Caring Enough to Confront

How much do you really care? A mother recently confronted her alcoholic son. She saw his well being as much more important than their relationship. Whether the son and his mother become estranged is yet to be seen. A wife sees her husband doing things that threaten the stability of their home, she confronts him. What happens next is unpleasant, but what she did was the right thing. Parents confront their child because his/her behavior is destroying the child.

When you care enough to confront, you must be willing to face the worst. The real issue however is that person’s well being not your relationship. Even if you become the enemy of the one you love, you have done what was necessary and right. Consider the alternative. The mother ignores her adult son’s alcoholism. He continues his downward spiral eventually finding himself without job, family, or self worth. Who would want that for someone you love?

God wants us to care enough to confront those who are following a path to destruction. He has gone so far as to say that if we do not approach those needing to change, then we are responsible.

Do you care enough to confront? Do it today. You will be glad you did.
