Minute Message: 4/3/1999

Forgotten Treasure

     My mom passed away last week and it was up to us kids to sort through all of her things. One of us said, "Mom was a regular pack rat," all agreed. As we were going through her things, we found items that had long since been forgotten Those things only a mother would keep of her children's growing up years. Suddenly all that "junk" became valuable treasures. Dog tags from the years spent in the military, which were assumed to have been lost, a school project with the child's name barely visible, a marriage certificate of mom's grandparents are just a few of the things we found that we were glad mom kept.

    Many of you have a treasure in your house. It has been sitting there for a number of years, untouched, unnoticed and gathering dust. It is called your Bible, open it, and you will find a wealth of knowledge, love and grace. It is the story of God's dealings with His creation how that He so loved humanity that He would allow Jesus to suffer for our crimes. This treasure cannot be bought and sold, it is the free gift of God. Open your Bible and discover what God has in store for you.

Norman Russell