is to come, and about how powerful the church will
become against the forces of evil, asking the question, "Who do you say that I
am? What do YOU think about Jesus? Who is He, TO YOU? Think about it... |
06-14-09 |
Norm Russell
- "The
Church in Trouble" - As in many countries, the church here knows suffering very
well. Along with great growth, came great sadness, disappointment, and
heartache. This is a great history lesson from the days of the "Herods" (there
several) & God's promise to always oversee the affairs of His people. |
06-07-09 |
Davis -"Noah and the Ark" - This is a unique re-telling of what is probably the
most well-known story in the Bible. Carter adds a unique perspective to this
story, however, and presents it in an unforgettable way. Even if you've hear
this a hundred times, take the 24 minutes to hear it again. Perfect for young
and old alike! |
05-17-09 |
Norm Russell
: "The
Imperfect Church" - A lesson about the often-overused word "dysfunctional" as it
applies to families and the church. The truth about what the church as a whole
lacks, and where it needs to go. |
05-10-09 |
Norm Russell
"Mothers in the Bible" - Norm speaks of the example mothers set in raising
children, both their own and others - both in the Bible and our own lives. The
positive values they help inspire in children, and how our culture impacts the
challenge they (and fathers) have in raising children. (Lesson based on 2
Timothy 1) |
05-03-09 |
Carter Davis - Teaches
on the Book of Philemon, about how Paul and Timothy on the road to Damascus as
God confronts Paul as to why he is persecuting His people. |
04-26-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Things
We Sometimes Ignore About God." - some traits about God that not all of us think
about. God's justice. His wrath. His omnipresence. Sometimes we'd like to only
think about God's LOVE and not the "other" things. God is indeed love, as the
Bible teaches us... but love also brings about correction if it loves truly.
(Romans 5:5-11). If you're outside of God, you must fix it now - this lesson can
help. |
04-19-09 |
Carter Davis - "Book of
James" - A short but powerful book, James gives concise directions and
instructions as to what we should when we encounter trials in our life. Also, a
mini-biography of James, the person - the younger half-brother of Jesus. Based
on James 1:2-8 -
Click Here to read the Bible verses.(45 min) |
04-12-09 |
Russell - "The Empty Tomb" - Teaching about the importance of the resurrection
of Jesus Christ, and how important it is to our very faith - and how it sets us
aside from the rest of the world. Based on John chapter 20, the lesson also
mentions some biographical details of Mary Magdalene. |
04-05-09 |
Norm Russell
- "The
Nature and Character of God." Even the best relationships do not just "happen"
they have to be built and require a lot of hard work. Friends who don't
communicate will drift apart. This lesson talks about how important it is to get
to know God, and to continue to communicate with Him. |
03-29-09 |
Norm Russell
- A
lesson from Psalm 66, which was written by an unknown author, centers around an
event in Israel's history when they had experienced a "deliverance" during the
reign of Hezekiah. |
03-22-09 |
Carter Davis - A lesson
about the true meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus. The lesson is a "journey" of
what the last day of Jesus' life was like, and it's an important lesson to
hear. |
03-15-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Our Changing World" - What to do
when all of the things you know and have trusted is changing and does not seem
stable any more. A look at the unchanging nature of God, and how He adds
stability to our lives. (31 mins.) |
03-08-09 |
Norm Russell
recently added - Continues his series of lessons on the incomprehensible nature
of God, how He has the ability to take care of ALL of us, all at once, ALL the
time. Feeling like God can't help you? You need this lesson. |
03-01-09 |
Norm Russell
Continuing his lesson series on the nature and character of God. Getting down to
the real insights of what God is. |
02-22-09 |
Norm Russell
- Begins
a series of lessons on the nature and character of God. Getting down to the real
insights of what God is.
This is an important series, and I suggest everyone
listen to all of them. They will help you define your personal concept of
what God is to you. |
02-12-09 |
Norm Russell
- Exodus
11, how God is indeed really is going to bring a judgment when the world
ends. Also teaches, though, how God is aware of our suffering, no matter how
deep it may be. He -does- care, so if you're feeling alone, this is for you. |
02-08-09 |
Norm Russell
- "Responsible Freedom" - God grants
us a great deal of freedom in our lives, this sermon continues Norm's series of
lessons about freedom and concludes by reminding that with freedom comes
02-01-09 |
Norm Russell
: "Are You
Enjoying Life?" - John 10: - Sometimes Christians don't appear to enjoy their
faith very much. They're dedicated to God, but carrying more burdens than they
ever have before and have trouble admiring God when they are so burdened. This
really does happen, and all of us know it. This can help you deal with it. |
01-11-09 |
Carter Davis - Our
"incoming" youth minister that took over for Bryan Johnston, Carter speaks of
his history, upbringing, and basic matters of faith. A revealing look into his
early life and "where he is coming from" as well as hopes for the future. |
01-04-09 |
Norm Russell
- Jesus
directing Paul and Silas, as to how the church should be. The church is to be
Jesus in the world. Sermon speaks of our job to reach out to the lonely and the
poor - imitating Jesus' thought processes and life, and how we must allow
others to see Jesus and the church through us. (See
Matthew 9:36) |
. |
Russell: Suicide: The #1 killer of teenagers (1 every 40 seconds!)
and high on the list for the elderly - 1 every 93 seconds. Please
study this sermon - you may someday save a life.
This has always been one of our most-requested lessons of the hundreds that are
here, so it's on a lot of people's minds.. Thinking about suicide?
Get this lesson and listen to it. There is more at stake than just your life!! |
12-28-08 |
Norm Russell
- Sermon
about the New Year and "starting over" - about making resolutions, changes.
Teaches about the apostle Paul's words (writing to Corinth) about making changes
in their lives, and how important changes are when one becomes a disciple of
Christ. Paul tells about all the
good things
waiting for Christians when our work here on Earth is done. (See also
by Javon Johnson) |
12-21-08 |
Norm Russell
Birth of Christ" - sermon about the birth of Jesus. Many think of Jesus as being
'created' on his 'birthday' in Bethlehem, not the God-in-human-form He really
is. Learn the "rest of the story" behind His birth in Bethlehem, and the whole
truth about what we celebrate --every-- day, not just in December. |
12-14-08 |
Norm Russell
- Giving
hope to the church:
Hebrews 11. Teaching about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - God told Abraham "I
will give you a great nation" but when he died, he had only one son - but he
never doubted God - knowing that would one day be fulfilled whether he lived to
see it himself or not.
We must never doubt God. |
11-30-08 |
Norm Russell
"Heaven" We wonder what is Heaven really like? Jesus encourages his disciples to stand firm in their faith even when they can't
see what they believe in. God has a place for you, "let not your hearts be
troubled." (See
John 14:1) |
11-23-08 |
Norm Russell
Paul in Athens - which had about 30,000 statues to various gods. Only 10,000
lived in Athens! He uses this opportunity to teach about Jesus as the
"Unknown God" that those in Athens also had a statue for, just in case they
missed one.. :-) Great sermon about the story! |
11-16-08 |
Norm Russell
"Disappointing God." If you feel you have failed God so badly or humiliated Him
in front of the world, or the church family.. especially if you feel that things
are so bad that God has nothing more left for you to do, you
NEED this sermon. And you need it NOW. Stop what you're doing and
listen to it. |
11-09-08 |
Norm Russell
"Storms of Life" - Our internal storms threaten our security, our comfort, and
our peace of mind. This is a good sermons based on Mark chapter 4 - where the
disciples are at sea with Jesus. It's application is about how to deal with
those who doubt you, personal issues, and so on. |
10-05-08 |
Norm Russell
- Paul,
speaking to Timothy about his (Paul's) upcoming execution and the things Timothy
must do to carry on the work. How he should approach evangelism and hardship.
