Minute Message 9/5/98 Confusion Suppose, for some stupid reason, you wanted to create moral confusion in a generation of young people. How would this be done? First, you would encourage unvarnished selfishness. You would want to create a mindset that said no one has a right to interfere with another person's life. Personal freedom would be the important issue. Then, you would have to find an issue that would promote that personal freedom and individual right. It would have to be a life and death issue and prominent people would have to put their efforts and influence behind it. Eventually you have the line between right and wTong rubbed out. How could something like this happen in a country where there are more churches than McDonald's Restaurants. Well, it has and we are suffering for it. The news reported that on three different occasions a girl gave birth to a baby and then tosses it away or lets it die. The news also reported that those same teens are confused by the charges against them. They want to know why what they did is do different from what is lawfully and politically correct in America. That is what others of us would like to know too. Come visit with us tomorrow. Norm Russell