Minute Message 6/19/99

Master Teacher

    It seems the older I get the more I find that Jesus was indeed the master teacher. I have known it all along, but recently I have witnessed various situations that really needed the Masters s teachings put into practice

    When two people are at odds with each other over some issue. it is best that the two sit down and resolve it between themselves privately. Just as Jesus said they should, Matthew 5 :23-26

    When a person has been mistreated by another, the offended party should be quick to forgive the one who was insensitive. It will keep precious relationships from fracturing. That is what Jesus said to do, Matthew 6:14.

    If you see a person in need and you have the resources to help, then reach out to your fellow man and share with him/her not expecting anything in return and you will be blessed beyond your expectations. That is what Jesus said, Luke 6:34-38.

    Come to think about it, there isn't anything that touches on human relations or how to live a victorious life that Jesus hadn't touched on. Pick up your Bible and see for yourself

Norman Russell