Minute Message 7/18/98 Deception I read an article in the paper the other day about some high school graduates who wished to celebrate their graduation with a trip to Mexico The travel company that sold the package was not entirely up front with the parents of those students making the trip. They showed one video to the parents that implied there would be chaperoned activities for everyone. Once the parents left, another video was shown to the students that gave a much different impression of what they could expect. I am not unlike most of you. I do not like being deceived. Yet we are bombarded with subtle, and sometimes, outright, deceptive messages. Watch your television commercials, listen to your politicians, read your adds in the paper. All of this is done for one purpose-To get you to believe and trust them. Sometimes you wonder if you don't have the word "Stupid" written across your forehead. Even religious people can be deceptive. Jesus tells the truth up front. Following Him means you must bear a cross. No deceptive messages with Him. Come visit with us tomorrow