Minute Message" 4/18/98 Going Bald I read about a man, the other day, who took tremendous pride in his thick wavy black hair One day that hair began to thin. Little by little his hair fed away. Finally, he was down to one lone strand of hair on top of his shiny dome. He awoke one morning to find it lying atop his Pillow. He jumped out of bed and yelled at his wife 'Martha I'm bald." He did not become bald in one fell swoop, it was not instantaneous, it was a gradual loss and he refused to see it. How often this happens in marriages. One day the husband arrives home and finds his wife is gone. A note simply says "I can't take it anymore, I'm leaving " He is shocked, bewildered, and mystified. He does not understand how this could be. His marriage did not just fall apart. His wife did not just one day decide to leave, she had been leaving for months, and he ignored it. The same is true in one's relationship with God. A person enthusiastically embraces the truths of God and for some time are faithful. They then find themselves too busy to pray, read their Bible and worship One day they awaken to find that they are no longer in fellowship with Him. Come visit us tomorrow and renew that relationship