The Resurrection (Written the Friday before Easter, 2001)

Sunday is a very special day for the religious community-It is Easter Though God wants us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every Sunday, some chose to set aside this Sunday as a special time for remembrance. What does this historical event mean to each of us?  First, it means that Jesus is who He said He was-the son of God.  Jesus told of this event during His visit to our world.  Though few believed it would really occur, when they saw the empty tomb, they were convinced.  Are you? Further, it also declares forever that you and I will experience a resurrection.  We bury our dead in the cemeteries that grace our cities.  Many do so believing that the grave is the end. However, the Bible declares without apology that the grave will release its occupant and that person will rise from the dead to live eternally either with God or with Satan.  The choice is ours to make.  What choice have you made? I hope you will come visit with us Sunday.  Our worship time is 10:30 A.M., and we are located just a few blocks north of Newmark on Broadway in North Bend. I'm looking forward to seeing you. - Norm


(Mark's note to travelers: Highway 101 passes through Coos Bay and North Bend. Follow it along the waterfront until you see a large "tank farm" of enormous fuel storage tanks (several times taller than a house) or the Mill Casino. Next, watch for a BP Gas Station or a Chevron station, depending on whether you come from the north or the south. Between the two stations (they're one block apart) is a traffic light offering a 3-way stop. Two of the sides continue through the intersection and one of those goes up a steep hill. Take that one. Follow this street (Newmark) for a mile or two up and down the hills, noting a Ford dealership on the left near the bottom of the last hill. Continue on up the hill. At the top of the last rise is Newmark Plaza, a busy little corner where you'll see McDonalds, Baskin Robbins, some pizza parlors, Woodie's Quick Wok, and a Sizzler Steak House across the intersection. Turn right at that intersection. The church building is located about a half mile down that street (Broadway) on the right. Watch for a large reader-board on the right hand side of the road. The building itself sits down off the street a ways but is easily spotted. You're welcome to make our home your home any time you have opportunity. The phone number is (541) 756-4844 and Sunday morning Bible study starts at 9:30, worship at 10:30. There are classes for all ages and many special interest studies as well.