
By the time you read this, the deadline for filing your yearly income tax will have passed. There is considerable press of late regarding those who are cheating the system and apparently getting away with it.  This isn't new news, people have been cheating on taxes fordecades.  But of late, it seems the problem has escalated.  Especially since the Treasury Department of our government is unable to pursue the cheaters because of a lack of personnel. Do people really "get away" with cheating?  Some think such a practice is an indication of ingenuity, and that if you were as smart as they, you could, and would, do such a thing. I am not convinced that is true of most Americans.  I refuse to believe that most people would cheat if they could get away with it.  Not just on taxes, but in other areas of life as well.People have a conscience and I am convinced that many, if not most, could not sleep well at night
knowing they were a cheat. Back to the question posed earlier, no one gets away with cheating.  Eventually we all must stand before God, and no one gets away with anything with Him. Come see us Sunday.

Norm Russell (April 2001)