God Is!!

I have been listening lately to radio evangelists as they discuss certain matters of interest to the religious community.  To hear them talk, you would think that everything is bad, nothing is good and that Christians had better brace themselves against the tyranny that is about to come upon all those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. All of what they are saying, may be true (I'm not convinced yet) but more importantly, they are too often leaving the impression that the God we serve is impotent, weak, and insensitive.

That, is what infuriates me.  The God I serve said, "Let there be light" and it happened.  He separated the land from water and brought into existence every living creature.  Since God created the world, is there any thing He cannot do?  Can He not raise up political powers and remove them as Daniel said in Daniel 2?  Can He not elevate kingdoms for His purpose and take them down? Our God, as powerful as He is, is also sensitive to those who are hurting and finding life difficult to face.  Jesus showed this God when He came to our world (John 1:18).  I think it is time to start focusing on the power of God rather than the weaknesses of humanity and the sinfulness of our society.

Come see us Sunday.