Paul's great confidence in Timothy. |
08-17-08 |
Ronnie Kinnaird - Speaks sensitively but directly about baptism - One of the
most important, and common-sense sermons you will ever hear that "lays it on the
line" and pulls no punches. Please be sure to hear this one!. He is a
truly gifted speaker. (Note: This is the same sermon as "Baptism" at the
top of this list. It was done this way for the sake of search engine indexing
finding it better) |
12-14-08 |
Bryan Johnston - His
reflections on his ministry at North Bend as he prepares to move on to a new
work in the Lord. Inspirational lesson for teens, in particular. |
07-13-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
"Identity Crisis" -
James Bond,
Lone Ranger - famous actors who "forgot" themselves. Sometimes we as
Christians 'forget' who we are, and need to be reminded. We need to be reminded
that not every single thing depends on us - we need to share the load. Paul in
this sermon was about to be executed, and worries about who will carry on the
message when he is gone. This is a good message for all of us. very 'human' look
at Paul, and a great message for all of us. | |
07-06-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
- "Times are Changing" - Norm speaks on how
rapidly things change as we go along in time. Technology changes amaze many of
us, some of the changes are good and some are not. Even the church has gone
through changes, but again - some of those are good, and some are not. This
lesson is about how to tell the difference. | |
06-29-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
: "Is
Christianity Relevant?" Evaluating and assessing our ministries, to make sure
they are still relevant to those we are teaching. Are we reaching everyone? Paul
is nearing the end of his life, about to pass the "torch" to Timothy, and this
is a sensitive lesson about his feelings at the time and how he encourages
Timothy to be strong and not to be ashamed of the Gospel. | |
Food for Thought
(This is not a download)
According to one of
Norm's sermons, statistics show that 92% of all Americans believes in a "God" of
some kind or another. They also show that 21% of those who practice
actually believe there is a God, even though they do otherwise | |
06-01-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
Israel under the reign of Rehoboam - who came to power after Solomon's' death.
He was a good man for the first 3-4 years of his office, then changed - "...and
he did evil in the eyes of the Lord" - and later incurred God's wrath. |
04-06-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
: "The
Resurrection" - Norm speaks about the amazing power
and might of the resurrection of Jesus. How some celebrate it as a "minor"
event, but how truly powerful it is. It totally rocked the pagan world of
Christ's day. The resurrection of Jesus is the total foundation of the Christian
faith, and needs to be treated as such. | |
03-30-08 |
. . |
Javon Johnson:
This is a sermon that EVERY Christian needs to hear. And not just once, either.
This lesson speaks about giving to and taking care of the needy, without
worrying about ourselves. Sure, you've heard this subject before, but this is in
a positive way. This is a
MUST HAVE. Javon's compassionate but
matter-of-fact style is great! |
03-23-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
: "Lord's Supper" - An exceptional sermon about the origins,
history, and significance of the observance we know as the "Lord's Supper" -
the remembrance of the death, burial, and sacrifice of Jesus. It also tells
about John's exile to Patmos and other things of the day that were going on.
Please share this one! |
03-16-08 |
.. |
Norm Russell
: - "Real
Living" - How is your life going? Describe it in one word. Are you living like
you should be, or living because you're afraid of dying? What do you live for?
Weekends? Children? Social events? Are you in a rut? This is a sermon on not to
be miserable, and may give you some great ideas about living life to the
fullest. God wants you to FULLY enjoy life - and here's a lesson on how to do
it. Are you running your life? Or is someone else? Here's how to find that out.
03-02-08 |
. . |
Norm Russell
- Jesus,
the individual." John chapter 4: Jesus' ministry is taking off, popularity
rising. Tells the story of Jesus' reasoning for traveling the "long way" through
Samaria, the famous "woman at the well" story, and much more. You'll learn a lot
about the feelings of the Samaritans and Jews in those days. |
02-17-08 |
.. |
Norm Russell
"Appointing Deacons" - a lesson on how the church should select deacons (also
known as overseers, servants, etc) and the history of how this type of ministry
originated. Jesus himself was called a "servant" or "deacon." Acts 6 is the
basis of this lesson (see also 1Tim. 3) telling why deacons are necessary to the
church. |
02-03-08 |
.. |
Norm Russell
This lesson continues the story from the book of Esther, and how Haman had made
a decree to bring an end to all the Jewish people (Morticai in particular!)
Ester exposes Haman to the king, who executes him! Morticai is then elevated to
Haman's position. All of Haman's property is given to Morticai also. Happy
ending? Well... there's more to the story... and it is a great story! |
01-20-08-W |
.. |
Ron Warmila:
Recorded at a special lesson done on domestic abuse. |
01-20-08-C |
.. |
Ron Warmila:
Recorded at a special lesson done on domestic abuse. This is an 'open
microphone' recording done during a class time, but has some useful information
in it. |
01-13-08 |
.. |
Norm Russell
"What Goes Around Comes Around"
- Wyle E. Coyote - the cartoon, always ends up in the trap he set for the
Roadrunner. This is not really a lesson about people 'getting what they deserve'
but about how a lot of people BLAME GOD for things they set in motion
themselves. This lesson continues our story on the book of Esther. |
Always Telling The Truth |
Norm Russell
- The
value of always telling the truth, expectations of honesty in daily life. This
is an excellent sermon, and recommended for -all- family members. About 35
minutes and recommended for parents to listen to it with their children. |
12-16-07 |
Norm Russell
Continues series of sermons on Esther - This is a sermon about doing the right
thing, even when it may be difficult. Dealing with crisis is the central theme
of this lesson. This sermon is very good for those who are struggling with
matters of conscience, following God, and waiting on God's timing in answering
our requests. |
12-09-07 |
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Javon Johnson - From Philippians 2: Christians and their attitudes. Although we're
supposed to have attitudes like Christ, that does not keep us from being
self-centered or critical of others. This is a =wonderful= lesson on how to
improve your attitude towards others around you. You really need to hear this -
and please share it with others.
Note: the sound is a little "choppy"
in places, when we have it fixed I will remove this notice. |
04-01-07 |
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Norm Russell
Continues Hebrews, 4:14 - 5:10. Focuses on the high priesthood of Jesus, higher
than high priests. Roles of high priest Exhorts Christians not to give up.
Establishes Jesus' authority under OT law. An encouraging lesson includes
teaching on OT law. Deals with how to discern the various "levels" of sin...
very thought-provoking. |
03-25-07 |
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Norm Russell
Continues series in Hebrews, details to come. |
03-18-07 |
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Norm Russell
- Man's
habit of failing to learn from his past. Romans 15:4 reminds us to learn from
the past. The Hebrew writer (4:1-11) takes us back to the thought of not
following the ways of disobedience seen in others. Work hard, try your best,
don't fall short.
A great lesson on how to be at peace and at
rest with yourself. |
03-11-07 |
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Norm Russell
Continues series in Hebrews, details to come. |
03-04-07 |
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Kinnaird - Matthew 16 - God's purpose in selecting Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A
good lesson about Cornelius (a Roman centurion) and Peter and the major events
of their life. How Cornelius shared his faith with others and gave of himself to
others. Peter receiving a vision from God as to what he was to do to preach the
Word. The story of Cornelius - being blessed for his diligence - great for those
of us struggling with things. |
02-25-07 |
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Brian Johnston - our
parting youth minister - Reflections on his arriving to the work here in North
Bend years ago, as he was preparing to move on to his next job. What its like to
become a preacher, what inspired him to become one. A sermon from the heart
about following the doors that God opens for you, as Paul did. This is a very
inspiring lesson on celebrating the victories in your life, instead of worrying
over the failures. |
Seeking Praise |
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Norm Russell
Personal motivations in daily life in seeking praise. Although also mentioning
the blessings of giving. Note this is not a "giving" sermon or a request for
money. It is all about our
motivations for doing what we do
every day. Are you really a true Christian, or a "Sunday
Christian"? Listen to this one and think about it. |
02-18-07 |
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Norm Russell
- Norm asked the audience list 5 Most
prominent people in the old testament quickly on paper. Abraham? Jacob? Moses?
