Guide Dogs

Guide dogs are not a new thing. They were starting to be used as early as 1942. Each year people who are unable to navigate on their own because of blindness are provided with a dog who will be their eyes for them. One such dog named Roselle lead its blind owner down 78 flights of stairs following the attack on the World Trade Center.

Isn’t it interesting that people who cannot see will trust an animal to take them wherever they need to go without hesitation, yet how many will trust God to take them through the numerous difficulties of life. God can handle anything from the simplest of problems (if there is such a thing) to the most complex facing governments. He who created the world can deal with whatever you bring before Him.

I am thankful for guide dogs that have made it possible for people to live a more fulfilled life. I am more thankful for God who will see me through the ups and downs of life and show me the joys of a life that has been placed in His hands. He has so much to give and there are so few who reach out for Him.