
It is now time to cast your ballot for your favorite candidate (if there is such a thing). We in America have been given a profound opportunity to express how we feel towards a particular issue or individual regarding his or her qualifications for office. I am thankful that there have been those who were willing to lay it all on the line in order for us to have this freedom. There is another freedom however, that I am even more grateful for-the freedom to worship. There are countries around the world where people live in fear of being caught worshipping God in a manner that is in conflict with the government’s mandates. In spite of this freedom, we are in a state where the population is last in church attendance. Why is this? Do we not have a belief in God? Do we not see the need for assembling with other Christians? Have we, much like the freedom to vote, found this to be a burden or nuisance? Let me encourage you this week, to vote. Vote for principles, not party, but more importantly, let me encourage you to attend worship. You will be glad you did. And please accept this as my invitation to come worship with us Sunday.