Minute Message 6/27/98 Coffee Break I went to Vancouver last weekend to visit my daughter and her family. I got up early and went to a coffee shop for coffee and paper. I got my paper and coffee, sat down and looked around and saw a tremendous collection of cell phones. It seemed as though I was the only one who did not have one. Those with the phones were all talking to someone, and I have no idea what their conversations were. But be assured they were not just simply passing the time of day. What business could not wait while the individual enjoyed a cup of coffee? Is the desire to succeed so great that one cannot for a few minutes enjoy a coffee break? Is it any wonder our nation is suffering from an epidemic of stress? Is it any wonder that we are expenencing an emotional overload to the point that people are unable to function adequately? There is more to life than work. There are more important things than success-Family, peace of mind, and a genuine purpose to life Jesus helps us put things in perspective. Surrender to Him and you will be able to enjoy a coffee break. Come visit with us tomorrow.