Isaiah? Elijah? This lesson continues the lesson series in Hebrews. This time,
Jesus is being identified as greater than even the prophets and the Hebrew
writer this time has to explain to the Jews that Jesus is even greater than
MOSES, whom the Jews considered to be God's right hand. |
02-11-07 |
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Norm Russell
- Lesson on the subject of
establishing the supremacy of Jesus Christ - proclaiming once and for all how
Jesus is the perfect liberator from the burden of slavery to sin. As in recent
lessons, Jesus' authority had to be established in the minds of those listening
to him because of the mindset of the day. This is a great lesson on the Hebrews
understanding Jesus as a 'spirit person' as well as a human. |
02-04-07 |
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Norm Russell
- Lesson
to early Christians that were becoming tired and struggling with their faith.
They kind of felt like it would be easier to just go back to their more-familiar
Judaism and so on and give up on Christianity. The Hebrew writer (nobody knows
who this was) goes on to encourage them not to give up. This is a very inspiring
lesson for those having tough times. Come to the forums, too, if you'd like to
talk. |
01-28-07 |
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Norm Russell
Continuing in Hebrews, the subject of this lesson is "Tired Faith" - what
happens when you've been a Christian for a long while and start to feel yourself
'drifting' away. The Hebrew writer warns the church of this, and tells us how to
deal with it, complete with the warnings and admonitions given by the writer. A
timeless lesson. |
01-21-07 |
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Norm Russell
Beginning a series on strengthening your faith, from the book of Hebrews.
Establishing Jesus' authority even above the Angels before the Jews and Hebrews,
who believed them to be superior. This lesson lays a lot of groundwork for the
lessons to come and gives a great background lesson on how the Jews/Hebrews
lived, what scripture types they studied, Etc.
Also a great lesson about angels in general. |
01-07-07 |
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Norm Russell
starting the new year 2007. How hard it is to break old habits, and how
necessary it is at times. How bad habits can result in the breakdown of
churches - live and vibrant churches being lost to the community and closing
their doors. Also, how much churches need to have a
defined purpose to existing, or they will fail. About God's need to be
the supreme being in our lives. |
12-10-06 |
Norm Russell
- Jesus
Christ, the Wonderful Counselor - taking a serious look at the "wonder" in the
words - understanding the awesome nature of Jesus. There is a lot to know about
the actual words used to describe Jesus, and this lesson takes a detailed look
at them. |
12-03-06 |
Norm Russell
Historical inquiry into Man's normal curiosity about the future. By our nature,
we want to know what the future holds. Discussion of the people of ancient
Palestine before its conquest, and their daily life seeking the future by
witchcraft, future-seers, and so on. Several great examples here about those
seeking the future. |
11-26-06 |
The lesson this week is
about Genesis - the book of beginnings. This book speaks to the coming of Jesus
- chapter 12 starts speaking more directly about it. God is changing the focus
away from Abraham in this lesson, and directing it towards Himself and His
(Norm also mentions this website's
ministry when he speaks of how tiny changes of just a single word can lead to
great confusion!) |
11-19-06 |
Norm Russell
- "The Royal Psalms"
- Israel's song book had songs for special
occasions - mournful, celebrative, and in between. Psalm 93-100 celebrate the
kingly sovereignty of God, and are called the "Royal Psalms" - and this is a
lesson about them - the collection of songs that deal with the praise and honor
of God, and what the experience of worship should be like.
11-12-06 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson on how to be better prepared
for the unexpected life-changing experiences that become part of lives.. This is
based around the story of the Woman at the Well, who had a 'life changing
experience' right when she least expected it. Great history lesson about Judea
and Galilean geography, too. In-depth study. |
11-05-06 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
on our responsibility to pray for and support our leaders. From Luke 9, Jesus
confronting 3 would-be followers and the instructions He gave them, and how He
dealt with the squabbling among disciples as to 'who was the greatest' of them.
Luke writes this account from his own perspective as a Gentile. Great info about
him. |
10-29-06 |
Russell - Lesson on the role of 'elder' in the church. Scriptural examples of
elders being appointed, their qualifications, and what their role was in the
church. Recorded on a day when we were adding two additional elders to our
congregational leadership. What an elder is, why they are supposed to "smell
like the sheep" :-) |
10-22-06 |
Bryan Johnston - Lesson
on planning ahead for the future, and on the value of a Christian education. A
lighthearted but serious look at planning for the future. Reflections on his
life at York College, in York, Nebraska. How important it is to help our kids
focus on a solid education for their future. |
10-15-06 |
Norm Russell
- Finishing the series on Elijah, his
life and prophesies, the character of the man, and how he served God. How we
should live our lives as one of service, not being served. It's hard to
adequately describe this sermon, it is very uplifting and provides a lot of food
for thought. You won't be disappointed when you listen to it. |
10-08-06 |
Norm Russell
- Continuing the series on Elijah,
this uplifting and inspiring lesson tells much about Elijah the man, and about
the traditions and customs of the day. Another demonstration of how God chooses
"ordinary people" to do great works. |
09-03-06 |
Norm Russell
- Story
of the life of Elijah, and how the he in his "mightiness" once fell, just as
many of us fall short in our lives. Elijah was a true man of God, shaped and
molded by God. How he, on foot, outran a chariot (really!) to the amazement of
some. How Elijah, God's tool, was suddenly faced (chapter 19) with a serious
reversal. |
08-27-06 |
Norm Russell
Continues the lessons about Elijah, and how his life was challenged at times, in
spite of his greatness. A more detailed description will follow. |
08-20-06 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
from 1st Kings about people being in the right place at the right time. Elijah's
story as God sends him to see King Ahab, and the death, discouragement, and
hopelessness he encountered on the way - this was during a 3.5 year drought. An
encouraging lesson in faith and doing God's will. |
07-30-06 |
Javon Johnson - Lesson
from Matthew 5:43-48 - "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute
you.." This great lesson looks at what the definitions of what love truly is,
and what enemies are. In this lesson, you'll learn how Jesus teaches us to love
those who would seek to do us harm, a seeming contradiction, and how Javon was
inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.'s teaching and example as well as that of
Jesus. |
07-09-06 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
about Ahab and Elijah, the drought, and God's commands to Elijah. How Elijah was
required to put his trust in his faith in God in order to prepare him for his
upcoming ministry. The lesson speaks as to how Elijah (and Norm himself)
prepared for their ministries and we need to prepare our own daily lives as well
as our own personal ministries. Also teaches about recognizing blessings in
hardship times. |
07-02-06 |
Bryan Johnston - Lesson
about volunteering and taking charge when you see a need. A thank you to people
that see a need and act on it whether they expect to be recognized for it or
not. How doing volunteer work (in or out of the church) should be a joy, not a
burden. How serving others serves Christ as well. Very good, upbeat lesson. |
06-18-06 |
Norm Russell
- Recorded on Father's Day 2006, this sermon speaks to the value of Marriage,
how it came about, what God's plan for it is. Speaks to the personal, social,
and religious purposes of marriage, and how the relationship should work and
evolve. Speaks also to the father's role in the family, as husband, father, role
model. |
06-11-06 |
Norm Russell
- Speaks
on the book and movie, "The DaVinci Code" and what it means (and does not
mean) to Christians. This is a great sermon about your purpose in daily life in
living for Christ. If you're feeling a little down, this is the sermon for you.
Also addresses some people's problems of being self-centered and what to do
about it. |
06-04-06 |
Ron Warmila - Nice
lesson about our Christian responsibility to be a "light house" and send the
Light of Jesus into the darkness. About how our life changes when we encounter
the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, our 'transformation' of sorts. Story of the
life of John Newton, author of Amazing Grace. This is a lesson on how to lift up
others by serving them and lifting up Jesus Christ. |
05-28-06 |
Norm Russell
- A great
lesson on how Satan's attempts to destroy the church over the centuries has
always failed, and still the church of Christ moves forward. Jesus' promise of
how the church will remain strong. Jesus' lordship and being head of the church.
Jesus' atonement for us, example of sacrificial living, atonement for our sins.
