Minute Message 5/2/98 Character It was Aristotle who said that one's character is simply the habits of behavior he or she has learned in responding to certain situations. Thus people train themselves to be honest in the little things by giving back too much change at a store register or keeping their promises by extending themselves being inconvenienced in order to honor their word. Thus, Aristotle says, one comes to have the character of honesty, integrity, and so on. You can be sure if a person does not discipline himself in life's "little things" seldom acts virtuously or heroically when a crises emerges without warning A person who has learned to be caring and to love others in the daily routine will act in brave fashion in an emergency. That person may fall on a grenade to save his fellow comrades or she will step in front of a child at the sound of gunfire. We honor and elevate people who demonstrate character. But character is something that we are no matter who is watching or what the situation may be. A person of character will always respond consistently in spite of everything. How is you character? Come visit with us tomorrow.