
Christmas [2002] is just around the corner and I am hearing that a great number of individuals, and families have chosen to curtail the gift buying and are instead centering their attention on family. I am not sure I now the reason for this shift, but I am certainly thankful for it.

It is such a pleasure to see this holiday season getting off with such a positive approach. Gifts are nice, but as with any gift, it will soon wear out and will either be found at someone’s yard sale or tossed out because it is no longer any good. Family, however is constant. It will be there for you through even the most difficult of situations. Family will support, encourage, challenge and return your love. Things, on-the-other-hand, have a short life span and when you need that human touch, only family can provide it.

The greatest gift ever given was a person. Jesus Christ came to this world to bless it and to save it. What greater gift could one receive?

Take this time of year to give the gift that keeps on giving-yourself. You will find that it will be the best gift of all.

Come visit with us Sunday.

Norm Russell