This is an incredible sermon about the church, forgiveness, and our love of
Jesus. |
05-21-06 |
Norm Russell
A lesson about the Second Coming of Jesus. Truth is, nobody
really knows
when it will be. This is a story of the Bible's foretelling of the event, its
description of what it will be like, what first century Christians thought about
it, and the answers to some common questions about the return of Jesus based on
the Bible and including the scriptural references where you can go and read
about it for yourselves. |
05-14-06 |
Norm Russell
- This
was a very popular Mother's Day lesson. Norm speaks on the subject of motherhood
and the noble and sacrificial role of mothers. This story is about a single
mother, Hager, in Bible days, who was Abraham and Sarah's 'surrogate mother' of
their child - which was accepted practice in those days.. but the problem was
that God had promised them a child of their own, and they got tired of waiting.
God was NOT OK with this plan, and here is the story of what happened.
a closing prayer by Mark Magill) |
05-07-06 |
Kinnaird - a rare treat - Ronnie teaches on the subject of faith, how to be more
like the strong people of faith and the strength their leadership and example
gives us. This man in an incredible man of God, and a masterful preacher. This
is a must-have lesson, be sure to download it. Drawn from Hebrews 11, what is
faith, and being faithful. |
04-23-06 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
on the ascension of Jesus. A rare sermon, a subject not often taught about. What
do you REALLY know about the ascension of Jesus into Heaven? His ascension is a
pivotal part of His entire ministry on Earth - one of the 4 supporting 'pillars'
of the redemptive works of Christ. Learn about the rest here. |
04-16-06 |
Norm Russell
- About
how we can't pay God back for our forgiveness. Some people seem to think that by
their words or actions that they can 'pay back' what Jesus has given us. That we
'own' Him something for what He did. But that is not the point - Jesus gave us
His gift freely, not as an obligation that we have to 'work off' and pay back.
Salvation is a free gift. That doesn't mean it won't cost you something,
though... |
04-09-06 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
about the "empty grave experience" that the disciples of Christ had after His
death and resurrection. Recorded a week before Easter, the lesson gives details
about the times and customs of when Jesus died and was buried. An interesting
insight not only into the event itself, but the burial customs of the day. |
03-19-06 |
Norm Russell
- Jesus
teaching us how to respond in the face of injustices that are done to us, and
how to handle injustice in general. How Jesus responded to those who did
injustice to him, from Judas to Pilate and others of the day. This sermon
provides a great history lesson of the details surrounding the rules during
Jesus' time. |
03-12-06 |
Allen - Great sermon about Isaiah and his courage to follow God no matter what
the people wanted. Discusses Joshua and his great faith also. Joshua's great
choice to follow only God, no matter what else happened. How God blesses those
who follow His Word to the best of their ability. |
03-05-06 |
Norm Russell
- Jesus,
after Judas has been dismissed, in the evening with his disciples. Singing the
"halel" hymns ("praise God"), and the days after as He crossed the KidRon Valley
towards the Garden of Gethsemane. This sermon centers around Jesus and his
disciples in the Garden. |
02-26-06 |
Norm Russell
- The
story of Judas as Jesus is about to be betrayed. Speculations as to how Judas
may have felt, the history behind the betrayal, and Jesus' attempt to save
Judas. Details of how what is commonly called the "Lord's Supper" came about for
the first time. |
02-19-06 |
Kinnaird - A very special sermon by a masterful preacher about the origins of
all mankind, teaching from the book of Genesis, and how the Bible's first verse
is the pivotal piece of information on which all of Mankind is based. Not
evolution, not "intelligent design" - but God. This is an exceptional sermon of
reason, logic, and scripture. A great combination! Ronnie's gentle way and voice
is very comforting. |
02-12-06 |
Norm Russell
- A
lesson discussing the concept of discipleship and the differences between the
words "Christian" and a "disciple." This is a good lesson on how Jesus taught
what we now call "Christians" to show genuine discipleship. About the importance
of bearing fruit for God - are you bearing spiritual fruit or not? Being
'fruitful' can mean hard work - how to be ready for it. |
01-01-06 |
Bryan Johnston - Sermon
about God and our close relationship to Him, and to our earthly fathers as well.
This is a great sermon for all new parents in particular, but Bryan's positive
sermons about the positive relationship between ourselves and God is good for
all of us. |
12-04-05 |
Norm Russell
- How God
chooses to use
ordinary people like you and me to do great things.
Examples given such as
Paul, Etc who were ordinary people who became great. What it was that made
people fall in love with Jesus and His work. Scriptural basis for this lesson is
the book of Acts, chapter 21 and others. |
09-25-05 |
Norm Russell
- This is
a lesson on church leadership, and what Paul teaches about the gift of
leadership and the need for QUALIFIED leaders in the church. Not everyone has
the gift of leadership, they have other valuable gifts instead. This is a lesson
on the importance of choosing men of the proper gifts for leadership roles in
the church. |
09-11-05 |
Russell - Recorded just after Hurricane Katrina - wondering "Where is God in all
of this?" Examining how people wonder if God is sometimes insensitive to our
suffering, or if He really even cares about us? It is always challenging to our
faith when things like this happen, and this exceptional lesson deals with how
to deal with those feelings |
09-04-05 |
Norm Russell
- This
lesson teaches about how to deal with temptation in our lifetime - how to deal
with it and how to defeat it. Based on Matthew 4:1-11, it teaches about the
essence of temptation, and how Jesus Himself lived and endured the same
temptations that we do in our own lives. How careful we must be to avoid it,
especially when things are going "great" in our lives. |
08-14-05 |
Shane Meyer - gives an
excellent lesson on "What it means to truly follow Christ." Shane was one of the
leaders of our Youth Retreat entitled "Shipwrecked." This is a good family
sermon for all ages. Try to arrange discussion time afterwards. |
07-24-05 |
Robert Gutierrez - About
the value of diversity in the church - diversity in our backgrounds and
experiences, and how the church as a whole benefits from it. How differences in
discipline shape our lives, and how God disciplines us as well. |
07-17-05 |
Bryan Johnston - About
making goals and keeping spiritual commitments. Things such as New Year
resolutions usually fail due to an inadequate plan as to how to accomplish them.
Our need to be patient with goals, and how to make good goals - ones to grow in
Christ and how to rely on God to help us accomplish them. |
07-10-05 |
Gutierrez - A very impressive sermon about Christian struggles - those that try
to be both in the world and in Christ at the same time. Why it is impossible.
This is a great sermon for "everyday Christians" to gain strength from.. |
07-03-05 |
Bryan Johnston -
Description of being a priest in Bible days and the description of the sacrifice
to be "ordained" as a priest, and the specific rules of being a priest. Also
describes how Christians are a royal priesthood to God. |
06-26-05 |
Norm Russell
- About
giving proper credit to God and Christ when positive changes occur in our lives.
How lives are changed and purpose for life is given by living for Christ. About
growing in Christ, and coming in contact with Him. |
06-19-05 |
Norm Russell
Father's Day sermon, oriented towards fathers and their duties and
responsibilities to their families. This is a great sermon for parents to listen
to together, and then invite their children to hear it afterwards as a
discussion starter |
06-12-05 |
Norm Russell
- Sermon
concerning division in the church and historical references to how it was
overcome. Paul's letters, for example. Problems that were present in the past
are still here, this sermon gives guidance as to how to handle them - the main
problem being that Christian people are still people! |
06-05-05 |
Norm Russell
- Sermon
given as our youth graduate from high school. How people view the future, and
why we should not view it as static and unchangeable. Thoughts on giving advice
to fellow Christians about the future. Giving wise counsel. |
05-22-05 |
Norm Russell
Teaching on Paul's letter to the church at Thessalonica. How God provided words
of encouragement amid their struggles. The last thing a struggling person needs
is an "I told you so!" and this lessons teaches how to better help people in
difficult situations. Also, watching out for "reliable sources." |
05-15-05 |
Norm Russell
- How
sometimes things can be right in front of us and we do not see them. Sometimes
we'll hope and wish for something that we already have just because we cannot
see it. |
05-08-05 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
concerning the reality of sin. Things like Internet trash, lust, and such like.
