
"Hi Don this is Dick. I am leaving in a few minutes & I’ll see you in a couple of hours." That was the message on the answer machine. What is wrong with that message? First, the day is not mentioned, and the time is noticeably absent.

Have you ever received a message like that? You are more confused after the call than you were before. We live in a world where communication is not only essential, it is abundant. The internet, telephone, cell phones and even letters passing through the mail all are a means of communication. Yet, we in America have a difficult time communicating.

Jesus Christ is God’s message to His people. When the Son came into the world, there was no mistaking His purpose for coming. John tells us that Jesus came into the world to reveal God. He showed us a God who cared about people. He cared so much that at the appointed time, the one who is God was executed on a Roman cross. He died a shameful and humiliating death. Why? Because He wants you to know how much He loves you, and He was willing to do whatever was necessary so you would get the message.

The question to you and me is, have we heard His message?

Come see us Sunday.