Minute Message 2/20/99

Is Morality A Problem?

For some reason, this generation has become fixated on statistics. It doesn't seem to matter what we see for ourselves or know inwardly, we need statistics or a poll to tell us something that we are already well aware of We know Iying, stealing and adultery are harmful, but we need a study done to prove it to us. We know that when justice is not carried out, a nation is worse off for it, but we think we need some research to prove it

In a USA Today article which headlined "Live in Couples May Miss out on Wedded Bliss," we find that research has shown that couples who live together previous to marriage are most likely to fmd themselves in the divorce court The author states that living together does not help a couple prepare for marriage, but instead-at least in 48% of the case-it is a detriment to the permanency of the relationship.

The article went on to say "Most uncommitted live-in relationships are unstable by definition . . . cohabitants tend not be as committed as married couples . . . to the continuation of the relationship . . ."

God knew this all along. We didn't have to go through all the heartache, violence and misery to know marriage is better.

Come visit with us tomorrow.