Honoring the marriage relationship by not exposing yourself to inappropriate
content on TV, Internet, etc. Sermon for men and women alike, all couples should
listen to this, as well as anyone considering marriage. |
05-01-05 |
Bryan Johnston - Lesson
on "What is Worship." 1Peter 2:9 is the reference. Examining what "worship"
really is, and what it means to us. This lesson will make you think --- please
be sure to listen to it. Title: The Heart of Worship |
04-25-05 |
Bryan Johnston - "The
Heart of Worship" - History of what priests were in old testament church. What
does it mean to be "consecrated" before God? This is a great history lesson of
the early days of history, and part one of a multiple-part series on the early
church. (This is one of our most-downloaded lessons!) |
04-10-05 |
Bryan Johnston -
(1Cor.15) Sermon concerning the early church in Corinth. Understanding the
resurrection of Christ. Some Corinthian Christians did not understand or believe
in the resurrection, and needed to be taught these things, and how to live as
Christ lived. This sermon teaches serious foundation information about
how Christians believe and should live and is for new and old believers alike. |
04-03-05 |
Norm Russell
- Paul's
letter to the church in Thessalonica when it was struggling. Paul praises their
growth, even though they were faced with terrible opposition and trials. An
encouraging lesson for our churches today. This was a dedicated group of
followers who refused to give up, no matter what happened or what the cost. |
03-27-05 |
Norm Russell - An "Easter Sermon" about the beauty and promise of the resurrection.
This one of Norm's "guided tours" back in time to what Rome was like under the
emperor Nero. The sermon speaks to the dedication of Christ's followers and is a
wonderful journey in words that leads to better understanding of the church. |
03-20-05 |
Norm Russell
- In this
sermon, learn how to better interact with others in life and in the church who
have different, backgrounds, and personal issues to attend to. Life, even in the
church, isn't always easy. God, however, created the church to be a place where
-everyone- can belong and feel at home. This is about how to do it. |
03-06-05 |
Norm Russell
- In this
sermons, Norm teaches a lesson from the Thessalonian letter, where the people
are asking about what is going to happen to those of their loved ones that have
died and gone on ahead of them. Will they be saved? How will the last days come
about, and what will happen. What will the last days be like? Fully referenced,
and taken directly from the Bible accounts. |
02-27-05 |
Norm Russell
Choosing whom you will serve. Just as Joshua stated to all not too long before
his death, it didn't matter what anyone else did. He said, "As for me and my
house, we shall serve the Lord." Serving God, loving each other, good examples
for daily life. This is a great sermon about Christian living. |
02-20-05 |
Norm Russell
- Based
on Paul's lesson to the Thessalonians that Christianity is a serious matter, and
when Christians stop maturing, trouble comes. Learn from this and avoid the trap
of Christian immaturity. Paul reminds us that maturity comes with time, and
we're expected to mature, not just "sit there" and do nothing. |
02-13-05 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
on the subject of the early church and its difficulties in traveling to all of
the known world. Paul and Ananias in the early days of the church and their
difficulties. Paul's dedication as a teacher that would not quit. Learning how
to make God proud of you as a Christian and as a teacher. |
02-06-05 |
Norm Russell
Recorded just after a building remodeling project. From 1st Thessalonians 2:1-12
- This is where Paul truly shares his intimate feelings about the people of
Thessalonica. It seemed the greater good one wants to do, the greater the
opposition will be. Struggling to do the right things? This one is for you. |
01-16-05 |
Norm Russell
- Sermon
about how different people have different perceptions of things - sometimes the
very same things. Applies this to how people look at the church and how we
should strive to be like the ancient churches. Note: about 15-20 seconds total
in the early part of this recording are garbled. This will will be replaced when
the original is found. |
01-09-05 |
Norm Russell
- Lesson
concerning the letter Paul (along with Timothy, Silas, and Luke) wrote to the
church in Thessalonica concerning dedication in seeing to it that the churches
of Christ move forward in growth and service. About counting the cost of service
and Christianity. Emphasizes that churches are people, not structures. This is
a very thought-provoking sermons, be sure to get this one. |
01-02-05 |
Norm Russell
- A
thought-provoking sermon about the necessity of making sure that you maintain an
open line of communication with both God and God's Word. So many people will be
on time for every meal at home each day, but then starve themselves to death
when it comes to the Word of God. Everyone should hear this. |
12-26-04 |
Bryan Johnston - About
setting goals as a Christian. About realizing what you have been given and how
precious life is. About evaluating yourself as a Christian, and asking others to
do so, too. . This is a very touching and special sermon, recorded just after
Bryan's grandfather died. A good family sermon for all ages. |
12-19-04 |
Norm Russell
- God's
promise to raise another prophet in the days of David, the coming of Elijah,
over 300 prophecies in the OT concerning the second coming of Christ. Story of
Caesar Augustus coming to power. God's silence to Israel. God sending Gabriel to
Israel, stories from Daniel 8-9. Descriptions of angels, too. |
12-12-04 |
Norm Russell
- An
excellent lesson on the "400 years of silence" during the "inter-testamental
period" between the old and new testaments. Norm covers 400 years of silence in
about 15-20 minutes. It is an interesting and enlightening lesson that is sure
to be of benefit to you as a student of scriptural history. |
11-07-04 |
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Norm Russell
- This is
a sermon about how bitterness invades our lives, and what to do about it. What
happens when God's people embrace bitterness and hatred. Continuing the story of
Jonah in Nineveh, where he was sent to preach to the people. How old (and
undesirable) habits come back to the surface, and what to do. God's compassion
on the wicked when they turn from their evil ways. Good and uplifting sermon for
those that are struggling. |
10-31-04 |
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Norm Russell
- Jonah,
chapter 3. Teaches on the subject of doing things we don't want to do.
Continuing the sermon series on Jonah, this is the point where God
re-commissions Jonah to start a revival in Nineveh. Although reluctant and
resistant to his task initially, the revival he was responsible before was one
of the largest in history, and an entire city was converted. Great story for
those trying to start a revival in their lives or congregations. |
10-10-04 |
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Norm Russell
- First
of a series of 4 sermons about the life and times of Jonah, a prophet of God who
initially had hatred in his heart towards God and just about anyone else except
Jews. This sermon tells about the problems of hatred and how God got Jonah's
attention. This is NOT your average "Jonah got swallowed by a fish" sermon, but
gives much more detail of his life and times, as well as some of the principal
men of his time - learn a lot about Jonah and what his life was like. |
09-19-04 |
. |
Norm Russell
- Speaks
on the reality of being a Christian. He tells of the real-world story of a
missionary in a foreign country and the reality there. We've been studying in
the book of Nehemiah 8-10. About the real reason Nehemiah went back to rebuild
the walls of the kingdom. The details of how Nehemiah went about restoring the
church and the will of the people. Dangers of "ritual worship" in our lives and
the danger of "comfortable sin." |
09-12-04 |
. |
Norm Russell
- Speaks
on the desire for unity in the church, but also on the danger of /uniformity/ in
the church. How a church that is having problems with unity can identify the
problem and fix it. Making sure the "I" in the church stays in place. Speaks of
John's prayer for unity in the church. Getting God as the center of the church
and the family. Be sure to download this one - it is great! |
09-05-04 |
. |
Norm Russell
- Teaches
on what Nehemiah went through when he returned to rebuild the walls. Nehemiah
has a lot to give to the churches of our day, as much of what we're going
through he also went through - and we can learn from how he handled it. Based in
chapter 5, this sermon discusses differences between people as well as internal
strife and a number of issues common to the 21st century church, such as dealing
with trouble-makers in Christianity. |
08-29-04 |
. |
Russell - "Loss of a loved one" - Sermon given just after the tragic death of
one of our members in a single-vehicle auto accident. Dealing with the loss of a
loved one, both individually and as a church. Asking the question, "Does Jesus
really care, when life tumbles in?" and finding the answers. This is a powerful
and comforting sermon, and is recommended for anyone who is suffering the loss
of a loved one. |
08-22-04 |
. |
Norm Russell
: Sermon
about God's men in Jerusalem in the 5th century BC. This is another story about
Nehemiah, a man we have been learning about from time to time. This is a story
that is relevant to the 21st century church and to our homes as Christians
today. Teaches about leadership, "follower-ship" and instructs us in living a
Godly life. Listen to this story of Nehemiah and learn a lot! |
08-15-04 |
. |
Recorded at our Youth
Rally - uplifting and positive, speaker unknown at this writing. The speaker
talks of all the positive things that happened at our "Beach Fest" rally. Story
of the origin of "the Way, the truth, and the light." This is a fun and
uplifting sermon suitable for all ages that teens especially should enjoy. |
08-08-04 |
. |
Norm Russell
: Story of
Nehemiah. He has received word that the walls of Jerusalem were in shambles and
was saddened by this, and the overall conditions of the city. He requests of the
king that he be allowed to go to the city and fix it. Nehemiah was confronted
with a situation and just could not sit idly by when something needed to be
done. Great story of responsibility |
08-01-04 |
. |
Bryan Johnston -How to
get UP, DOWN, IN, OUT - Look UP to God, DOWN to the Word, IN to our lives, OUT
to others to share the Word. Bryan goes on to explain how he has built a
successful youth ministry here at North Bend and the value of prayer in his
life. This is a fun and uplifting program. Note: the flamingos refer to a
fund-raising effort, where pink plastic flamingos were placed in a person's yard
for $5, or you could buy "insurance" against flamingos for $5. Listen and hear
what happened... :) |
06-27-04 |
. |
Norm Russell
on the
subject of revival, and the power of Satan to work against it. How to identify
the signs of a dead or dying church. How to identify a
living church.
