Minute Message 7/31/99


    To me, the worst nightmare anyone could face is the fear of being abused by someone you love. Domestic violence is inexcusable and those who so treat another in such a way need to be dealt with accordingly

    The problem has reached epidemic proportions in our "advanced society." We read of spousal abuse, elderly abuse, child abuse and even parent abuse. (One mother, following her son's 18th birthday, left after her son went to school never to return because of his abuse.)

    What has happened in our ' learned society' that has brought so much pain and suffering into the lives of innocent and helpless victims? I do not know where to lay the blame and I suppose every expert living has his/her own opinion

    What does God say about it? Be sure, He is not ignorant to the plight of innocent victims. He said in one place " . . . the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth against whom you have dealt treacherously . . ." He said in another place that of husbands mistreat their wives don't bother to pray, because God is not listening.

Want things to be different? Give your life to God. 

Norman Russell