Freedom for All

By the time you read this, the June 30, 2004 deadline for transferring of power will have passed. The Iraqi people will be allowed to determine for themselves what kind of nation they want. Will the various factions come together and unite or will they be too obsessed with their own agenda to allow unity and freedom to take place?

Our own nation will celebrate the 228th anniversary of our throwing off foreign domination tomorrow. I wonder if those who fought so hard for the freedoms that they were not able to enjoy would look with pride on what this nation has become.

I think they would be proud of our advances in technology, travel, communication and our ability to defend our freedoms. They might have another opinion however when they look at some of the undisciplined lifestyles that our freedoms have given birth to.

The greatest freedom was achieved some two thousand years ago on an Old Rugged Cross on a hill outside of Jerusalem. It was there that two great powers clashed, one far superior to other, and God won that battle. It was not fought with human weaponry, but with that which is spiritual. God for all time defeated the enemy of humanity. He set us free. Are you living your freedom?