Being aware of Satan's prowess in seeking out the weak, and the weaknesses in
the strong. How not to be weak. Background info: What the "far country"
is in parables. Also how we are responsible for keeping each other from sin and
how we should not be afraid to call "sin" what it is. It's not a "sickness" -
its disobedience to God. |
06-20-04 |
. |
Jason McCulley, speaking
on the value of being a Christian and living a godly life. What God offers those
who follow Christ. Sometimes it seems a little difficult to understand spiritual
matters, but Jason puts this into everyday language. How God could forgive those
who have done terrible things, on becoming a new creation. |
05-02-04 |
Bryan Johnston -
Accepting salvation, and how all of Heaven rejoices when a soul is saved. "Today
is the day of salvation." Deciding what we are each doing that furthers the
cause of Christ. This is an excellent sermon of self-evaluation and helping
ourselves to define our purpose in life, and in the church. |
04-25-04 |
Norm Russell
- The
Christian's need to feel needed. A congregation cannot grow unless each and
every member has a "sense of belonging" and this applies to congregations of all
sizes, from 2 to a million or more members. Paul wrote to many churches about
this very subject. Sermon is based on Romans 12. |
04-04-04 |
.. |
Dan Jacoy - Dan speaks
on the value of having a "Gethsemane Experience" in your life, and of the
wondrous humility of Christ. He also gives some great advice for sharing the
Gospel, and how to live life when you are feeling REALLY down and separated from
God. This is an exceptional sermon, very uplifting. |
04-04-04-B |
.. |
Dan Jacoy - Bible class
that preceded the "Gethsemane Experience" sermon above. Dan speaks of humility,
living a godly lifestyle, and dealing with the times when God seems distant. He
tells of the story of David and others, and how they dealt with adversity. This
is a good sermon for those who feel far from God. |
03-28-04 |
Norm Russell
- God in control of all things, regardless of our
day to day experience and what may be happening in our life. How to
maintain control, and the dangers of lack of control in our "instant
gratification" society. Also about taking time to grow in your faith instead of
wanting it all 'right now.'
03-21-04 |
Norm Russell
- Change. Does it strike terror in
your mind when you hear the word? What does it mean to change? How does your
community feel about changes? Change in church is usually met with skepticism,
whether good or bad. How to live with change. If a church does not have -some-
changes as time passes, stagnation occurs. Stagnation in a church is a very Bad
Thing. |
03-14-04 |
Russell - Continuing the discussion on "Why am I here?" - God's purpose in our
life. Every day of our life is designed to honor and praise Him. We're to be
active members of the church family. This lesson tells how God wants us to
become like His Son, Jesus. How Christians need to grow as Christians, setting
Christ as our model. The frustration of the seeming impossibility
of following His example. Feeling obligated as Christians, instead of
privileged. How to be more like Christ. |
03-07-04 |
Norm Russell
Continues his series on "What it means to live a Christian life" - talks about
how God gives us a purpose for living. What it means to be a member of the
Christian family. The duties and responsibilities of a member of Christ's
family. Descriptions of the "Household of God" and what God wants us to be. Tips
on finding peace and happiness, and where to look. |
02-29-04 |
Bryan Johnston - Sermon
on family values, insights on being a family member and the value of family. |
A Power Point
presentation describing church building ministry work being done in Mexico by
Border South Christian Ministries, one of our missionary partners on Word for
Life. Two files, the presentation and the music that goes with it, 10 MB. |
BSCM-0414 |
A Power Point
presentation describing the missionary work being done in Mexico by Border South
Christian Ministries, one of our missionary partners on Word for Life. Two
files, the presentation and the music that goes with it, just unzip. This is a
self-running presentation, and is about 6 MB total size. |
02-22-04 |
Norm Russell
Continuing the discussion on "Why am I here?" that has been going for the past
few weeks. Looking back on your life, are you satisfied with it? Do you feel
there have been "meaningless moments" in your life? If you do, then you MUST
listen to this sermon. It is very uplifting and may change your mind about your
feelings about yourself, God, and others you interact with. |
02-15-04 |
Norm Russell
Continuing - Our purpose for living - The Family. Simple life of a child, Norm
remembers his early childhood experiences - the acceptance of family. How family
helps to strengthen us in times of trial - both our Christian and human
families. Seeing our blessings in times that are difficult. Keeping a positive
attitude. |
02-08-04 |
Norm Russell
Continuing "Why am I here?" - A Christian's purpose for living. How can you
honor and praise God when He seems so far away from you? A tender, real-life
sermon about our relationship with God, in both good times and bad. How to
depend on God, even when your whole world seems to be crashing in around you. |
02-01-04 |
Norm Russell
Continuing the discussion on "Why am I here?" that has been going for the past
few weeks. Looking back on your life, are you satisfied with it? Do you feel
there have been "meaningless moments" in your life? If you do, then you MUST
listen to this sermon. It is very uplifting and may change your mind about your
feelings about yourself, God, and others you interact with. |
01-25-04 |
Norm Russell
- Having
a purpose for living. Developing our understanding of the purpose God has for
our life. God has a reason for our life; and a purpose. This is the second in a
series of sermons on what motivates our life; why we do what we do. And how
those things compare to God's standard. Doing a self-evaluation and dealing with
what you see there. Problems of conscience, words, deeds, guilt. |
01-18-04 |
Norm Russell
Continues his series on "A Purpose Driven Life" - What is your purpose for
getting out of bed each morning? This sermon is about God's purpose for your
life, derived from Ephesians 2:10. |
01-11-04 |
Russell - Our world's love affair with itself. "Church shopping" people who try
to find a church based on "What can this church do for ME?" instead of being
careful what it teaches or what practices. Also, "Why am I here?" - starts our
series on the subject of what God wants us to do and helps define our purpose in
life. |
01-04-04 |
Norm Russell
- Sermon
about Abraham, his life and the choices he made. How he had to choose to leave
some things behind when God called him, and how we need to "leave some things
behind" when God calls us. (This lesson was recorded just after a blackout that
lasted for a few days - which is very unusual for our area) |
12-28-03 |
Bryan Johnston - How to
conduct spiritual warfare. Deals with coping with our own problems and the
problems of others. Opening our eyes to our own situation, remaining healthy and
committed to God. This is a great sermon for those who are feeling down or
depressed. |
12-21-03 |
Norm Russell
: Speaks
on the subject of the Christmas holiday. some touching stories of our
experiences sponsoring a party for underprivileged children and their reactions
to it. Many people consider it a special day. Norm ponders on what Jesus would
think of how we celebrate Christmas? |
12-14-03 |
Norm Russell
: Sermon
about Joseph, husband of Mary the mother of Jesus. This is a special sermon, as
not much is usually known or taught about Joseph, as scripture does not record
very much about him as a man. Norm uses cultural details to build an idea of
what Joseph was like. |
12-07-03 |
Norm Russell
: Seeing
God at work in people's lives. Learning to wait for God to work in His own time
schedule, not ours - admittedly hard! Understanding that God is aware of
our trials and will help us. (Note: Norm's first comments refer to a
underprivileged children's toy give-away our congregation sponsored) |
11-30-03 |
Russell: History and importance of songs in the church. Worshipping God with joy
over His provision of our needs. Trusting God to take care of us, truly
trusting, not only when times are good. How to avoid the dangers of temptation
and trusting God's promise about temptation. |
