Minute Message 5/1/99


     Are you going to church tomorrow? Why not? Teddy Roosevelt as a child was afraid to attend church because he heard the words "the zeal for thine house has eaten me up." Psalm 69:9 He was fearful of being eaten by zeals. I am sure he learned later what the true meaning of the word zeal meant.

     But, why do people not attend church? Some refuse to go because they have concluded that being in church is the most boring place to be on Sunday morning. Is that how you feel? I must confess, that some people have had the uncanny ability of making the most exciting event on a given Sunday boring. But such is not the case here with us. I think you will be surprised at how thrilling church can be.

     Some have found church irrelevant. In other words they see church as being unable to meet their needs. It has been my experience that people need love, understanding, acceptance and positive relationships. Here, we make people our business. We are not concerned about your wallet, only your heart We are not concerned about your status, only your destiny.

Norman Russell