Minute Message 5/29/99

Living Color

     My wife's great aunt was a fascinating person. Her name was Alphey and she had some ways about her that were different to say the least. She needed another television set so she went to her local appliance store to purchase one. She only wanted one that was black and white. She had heard that there were dangerous waves that were sent out by color TV sets. She was told a black and white set was not available any longer so she was forced to buy color. It was delivered to her home and she had the delivery man turn the color off and she watched black and white television till the day of her death.

     We might say "how weird" or "What a shame she was not able to enjoy television in living color' But, how many of us are living in a black and white world? We curse the rain and fail to see rainbows. We go to the park with cell phones and beepers and fail to see nature in living color. We drive the same route to and from work and are unaware of all that God is doing around us. We arrive home, pull the drapes and lock the doors and ignore beautiful people who live near us.

    Don't live in a black and white world. There is so much more to enjoy in living color.

Norman Russell.