Firm Foundation

The Brooklyn Bridge is a major transportation artery in New York city. The reason it has remained so for the past 135 years, is because the chief engineer and his construction team did their most patient and consistent work where no one could see it: on the foundations of the towers below the water line where there is as much cement below the water line as there is in that portion of the towers which can be seen.

This illustrates once again the importance of laying a solid foundation in order to have a stable structure. Apply this to the raising of a child. If our intent is to bring up a child that will be a positive influence and a responsible citizen, we need to do some foundation work. In those impressionable years a child must have unconditional love from mom and dad, a sense of being wanted and appropriate discipline. Add to that, a child needs to have a well rounded education. Not only is secular education important, but a spiritual influence is also needed in order for them to make it through life.

God has blessed us with a number of people who have written numerous pieces to enable us to have a thorough understanding of how to raise children. What kind of foundation are you laying?

Come see us Sunday.