11-23-03 |
Norm Russell
something that seems "too good to be true." God offers something great and
powerful that sometimes seems just too good to be true. But it is not. This
sermon teaches on the depth of God's love for you and His demonstrations of
affection for you. It also teaches on the unconditional nature of God's love for
us and his wondrous promise of things to come. Its a positive and moving sermon
that I suggest should be one of the first you download. |
11-16-03 |
Norm Russell
- Facing
crisis. (From 2 Timothy 4) and then learning to depend on God for answers. Story
of Job's trials. Learning to trust God no matter what the trials are. |
11-09-03 |
Norm Russell
: Solomon
and his tremendous wealth. How he did not find comfort in it, and how we have
tried our best to prove him wrong. :) Treasuring our imperishable heritage and
the wonderful nature of the gift. |
11-02-03 |
Norm Russell
: Our ties
to this world. Our worries about financial security and the tragedy of how
material things have come to matter more than the spiritual matters. |
10-26-03 |
Norm Russell
: The
beauty of adoption. How we have been "adopted" by Christ - given His name. The
early history of adoption, which was begun in Rome by early Christians. |
10-19-03 |
Bryan Johnston: Where do
you go for comfort? What is comfort? How to find comfort in your daily life. How
to stop being "chased" to the point of exhaustion. |
10-12-03 |
Dan Jacoy: Dealing with
"tribulation" in our daily life. Defining tribulation, from human terms, and how
to deal with it. How to encourage one another. How to be an evangelist for
Christ. |
10-06-03 |
Bryan Johnston:
"Remember the Duck" - How to deal with guilt. Great story to play for your
children. Deals with guilt, honesty, admitting your faults and dealing with
them. |
09-28-03 |
Norm Russell
: Refusing
to accept responsibility for your own behavior. Labeling sin as "sickness" or a
"mistake" instead of a sin. Learning to accept responsibility for your sins. |
09-21-03 |
Russell: Romans 8 / Ephesians 2: Companionship - something all of us need. Our
desire to feel wanted and needed. Marriage, the church, our social "lifelines"
to keep us strong. |
09-14-03 |
Norm Russell
: What we
struggle with the most: Learning to live the Christian life. Even long-term
Christians have trouble with this. Help with the struggle. |
08-31-03 |
Norm Russell
: The
Christian "heart" as described in Hebrews 8. Its importance and significance in
early Jewish history. Describes the Christian's character and emotions. |
08-24-03 |
Norm Russell
: The
debate about the monument containing the 10 commandments, and one judge's
standing up for his principles of what is right. How Christians need to do what
is right. |
08-17-03 |
Norm Russell
: The
greatest event in history was the resurrection of Christ. Unfortunately, we're
not honoring that as much as we should be, or as God intended. What to do about
it. |
07-13-03 |
Norm Russell
Realizing the unknown value of something you have in your hands. How the Bible
came to be available and an interesting story about its history. |
07-06-03 |
Norm Russell
: Ever
invite people to a gathering and they didn't show up? You'll enjoy this sermon.
Jesus' parables about invited guests that didn't show up. |
06-29-03 |
Norm Russell
Continuing the series on church revival. Israel under Jeroboam, Baal worship is
in full swing. Teaches about choosing the one true God to worship, and what
happened when people made the wrong choice. The story of Elijah and his
unshakable faith in God. |
06-00-00 |
Magill - A short sermon I gave in June 1990 on the strength and value of the
family unit, and comparisons to the strength we gain as members of the family of
God. Reflections on my early childhood, and some of my personal history and
testimony. (17 Min, digitally re-mastered, some short garbled spots towards the
end. I consider this my favorite of those I've done) . |
06-22-03 |
Norm Russell
Focusing on Church Revival - part 3 |
06-15-03 |
Norm Russell
Focusing on Church Revival - part 2 |
06-08-03 |
Norm Russell
Focusing on Church Revival - part 1 |
05-26-03 |
Bryan Johnston - A
family of Christ wherever you go. The strength of family that exists in the
church. How do you feel about going to church? Do you feel comfortable?
Obligated? Nervous? Or is it just an extension of "home?" |
05-11-03 |
Larry Sullivan: Speaks a
moving sermon on the value of forgiveness. Understanding what God has given you,
and how to treat others. This sermon is recommended for all ages and would be a
good one to share with your children. Culminates "Surviving Life's Difficult
Moments" below. |
05-11-03 |
Larry Sullivan:
"Surviving Life's Difficult Moments." Larry does crisis intervention and gave a
3 day seminar for the church. Morning Bible class. More details coming. |
05-10-03a |
Larry Sullivan:
"Surviving Life's Difficult Moments." Larry does crisis intervention and gave a
3 day seminar for the church. Evening class. |
05-10-03p |
Larry Sullivan:
"Surviving Life's Difficult Moments." Larry does crisis intervention and gave a
3 day seminar for the church. Evening class. |
05-09-03 |
Larry Sullivan:
"Surviving Life's Difficult Moments." Larry does crisis intervention and gave a
3 day seminar for the church. First session, 90+ minutes. |
04-20-03 |
Sermon by Norman
Russell about church revival, part 2. |
04-13-03 |
Sermon by Norman
Russell about church revival, part 1. |
04-07-03 |
Norm Russell
- This
sermon is part of the continuing series on Daniel, speaking of his daily life.
What he was like. This sermon also asks the pointed question, "What would people
say about YOU after you have died?" How will you be remembered? What "did" your
life stand for, and how do/did you impact the world? A though-provoking sermon
on the topic, it helps us realize that all that really matters is what GOD
thinks of you. Getting to know who you really are. |
03-04-02 |
Norm Russell
- The
first 2-3 minutes of this sermon are missing, but it was believed to have been
recorded March 2002. . |
03-30-03 |
David Price: Speaks on
the subject of Pentecost, its origins and history. History of the Seven Feasts.
The first four point to the coming of the Messiah, the remaining 3 to the 2nd
coming. New Testament correlations to the Old Testament on this subject.
Reference is from Acts, Chapter 2. |
03-30-03 |
Norm Russell
concludes his series on the book of Daniel. |
03-23-03 |
Bryan Johnston: The
universality of God. The value of sticking together and working together as
Christians. Standards of early Christian life in the Greco-Roman empires.
Discussion on reciprocity in daily life. |
03-16-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
03-09-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel - hope to the exiled. Lets us know how
God's word is true, how the wicked will be dealt with. Responsibilities of
Christians and the church. |
03-02-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
02-23-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
02-16-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
02-09-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
02-02-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
01-26-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
01-19-03 |
Norm Russell
continuing series on the book of Daniel. |
12-31-02 |
Norm Russell
- The
person of Jesus Christ. His impacts on our world. His influence in art, music,
theater, law and government, and much more. His role as both God and Man. |
12-15-02 |
Russell: Tired of the Christian life? Ready to give up? Think you've made too
big of a mess of your life to continue trying to do the "Christian walk" any
more? Think you've failed so miserably that God has given up on you? Then you
need to hear this sermon. Download it at once! |
12-08-02 |
Norm Russell
: Judging
others: When you should, and when you should not. Recognizing the improper
teachings of other religious groups. |
19-xx-xx |
Norm Russell
: A sermon
called "Return to the Summit", date unknown. |
12-01-02 |
Sermon by Norman
Russell - better description to follow. |
11-24-02 |
Norm Russell
- The
50th Psalm. Thanksgiving Day sermon and about letting -all- days be
"thanksgiving" days. How to examine your habits. Making sure our worship to God
is sincere, genuine and not just "a habit" or robotic and not just "going
through the motions." |
11-17-02 |
Norm Russell
- Sermon
about hanging on to the past, people's perceptions of God, the church, etc.
