Minute Message 2/27/99

"Learning To Walk"

Recently I watched a video of a 5 year old girl who had a serious muscle development problem. She was unable to walk without crutches. Her mother was giving her some physical therapy and her father was running the camera. The little girl was encouraged to walk from the couch to her mom's outstretched arms, a distance of only a few feet. She would take one step and then as she attempted the second, she fell It was difficult to watch. You wished you could have been there to hold her hand as she tried to walk. But, sometimes growth is only achieved when a person struggles.

Have you found yourself at times unable to walk? You seem to be unable to put one foot in front of another. Recognize this as a growing experience for you.

Marriages are stronger after a couple has faced some hard times. They learn to lean on one another, for in many cases one another is all they have.

Christians find their faith stronger after facing a crises. They learn to lean on God, for God is all they have.

Thank God for your struggles.

Norman Russell