Beauty Blind

In the Biblical story of Samson and Delilah, Samson is asked three times by this woman about the source of his strength.  The first time she was told that tying him with fresh bowstrings would do the trick, of course, it didn't.  He then told her to use new ropes and the same thing happened.  Then she asked him the third time and he gave her another answer which did nothing to diminish his strength.

By now Samson should be catching on-However he was so beauty blind that he failed to see what was happening.  Delilah asked one more time and he told her what would cause him to be weak.  It finally worked.  Her incessant pleading combined with his stupidity brought about his demise.

How many of us are caught up at times in some personal pursuit that we fail to see what is happening to us?  Good people attempt to counsel us, but we do not listen.  Others have done what we are doing and ended in ruin, but that wont happen to us. Learn the lesson from Samson.  Open your eyes and be honest with what you see and know to be true and do something about it.  Don't be stupid.

Norman Russell