Minute Message: 3/26/1999

Don't Quit

 History records that Douglas Mac Arthur left the Philippines during World War 11 with a promise that he would return some day to liberate those whom he left behind. He kept the promise. He refused to give up even when it seemed he had been defeated.

 We cannot escape the fact that life sometimes presents us with what appears to be insurmountable odds. Sickness, financial reversals, divorce, unemployment, and etc. can be extremely difficult for someone to have to face. Giving up however, cannot be an option. It is in these difficulties that one experiences his greatest growth. Look back on your own life and see if those tough situations did not have a positive influence on you. Granted, they were not fun. You may have even asked awhy me?" or "why now?" and there still may be some pain when you think about it. But, are you not a better person for it?

 Sufferings are a means by which God prepares us for heaven. Heaven is a place where we will never again face heartache. Won't that be great? Don't give up.

Norman Russell