Minute Message 3/13/99


 I have watched a number of news reports recently regarding various snow slides that have occurred around the world. Thousands of dollars in property damage, pale in comparison to the lives that have been lost

 Some people are victims of circumstances such was the case of those mentioned earlier who found themselves living in the wrong place at the wrong time. Others however seem to find some excitement in tempting death. In Aspen Colorado, seven skiers had to be rescued because they placed themselves in the wrong place looking for excitement. Two young men from Los Angeles were in search of thrills and took their snow boards out of bounds and had to be rescued

 It almost seems as though these individuals see themselves as immortal. Death will not come to them, they are still young and have a full life to live. What they fail to realize is that death has no concern about age, wealth or social status.

 God has always wanted His creation to enjoy life. He wants us to extract all we can from life within the boundaries He has established We place ourselves in extreme danger when we cross over into areas He has forbidden.

Norman Russell