Minute Message 3/22/98 Good Day Gone Bad It was Saturday, a little overcast, but still a nice day at the fair. A family of four emerged from their car and voices could be heard some distance away. The parents of two small children were in a heated and animated discussion about something. All that could be heard was voices, the words were unintelligible. I saw the same family later, only this time one member was missing. She may have gone to the restroom, gotten accidentally separated or decided to leave and go home. What started out to be a family outing at the county fair had degenerated into an ordeal. Why is it, a couple can be so selfish as to destroy what could have been a fun day? I am sure that what had upset the two of them was not worth causing sadness in the hearts of their children. God gave instnucfions to couples in His word. He said, "Love one another." He went on to say that forgiveness of one another is essential. I do not know how things ended with the couple. I hope they made up, showed the kids how much they were sorry for ruining their day and went to church together the following day. Did you go to church? Come visit us tomorrow.