
Now that our remembrance of September 11, 2001 is past, what lessons have we as individuals and a nation learned?  What has changed since that frightful day? When America realized that we are vulnerable to the hatred of foreign and domestic terrorists we suddenly found reason to fly our flag.  It became a symbol of unity, solidarity, and pride.  Flags are still flying on cars, at homes and various institutions.  We want people to know we are proud Americans. We also became a praying country.  For a short while we turned to God and asked Him to comfort those who suffered loss and to bless our nation.  We wanted God to give us the victory over those who would do such despicable acts as those on 9/11.

A year later I wonder if our daily routines have not distracted us from continuing to ask God to bless our nation.  There are still those needing comfort, our enemy that destroyed so many lives has not been brought to justice and our nation is still needing God to bless it.  I hope you are still praying.  More importantly I hope you have given your life to Him.  Only He can give you what you are searching for.

Come see us Sunday.