Minute Message 6/20/98 A Good Father Tomorrow is Father's Day. I have no idea how this got started. Maybe it was in response to Mother's Day. However it started, I am glad we at leastmomentarily honor dads. What makes up a good father? Ask ten people and you wi11 get ten different ideas. I will offer my views, and I want to emphasize MY views. First a good father is one who accepts responsibility for being a father. Anyone can bring children into the world, but it takes someone with character to assume responsibiLity for the support and training of those children. A good father models what husbands should be. Every son learns to be a husband from his father. If his dad shows love, compassion and under- standing towards his son's mother, then that is what the son learns. If he demonstrates brutality, the child will learn that as well. A good father demonstrates spiritual leadership in the home. It is important for every child to know about God and Jesus Christ. To provide a good home, financial security, advanced education and not teach your child about God is the worst kind of failure. Eternity is coming and we need to prepare for it. Is you child prepared? Come visit with us tomorrow.