Minute Message August 15,1998 Greener Weeds I was traveling on one of our back roads and happened upon a field with three horses in it. The grass was extremely tall and lush green. However, I noticed one of the three horses had its head stuck through the fence and was nibbling on the weeds that were outside of the field. My first thought when I saw it was "How dumb " There is all that green lush grass inviting the animals to taste of its riches, but instead they are too busy trying to have something they perceived to be better. How much like animals are people. A man is fascinated by some woman he thinks will provide him everything he is missing in his marriage, or mavbe one will go in search of one more item thinking it will give the happiness we have been searching for. Maybe we need a new job or new location. What happens is that we end up frustrated and disappointed. Jesus said if you want peace and happiness, "Come to Me." Come visit with us tomorrow! Norm Russell