Minute Message 6/12/99

Lost Opportunities

 He sat on the steps outside the front door of his house weeping and feeling terribly ashamed. He had just missed his sons first birthday. His wife spoke to him earlier in the day and was assured that he would be home on time. He wasn't in a local bar having a drink with his buddies and neither was he locked into some horrendous traffic jam He was at work, convinced he needed to get some things done before he went home. Results? He missed an opportunity that can never be retrieved.

 My wife used to take care of children. A six weeks old child was brought to her. She cared for him for about a year or more. She saw him take his first step, listened as he attempted to talk and watched him do a number of "first" things. His parents both had tremendous jobs and were doing extremely well financially. No matter how much they earned, they will never be able to retrieve those experiences. They are lost opportunities.

 The day is over and John Q. Public sinks into his chair. He has lived the day with his nose to the grindstone. The beauty of day passes and he/she missed it. Lost opportunities Sound familiar? It need not be.

Come visit with us tomorrow.
Norman Russell