Minute Message 7/10/99


    I am not one to extract passages of scripture out of context. However I seek your indulgence as I use a passage written by an ancient writer centuries ago. He wrote " . . Little foxes . . . are ruining the vineyards,"

    Have you ever noticed that it is generally the little things left unattended that creates difficulty for us? A business which at one time was thriving began to ignore the small things and suddenly they find they must close their doors.

    Sometimes it's our marriage. Most marriages are not destroyed due to unfaithfulness or some other major crises, it is the small things left unattended. The husband forgets birthdays, anniversaries, or other special days. Maybe he is just too insensitive to say "I love you" or "thank you." All of this adds up to a dissolution of a marriage and he is in a quandary wondering what went wrong.

    How many of you are busy caring for your children with quantity of time in a quality manner Your kids are a vineyard needing care. Left to grow on their own and as with any vineyard left to itself, you will find it is gone wild.

Keep the foxes out of the vineyard.

Norman Russell