Abundant Living

Richard Carlson wrote a little book called "Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It’s All Small Stuff." Have you ever just stopped in the middle of an anxious moment and considered the fact that you are in turmoil over something that the next day, even the next hour, will all be of little or no consequence? Last Saturday morning I wrote two checks to be mailed. They were signed and ready to be sent. When I went to leave the house, I could not find them. I searched for 15 minutes, to no avail. My efforts to find them caused me to be late arriving for an appointment. I became angry at myself and I allowed that one incident to ruin a good morning.

How many times have you found yourself fretting over things that in the grand scheme of things, are simply not that significant. Battles between husbands and wives, siblings, and work related matters seem so monumental at the moment, but in reality, they are nothing more than blips on a screen. They do, however, cause our days to be terribly marred with anxiety.

God has given you and me an opportunity to grab hold of the abundant life. It is free, all we need to do is reach for it. When we do, we will recognize that we do not need to "Sweat the Small Stuff."

Come see us Sunday.