Minute Message 3/6/99

God At Work

 By the time you read this, I hope the New Carissa will have been towed out to sea and everyone can get back to normality. It seems that our area has been inundated by news media, politicians, and outsiders for so long that they are beginnmg to look like native folks.

 Have you noticed how some people report the events surrounding our "crises on the coast"? I was watching a weatherman give his report of storms that were about to hit the coast and it seems as though he had a slight gleam in his eye. Finally, he was getting to report something that just might be meaningful besides the everyday temperatures and highs and lows.

 There are a number of events that take place in the lives of people that God does that never gets reported, or if they do you can be sure it will not be on the evening news nor will yet find it in the papers. The things I am talking about are such things as a birth of a baby, a marnage is saved, a person is healed without any help from doctors and on and on. The great thing about God is that He works whether people notice or not. Thank God.

Norman Russell