
A lovely young couple stood at the alter awaiting the preacher to begin.  She looked radiant in her wedding gown, and as she stood there her mind was filled with excitement and anticipation of great things soon to take place.  She was suddenly brought back to reality when she saw her grooms hunting rifle resting against his leg.  "What in the world are you doing with that here?"  "Well" he said, "hunting season opens today and I want to get going as soon as possible." You and I might find the humor in that fictional account of a wedding, but be sure the bride would not have seen any humor in it at all.  Unfortunately, far too many people fail to recognize that marriages are a work in progress, not some event that took place on a particular day at a particular time and place. Contrary to what some may think or practice, marriage is far more important than work. A good friend nearly lost his family ( as well as his health) because he believed the company could not function without him. God has given us a mate to love and to live out our days with.  How are you and your spouse doing?  Are you building a marriage or are you simply coexisting?Come see us Sunday.
