Minute Message 5/30/98 Double Nickel On May 20 of this year. I passed a monumental mile post in my journey of life. I became a senior citizen at the ripe old age of 55. It really didn't hit me until I went to a restaurant in Austin Texas where I was attending classes I looked at the menu and saw the words "For our senior citizens, must be 55 or older " Now that probably never bothered most of you, but as my eyes focused on the word "senior" my thoughts began to run away with me. When I became a senior in high school, I looked forward to graduation. As I finished my senior year in college, graduation was the next step. I am again a senior, am I again facing graduation? My former experiences sent me off into a new adventure. But, what about this one? The graduation I allude to is not retirement. though that might sound appealing to some. no it is the time when I leave this world for a new one. I have been promised a new existence. one that is beyond description. I have no idea how long that will be. but I want to be ready. Don't you? Come Visit with us whenever you can. Norm Russell