Story of failure based on our ability not to look beyond the present, and what
to do about it |
11-03-02 |
Norm Russell
- About
Norm's visit to Israel, and life there and in Jerusalem. How life is different
there - particularly in how they deal with their children. About our Russian
Orphan ministry. Matthew 7, Jesus teaches about building a firm foundation.
Choosing whom you will associate with |
10-27-02 |
Guest speaker talks on
the power of “Life Groups” or “Small Groups” in building church membership.
Also, discussion on how to determine what you want in life – and attain it. |
10-20-02 |
Norm Russell
: Is it
safe to judge others? Or don't judge anyone? Correct? Scriptural? Listen to this
lesson drawn from the Sermon on the Mount and decide for yourselves. The lesson
of the sheep and the wolves. From the Sermon on the Mount - being aware of false
prophets. |
10-13-02 |
Norm Russell
- On
making choices in life. Matthew 7 - Jesus ends his teachings on the current
subjects. Jesus' challenge and exhortation, calling upon those who have heard to
make a choice based on what they have heard. Choose life! Choose whom you will
serve - make the choice, but make it carefully. |
10-06-02 |
Norm Russell
. A somber
pre-sermon given the morning the United States enters war in Afghanistan.
Importance of praying for those defending us, those who are leading us. How to
live in the fearful times of war. Then continues with John 19 - a lesson on
dealing with defeat and disappointment. |
09-29-02 |
Johnston - "Jesus Premiere" - about how to put Jesus first in your life. What
would Jesus see in your life? How you can't hide anything from God, no matter
what you do. How to stop blaming others for your problems and take
responsibility for your actions. |
09-22-02 |
Guest speaker talks on
the power of “Life Groups” or “Small Groups” in building church membership.
Also, discussion on how to determine what you want in life – and attain it. |
09-15-02 |
Norm Russell
- Matthew
7: Sermon on the Mount. The powerful promises of Scripture, and the power and
promise of prayer. Understanding our own prayer life and the measure of our own
faith. |
09-08-02 |
Norm Russell
. Taking a
break from the Sermon on the Mount series to remember 9-11-01 Story of Alan
Jackson's "Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning?" song. A reminder of
how patriotism in America was reborn, and how God was invited back into the
lives of many. |
09-01-02 |
Norm Russell
- about
doing nice things for people without any expectation of reward, and how
rewarding it can be. Jesus stepping "out of character" in Matthew. Teaching us
not to be afraid of making judgments on others and other situations. Story of
the Pearl of Great Price. |
03-24-02 |
Johnston: What are
you looking for in this life? Developing a vision. Finding happiness |
01-16-02 |
Norm Russell
- Life
has no guarantees. Changing the way you live your life - "getting things right"
and getting closer to Christ. "I came that they may have life, and more
abundantly." Good sermon! |
10-20-01 |
Norm Russell
- "Do
not judge anyone" says our system. But sometimes we NEED to judge and are indeed
OBLIGATED to judge what is right. From the "Sermon on the Mount." |
10-07-01 |
Norm Russell
Recorded the day the U.S. launched its offensive against Afghanistan. A somber
consideration of this war's impact. John 19 - Deals with defeat, death,
disappointment. |
04-15-01 |
Bryan Johnston's first
visit to North Bend. Biographical information about Bryan and his wife, their
hopes and plans. The sermon speaks of planning your life from your earliest
days, of taking responsibility for your own life. It is an uplifting sermon,
describing the promises Christ has for us and why our earthly struggle is
worthwhile. |
* - Note - * |
The following topical sermons were created in the
earliest days of our MP3 ministry and the sound level is a bit low for
re-recording, but quite understandable for listening. Dates unknown; but these lessons
are timeless. None of our sermons are copyrighted, and may be freely
distributed in any way that glorifies God. |
Fasting |
Norm Russell
history and origins of fasting, why should anyone want to do it? Also, the root
reasons behind prayer ∓ fasting, proper attitudes and benefits of fasting and
why some people do it. |
Humility |
Norm Russell
-Achieving humility before God. In order to be humble before God, one must first
find a point of "spiritual bankruptcy" and realize their position in life. |
Judging |
Norm Russell
- On
being a Christian "armchair quarterback." Hypocrisy in prayer, fasting and
giving from the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus himself discusses hypocrisy and what
should be done about it. Discussions about passing judgment on others. Some
believe it is not proper to judge the actions of another, but that is not quite
what Jesus taught. This lesson goes into detail about our responsibilities in
dealing with daily life situations from a Christian judgment perspective. |
Prayer |
Norm Russell
- The
origins of prayer and how it came about. Answers to how to pray and for that
matter, why God deserves our praise in the first place. Setting prayer
priorities in your daily life. Prayer practices of the early Jews, Solomon's
prayer, the tax collector's prayer and more! |
Praise |
Norm Russell
Personal motivations in daily life in seeking praise. Although also mentioning
the blessings of giving, it is not a "giving" sermon or a request for money. It
is all about our
motivations for doing what we do every day. Are you
really a true Christian, or a "Sunday Christian"? Find out here. |
Righteous |
Norm Russell
- Your
motivations in doing right. From the Sermon on the Mount. Dealing with
hypocrisy. Principles to live by - if we are going to be part of kingdom living,
we have to have kingdom values. We have to get our sights off of earthly values
and the over importance of Earthly wealth. This world's goods are temporary, and
we must remember that. |
Sabbath |
Norm Russell
-The Sabbath and holiness. Details on the Sabbath, it history and origins,
drawing closer to God. Also, differing accounts in scripture between Matthew and
Luke, and an explanation of why this is so. Highlights on the faithfulness and
patience of God. |
Nobody |
Norm Russell
- 4/7/02
- "Its nobody's business what I do. All that matters is me, myself and mine" and
related topics. This is a must-hear lesson. Eye-opening... |
. |
Russell: Speaks some years ago on the subject of suicide. This is still the #1
killer of teenagers (1 every 40 seconds!) and high on the list for the elderly
(1 every 93 seconds) so all of us should download and study this sermon. It may
take years, but someday you may save a life. It is full of good instruction and
If you're struggling with things in life, remember you can also come to
the forums (click here) and talk about
it. We'll help you figure things out and pray for you. |
The Truth |
Norm Russell
- The
value of always telling the truth, expectations of honesty in daily life. This
is an excellent sermon, and recommended for -all- family members. About 35
minutes and recommended for parents to listen to it with their children. |
To Others |
Norm Russell
- Living
the Golden Rule (Do unto others...) in our real everyday challenges. God is
aware its not as easy as it sounds. He will help you with it. |
Worry |
Norm Russell
- Making
mountains out of molehills. Worrying excessively. We worry about kids, health,
economics and much more. This is a lesson on not living a life of fear and
worry, and how to deal with it when you are. |
Please Pray For Our Ministry's
Success! |
If you would like to
help support this ministry financially, please write for details to
- we never expect or require any kind of donations, but always appreciate
them, as they help us reach even more souls. |
Updated 11-21-20 |
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and we'll send you the info to use. Thank you!
Mark R. Magill
Coos Bay, Oregon USA
This page is dedicated to the memory of my parents,
Joseph Henry Magill and Jo Ann (Denniston) Magill, both of Powers, Oregon,
USA who gave me my life and
showed me by their example how to live it properly. Mom was the perfectly
dedicated wife who stood by her husband no matter what, and Dad the finest definition of a loving and dedicated
husband I have ever known. Also to Sue Ann (Cowan) Magill who wass the
perfect Godly wife in every respect until the Lord called her home after
almost 41 years of marriage. Rest in peace...
(Initial site designed by Andrew
C. Cooper) Last content update:
9-6-24 |