Minute Message 8/21/99


    Bumper stickers have a way of sending messages that sometimes get to the point Some are not worth noticing. I have seen the sticker that said "Be kind to your mother the earth " The other day I saw one that said "The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth."

    I am not sure what those stickers are attempting to say, but I will hazard a guess. I think they are telling me (and others) that we have evolved from a lower form of life that owed its existence to planet earth, and thus we are obligated to take care of "our mother the earth."

    I do not normally get preachy, but indulge me for a moment of you will You and I were created in the image of God. Scholars have written volumes as to what that all means, but suffice it to say, when I was conceived in my mother's womb, God stamped on me and every other human being, His divine image. He made us special.

    Furthermore, my Bible tells me that humanity is to subdue the earth, and that humanity was given the rule over animal and plant life. (Genesis 1:28-30)

   I do not belong to the earth. The earth is to be cared for and protected by all of us

Norman Russell