Being Dumb

I am not a fan of the columnist Leonard Pitts Jr.  His columns have always appeared one sided and I found little to enjoy as I read them.  However when I saw the title of his column in the May 14th edition of the Oregonian [a well-respected Portland, OR, daily newspaper] I decided to give it a read.  It was titled "Are Men Dumb? You bet." He writes of a 77 year old man who so wanted to impress a lady of wealth that he robbed 3 banks and was apprehended while robbing the third.  His girlfriend was 76.   Pitts then goes on to list the number of things men do in an effort to influence the lady they are trying to win. One guy rode a greyhound bus to Atlanta from New York to spend three hours with his girlfriend.  He then jumped back on the bus and headed back because he had to be at work. Another tried to impress his lady friend as to how trim and fit he was by rollerblading off a ramp. He took a nasty fall (naturally) and he just laughed off her attempts to get him to go to the emergency room.  The next day he drove himself to the E.R. using the one good arm while the other hung limp on the seat next to him. Isn't it great that with God you can just be yourself?  There are no great feats you can perform to make Him approve of you.  Jesus has already done the impressive Come see us Sunday.

Norm Russell