Minute Message 7/24/99

Interrupting Consequences

     It has been my experience in dealing with parents and kids. that often parents want to be so helpful to their children that they do more harm than good. A little child will never learn to walk if the mother or father carries it all the time. Neither will an individual learn to accept the consequences of his/her action if the parents continue to bail them out every time they get into some trouble.

     Interrupting the cause and effect process can have some serious consequences A caterpillar struggles to get out of its cocoon and in so doing strengthens itself so it might fly . So to, when someone is locked into a difficult situation that individual emerges much stronger and the next time a problem arises, they will be able to deal with it. But not so if someone bails them out all the time.

     That is the beauty of struggling. We may not like the situation and would wish for an easy way out, but having to deal with problems strengthens us emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Even God allows His people to struggle with life. It results in a stronger faith in Him, and it will make us appreciate heaven even more. So parents, don't interrupt consequences. There is value in them.
Norman Russell