
When God brought Eve to Adam, He said "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and the two shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24. God would later say, "I hate divorce."

Our nation is so fixed on selfishness and one’s own personal pursuit of happiness that divorce has become the answer to every marital problem that arises in a marriage. I know there are times when there are no other alternatives. I also know that it is a very simple thing to sit back and make judgments and give advice when it doesn’t affect the one giving it.

But, is divorce the only option? If I am in search of happiness will a new partner be able to bring that to me? People have even said, "God wants me to be happy." I believe that statement is true, but does He want you to be happy at the expense of your children not having their mom and dad in the home? I don’t think so.

Happiness will never be found through divorce proceedings. One cannot depend on finding happiness because of what another person may or may not do for you. Happiness is an inner quality that comes to you as you get things right with God and allow Him to control your life. Apart from that, happiness will only be an illusion.

Come see us Sunday.