Minute Message 9/11/99

 The Green Eyed Monster

    Jealousy! Nothing can fragment and destroy a relationship, family, or organization like jealousy. No one wants to be considered a jealous person. That is a very negative characteristic Yet, watch their behavior and you will soon learn that is what they are.

    Webster defines the word as "resentfully suspicious of a rival or a rival's influence." Some have said that this was the reason for Prince Charles and Lady Diana's break up. He saw how the people responded to her and he was unable to handle the apparent elevation of his wife in the eyes of the people.

    I have known of wonderful ventures that went bad simply because one partner in that relationship could not handle the other person receiving all the accolades

    How do I deal with jealousy? First, know who you are Far too many people find their significance from without rather than from within. If you know who you are Jealousy will not find a place in you Second, talk to God about it It is marvelous what He can do with a heart turned toward Him.

Norman Russell