New Career?

Are you doing what you want to do?  Are you satisfied with where you are and what you feel is a great job?  So many in our world arise on a Monday morning dreading what they do.  At some point in their life they get locked in to a career that has not been fun to them.  Now, they cannot get out because of family needs, financial obligations or because the money is so good they dare not go in search of something more to their liking. A lady commented recently that where she lives, kids are encouraged to get into a career that will provide them the greatest amount of financial rewards.  They are not asked "what is it that you think would most give you satisfaction?"  Thus, many of them follow in the footsteps of their parents, going through life in a self-imposed prison of a job or career that they hate. If that sounds like you, maybe you should consider breaking out.  Don't do it
irresponsibly, and be sure you consider all options.  Most importantly, don't leave God out of your plans.  As one wise man said, "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it."  Psalm 127:1 Seeking a new career without God is more foolish than seeking one based solely on financial gain.

Come see us Sunday.