A Changed World?

Next week we will remember a day that will never be forgotten.  Many in the news media and in other professions have stated that everything has changed in our world since that eventful day.  I am not sure I know what they mean by that.  People seem to be more conscious of family, their future and, in some cases God. Has our world changed?  When one looks back at history, we find a number of atrocities that took place against humanity.  Consider Adolph Hitler's reign of terror. More than six million Jews were slaughtered at the will of one mad man, who is as evil as Bin-Laden.  Consider also the horrible conditions in some countries where thousands of children die from hunger related causes almost daily. [Editor's note: Each day, an average of 24,000 children starve to death...] The world is much the same as it was previous to 9/11.  Satan is alive and well and hiscause is moving forward as he uses people unaware of who is using them. Another thing that has not changed is God.  He still reigns and He is still the one who controls things.  The question is, however, will He control us or will Satan use us for his work?  It is up to you.

Come see us Sunday.
