Good Enough

The old is nearly over, and the New Year is upon us. Resolutions will be made and, most likely, before the week is out, we will all settle back into our routines and everything will return to normal. If, of course, that is our choice.

I would like to suggest that we all make one decision that will revolutionize our lives for as long as we live here on this planet. Let us decide now to resist accepting second best or mediocrity. Mediocrity says that, "I am willing to accept less than my best." It shows up at work, in our homes, and in our spiritual lives. The pursuit of excellence ought to be the goal of every man, woman and child that God created.

People who pursue excellence sleep well at night because they know they gave their best throughout the day. They have less struggles in their lives because they stay focused on their goals and resist the temptation of getting involved in side issues. People who pursue excellence tend to encourage others to do the same. A friend taught me a valuable lesson. He said, "If it’s good enough, it’s not good enough."

Come see us Sunday and have the Best New Year ever.

Norm Russell