You Decide

By the time you read this, the new year will already be a few days old. Resolutions will have already been broken and many dreams will have been shelved.

How did 2002 go for you? For some, the past twelve months were extremely successful. Goals were met, and even exceeded. Relationships were renewed, and a number of dreams were fulfilled.

For others, the past year could not end quickly enough. There were jobs lost, deaths of loved ones, divorce, and defeats. It was not how they planned for the year to go when it all started.

How we end 2003 will depend very much in part on how we live each day. We can either allow each day to come and go at will, or we can rise up and take control of our day. God has given you the capacity to make decisions and to plan your life. There will be some things that are out of your control. However, you can decide how you will respond to those events. They can either defeat you, or they can be opportunities for growth. You decide.

Come see Sunday -

Norm Russell.