Minute Message August 8, 1998 Forgiveness Unless you just dropped on to planet earth from some other planet, you are well aware that our nations attention is on a scandal that is swirling around our president. Several have suggested that if he would just come clean with the American people, they would forgive him. Ever since Billy Graham made his statement on the Larry King show it seems that everyone is expected to readily forgive provided the person simply says "I am sorry." Forgiveness is to be extended to those who are genuinely regretful for an act done to another. That is not just the right thing to do, but God Himself has removed the option of not forgiving by stating that we must forgive one another. However forgiveness cannot be cheapened by extending it when sorrow or regret is not expressed. In a society where tolerance appears to be more important than Biblical values, I am afraid we have lowered our standards for leaders to a level we will all soon regret. Norm Russell