Minute Message: The Way Up. Author: Norman Russell Ben and Jerry of the ice cream business were not always so successful. In a recent interview they stated that they had failed at one venture after another. They decided to pool their efforts in the ice cream business. The rest is history. We can name a number of people who had one failure after another, but because of persistence they finally succeeded. Why is it some do not make it? A psychologist was once asked that question. He gave nine reasons: 1 - Finding fault with others and not yourself. 2 - Doing as little as possible while getting as much as possible for doing it. 3 - Spending much time in showing up the other fellow. 4 - Slandering those you do not like. 5 - Procrastination. 6 - Deceitfulness - being friendly one minute and stabbing the person in the back the next. 7 - Disloyal to those who trusted you. 8 - Believing one can harvest a crop of pay without sowing the seeds of service. 9 - Egotism - you know it all and no one can tell you anything. Jesus said the way to succeed is to do FOR others. Come and see us when you have opportunity. Norman Russell.