Minute Message 6/13/98 Guilty Conscience I stuck my hand in my pocket and my middle finger suddenly felt a sharp pain. I pulled my hand out to see what was causing me so much discomfort. A small piece of skin near the finger nail had pulled back and as I put my hand in my pocket it rubbed against the cloth causing the pain. It was an extremely small thing, but it received all of my attention. I eventually was able to cut the small piece of skin off and could put my hand in my pocket without any more discomfort. Don t you wish you could take care of a guilty conscience as quickly? A couple who were having an affair went to a minister for counseling. When asked what was the problem they said they had a guilty conscience. He informed them that the only way co no longer feel guilty was to stop doing that which made them feel guilty. They ignored his counsel and went on with their relationship, still feeling guilty. Like a stone in a shoe, a guilty conscience will not just fade away. The problem must be dealt with. Feeling guilty? Why? Come visit with us tomorrow.